Posts tagged with 'electric buses'
Editor’s Note: This article was updated in September 2022 to present new findings from WRI’s dataset tracking electric school bus adoption in the United States, covering April to June 2022. To the best of our knowledge, these statistics are up to date as ...
Cities are increasingly trying to discern what post-pandemic resilience will look like, especially in terms of mobility and public transport. And in Colombia, cities are known for their innovations in public transport systems — like Bogotá’s bus rapid transport and ...
The Digital Transport for Africa (DT4A) initiative, led by WRI and partners and funded by the French Development Agency (AFD), has selected four winners of the first-ever DT4A Innovation Challenge. From private companies to universities and NGOs, these initiatives are helping to shift ...
One of the biggest challenges of a transition to a low-carbon world is to change the way we get around. Electrifying transport is a key element of this, but it’s about far more than selling electric cars and installing charging ...
In the global conversation around decarbonizing transport, the spotlight on electric vehicles has never shone brighter. The EV revolution is underway, with consumers embracing them in record numbers and manufacturing ramping up around the world. And yet, electric vehicles will ...
U.S. electric utilities are poised to be a key part of the momentum to shift American school buses from diesel fuel to electricity. Federal and state-level investments, along with other funding and financing opportunities, promise to accelerate the transition, bringing health, climate and ...
The coronavirus pandemic hit public transport hard. Global ridership tanked initially by as much as 80%, and transit was still at around just 20% of pre-pandemic ridership at the end of 2020. There is serious concern that people will increasingly opt for private vehicles, should public ...
The benefits of electric school buses are clear, and communities across the United States are eager to get on board. What’s more, many of the advantages of electric school buses are even more consequential for low-income and underserved school communities, ...
The recent enactment of the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act in the United States is an important step on the path to cleaner school bus rides for the more than 20 million children who rely on an iconic yellow bus ...
Unprecedented extreme weather events have taken a heavy toll on people and communities across the United States, with loss of life and impacts on livelihoods that cannot be quantified. These events have also cost U.S. taxpayers $99 billion in damages last year ...
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the ongoing epidemic of air pollution continues around the world. The problem is particularly neglected in Brazil, where air pollution kills about 51,000 people every year, yet the country lacks strong policy for reducing pollutant emissions ...
The global coronavirus pandemic brought a wave of public and private initiatives to help societies adapt and recover, from economic stabilization and safety measures to new business models and shifts in consumption. Many of these initiatives are not green, despite ...
In densely urbanized Hong Kong, transport is the second largest source of greenhouse gas emissions, at 18%. Vehicle traffic is also a major source of toxic air pollutants like NOx, volatile organic compounds and carbon monoxide, accounting for 18%, 21% ...
The past year has been all about protecting ourselves and our children from a serious respiratory illness: COVID-19. But as schools reopen and children return to in-person classrooms, many kids will spend part of every day in a toxic environment that causes harm to ...
Urban freight vehicles constitute less than 10% of vehicles on the road in most cities, but they account for a disproportionate amount of transport-related CO2 emissions and pollutants. According to the Beijing Transport Institute, freight in Beijing accounts for around ...
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