Posts tagged with 'Ecobici'
How Ride- and Bike-Share Programs Can Play an Important Role in Latin America
How Ride- and Bike-Share Programs Can Play an Important Role in Latin America
Moving around cities in a variety of ways is getting easier and more convenient: whether it’s improved public transportation systems, wider sidewalks or more dedicated bike lanes. With the rise of smartphone technology and GPS, shared mobility services — like ...
3 Ways Cities Can Harness the Benefits of the Bike-Share Revolution
3 Ways Cities Can Harness the Benefits of the Bike-Share Revolution
Introduced in a basic form in the 1960s, bike-sharing services are now seemingly ubiquitous in many major cities. The propagation of “dockless” systems, shared bicycles that can be parked nearly anywhere, has led to unprecedented growth, increasing the number of ...
8 Years Watching and Influencing Urban Transformation: Reflections From a Foundation Program Officer
8 Years Watching and Influencing Urban Transformation: Reflections From a Foundation Program Officer
Can innovative work be achieved by a program officer in a philanthropic organization? I remember asking this question when I started at the Hewlett Foundation in 2010. In my time there, I learned that program staff at philanthropies get to ...
Cyclists and Walkers Lead Mexico City on the Road to Sustainability
Cyclists and Walkers Lead Mexico City on the Road to Sustainability
This series, supported by the Volvo Research and Educational Foundations, discusses walking and cycling in cities with a special focus on low- and middle-income countries. Sara Vélez got an ultimatum from her boss one day: either find a way to arrive ...
Of Lords and Ladies: Exposing Mexico City’s Corruption, Unsafe Roads and more
Of Lords and Ladies: Exposing Mexico City’s Corruption, Unsafe Roads and more
A video went viral earlier this month in Mexico. Ari Santillan, urban activist and contributor to TheCityFix Mexico, was biking home after work on a dedicated bus-bike lane in Mexico City when a car, driving illegally in the lane, started ...
Madrid mayor Ana Botella rides her bike
Friday Fun: Six mayors who bike, and why this is a good thing
Here at TheCityFix, we believe in recognizing profound leadership in urban sustainability. After all, it takes a combination of citizen support and top-down vision to create meaningful change in a city. While public focus is usually on what city leaders ...
Mexico City’s new mobility law prioritizes alternatives to car transport. Photo by karmacamilleeon/Flickr.
Mexico City’s new mobility law shifts focus towards people, not cars
Sustainable mobility is a key challenge for city leaders. Mexico City – the world’s fourth most populous city, with more than 20 million inhabitants in its metropolitan area – is no different. The city must overcome a long history of urban ...
Nominations are now open for the 2015 Sustainable Transport Award, which will highlight one city’s leadership in sustainable urban mobility. Photo by Alex Proimos/Flickr.
Nominate your city for the 2015 Sustainable Transport Award!
EMBARQ – the producer of TheCityFix – together with the rest of the Sustainable Transport Award (STA) Committee, invites you to nominate your city for the Sustainable Transport Award! Nominations are open now and will be accepted until September 15, ...
Mexico City's car-free Sundays have created a mindset of sustainable mobility that has perpetuated throughout the week. Photo by Carlos Alejandro Figeuroa/Flickr.
Beyond Move in Mexico City: Integrating sustainable mobility into the everyday
This year marks the seventh anniversary of the “Muévete en bici” (Bike Move) program in Mexico City. Every Sunday for the past seven years, the city has closed many of its streets to cars, and opened them up to pedestrians ...
Parque Madureira in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, provides a place for residents to engage in physical activity and connect with the local community. Photo by Higor de Padua/Flickr.
Two case studies show cities return to physical activity
Worldwide, people are moving less – taking their car, abandoning walking and bicycling, or perhaps unable to visit a neighborhood park or play space because it may not exist. In real numbers, as outlined by the Designed to Move campaign, physical activity ...
Metrobus BRT helped Mexico City to win the 2013 STA. Photo by ITDP.
Nominate your city for the 2014 Sustainable Transport Award
2013 STA winner Mexico City impressed the committee with its extensive BRT system, Metrobús. Photo by ITDP. EMBARQ, together with the rest of the Sustainable Transport Award (STA) Committee, invites you to nominate your city for the 10th Annual Sustainable ...
Scenes from Mexico City's Cyclotón
Building a cycling culture in Mexico: Q&A with Gisela Mendez, Awen Southern, and Julie Clerc
Implemented in 2010, Mexico City’s Ecobici bike-sharing system has grown from 90 stations and 11,000 members  in its first year of operation to 271 stations and over 75,000 members today — covering new ground and reaching more residents. TheCityFix interviews ...
TheCityFix Picks, September 7: EcoBici Boom, Lagos BRT, Banned Bus Ads
TheCityFix Picks, September 7: EcoBici Boom, Lagos BRT, Banned Bus Ads
Welcome back to TheCityFix Picks, our series highlighting the newsy and noteworthy of the past week. Each Friday, we’ll run down the headlines falling under TheCityFix’s five themes: integrated transport, urban development and accessibility, air quality and climate change, health and ...
TheCityFix Picks, November 4: Ecobici Expansion, Olympic Park Design Contest, Korean Hybrids
TheCityFix Picks, November 4: Ecobici Expansion, Olympic Park Design Contest, Korean Hybrids
Welcome back to TheCityFix Picks, our series highlighting the newsy and noteworthy of the past week. Each Friday, we’ll run down the headlines falling under TheCityFix’s five themes: integrated transport, urban development and accessibility, air quality and climate change, health and ...
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