Posts tagged with 'car culture'
Is Your Commute Harming Your Health?
Is Your Commute Harming Your Health?
Daily commutes via car have evolved into more than mere trips – they greatly influence both our mental and physical well-being. Research shows that relentless car journeys don’t just occupy our time, they significantly shape our mood and overall outlook ...
How 'Complete Streets' Are Creating Safer, More Sustainable Cities in Brazil
How ‘Complete Streets’ Are Creating Safer, More Sustainable Cities in Brazil
Urban development in many cities around the world prioritizes making space for cars over pedestrians, cyclists or public transportation. In Brazil, this design led to an average of more than 30,000 annual road crash fatalities nationwide by the turn of the century, ...
From Moving Cars to Moving People: Scaling Up Safer Streets in Indian Cities
From Moving Cars to Moving People: Scaling Up Safer Streets in Indian Cities
Most people in India walk – to work, to the market or to the railway station. According to the 2011 Indian census, 48% of people walk or cycle to work every day compared to the less than 3% of people ...
5 Shifts Needed to Transform Transportation Systems and Meet Climate Goals
5 Shifts Needed to Transform Transportation Systems and Meet Climate Goals
Transportation connects us to one another. It’s how we get to school and work, how we visit our families, and how we access our food and health care. It’s also how we ship goods and deliver services. As economies and ...
Traffic Evaporation: What Really Happens When Road Space is Reallocated from Cars?
Traffic Evaporation: What Really Happens When Road Space is Reallocated from Cars?
Road development throughout the 20th century was based primarily on the premise that more infrastructure eases traffic. But evidence shows that road building, instead of reducing congestion, actually increases traffic. When travel time by car is reduced and convenience increased, ...
Turkey's Congestion Problem: Why New Roads Aren't the Answer
Turkey's Congestion Problem: Why New Roads Aren't the Answer
The United States’ urban transport mantra of “wider and more roads” dates back to the 1900s and is slowly being phased out for more compact development. However, in Turkey, the sentiment remains alive and well. To demonstrate this, consider Turkey’s ...
Ahmedabad, India and New Climate Economy report on sprawl
Why smart growth cities are safer, healthier, and wealthier
Developing countries are projected to gain 2.2 billion new urban residents between now and 2050. Governments and city leaders have a choice: they can develop cities that are sprawled and auto-dependent, or they can develop cities that are connected, compact, ...
BRT in Indore, India
Bus rapid transit buses win battle with cars in Indore
This article was originally published in the Deccan Herald on February 25, 2015. After five years of construction, Indore opened one of India’s few bus rapid transit (BRT) systems in May 2013. Operations started with a fraction of the total ...
Demystifying Transport Demand Management (TDM)
Strategies for sustainable cities: Demystifying transport demand management
A century of car-centric urban development has left our cities polluted, congested, and searching for sustainable solutions. Transport Demand Management (TDM) strategies can provide these solutions by combining public policy and private sector innovation to reverse over-reliance on private cars. ...
The problem with public transport's image
'I want to ride the pink bus': The problem with public transport’s public image
In many parts of the world, the bus is suffering from a public image crisis. According to a report by the US Federal Transit Administration, many people already look down on public transport in general, and the bus in particular ...
Do you enjoy your commute? Innovative bike infrastructure can make cycling a fast, fun transport option. Photo by Justin Swan/Flickr.
Friday Fun: Cycling innovations make bikeable cities worldwide
Instead of sitting in gridlock on a busy road at 8:30 am, imagine cycling safely in dedicated lanes for a quick, pleasant commute. Many cities around the world are making investments that will give residents a faster, safer cycling experience ...
Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo must focus on sustainable transport options to the harmful effects of traffic congestion. Photo by Bruno Baccalon/Flickr.
Study: Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo lost USD 43 billion from traffic congestion in 2013
Traffic congestion has wide ranging costs, from increasing stress and pollution levels to wasting commuters’ time. A new study released by the Industry Federation of the State of Rio de Janeiro (FIRJAN) confirms that traffic congestion has tremendous economic costs ...
A person looks out the window of a bus in Brazil. Photo by Carolina Pitanga/Flickr.
Friday Fun: Blogging for the cause of sustainable mobility
Citizen engagement with elected officials used to be limited to large public meeting halls where the most vociferous voices were often the only opinions heard. The advent of chat rooms and blogs has given citizens a new tool, but few ...
Metro construction in Mysore, India. Photo by Samuel Raj/Flickr.
The trillion dollar question: Where does transport investment come from?
How much money is spent on global transport systems? And where is this money coming from? These are critical questions: The world’s cities will add 274,000 people every day for the next 30 years, and urban leaders are currently grappling ...
TransMilenio BRT in Bogotá, Colombia. Photo by Mariana Gil/EMBARQ Brazil.
Darío Hidalgo reviews Straphanger: Saving Our Cities and Ourselves from the Automobile
Darío Hidalgo is the Director for Research and Practice at EMBARQ and a frequent contributor to TheCityFix. With more than twenty years of experience as a transport expert, consultant, and government official, Hidalgo has taken part in urban transport projects ...
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