Posts tagged with 'California'
The Road to Zero-Emission Cities Goes Through Freight
The Road to Zero-Emission Cities Goes Through Freight
Left unchecked, urban freight will continue to be a major driver of the global climate crisis.
Collaboration on Nature-Based Solutions Is Key to Resilient City Infrastructure
Collaboration on Nature-Based Solutions Is Key to Resilient City Infrastructure
Capital City, a (hypothetical) seaside metropolis, has a growing population. However, much of its infrastructure was built 100 years ago and is straining from deferred maintenance, unable to meet the city’s future needs. To make matters worse, Capital City has ...
How US Cities and Counties Are Getting Renewable Energy
How US Cities and Counties Are Getting Renewable Energy
Cities are a core driver of climate change, accounting for more than 70% of greenhouse gas emissions. Precisely because they are such big GHG emitters, cities can be at the forefront in tackling climate change by leading the switch to clean energy. ...
3 Ways US Cities Are Investing in Clean Energy for Resilience
3 Ways US Cities Are Investing in Clean Energy for Resilience
By 2030, more than 145 million people across the world will be impacted by flooding each year – many of whom live in coastal areas of the United States. Wildfires are growing rapidly in areas of the U.S. where they once were ...
Insights from Big Data on How COVID-19 Is Changing Society
Insights from Big Data on How COVID-19 Is Changing Society
Between the 1918 flu pandemic and the 2020 COVID-19 crisis, our ability to understand the effects of infectious diseases has increased exponentially. Networked personal devices and automated sensors are now ubiquitous, not to mention communications technologies like the internet that ...
3 Ways California Is Taking a Pro-Equity Approach to Electric Vehicles
3 Ways California Is Taking a Pro-Equity Approach to Electric Vehicles
California is home to 7 of the 10 most polluted metropolitan areas in the United States, with transportation being the state’s leading source of greenhouse gases. While pollution from the transport sector is bad for everyone, it disproportionately impacts people ...
How California Can Use Electric Vehicles to Keep the Lights On
How California Can Use Electric Vehicles to Keep the Lights On
In 2016, the U.S. Air Force offered a vision of the future for the transportation and energy sectors when the Los Angeles Air Force Base became the first federal facility to replace its entire ground vehicle fleet with plug-in electric vehicles (EVs). ...
As Trump Steps Away from Paris Climate Agreement, US States, Cities and Businesses Step Up
As Trump Steps Away from Paris Climate Agreement, US States, Cities and Businesses Step Up
U.S. states, cities and businesses are an essential part of the response to the global climate crisis – and their role is ever more crucial as the Trump administration moves to pull the United States from the historic Paris Agreement. ...
Lumber Salvaged from Baltimore’s Row Houses and City Trees Creates Jobs and Cuts Wood Waste
Lumber Salvaged from Baltimore’s Row Houses and City Trees Creates Jobs and Cuts Wood Waste
Baltimore, like many post-industrial cities, confronts novel challenges. Once the sixth largest city in the U.S., Baltimore’s population has contracted by more than a third, resulting from a complex suite of factors including job loss, economic decline, and discriminatory policies or housing and lending practices. It’s ...
Reshaping Public Policy Can Solve the Housing Affordability Crisis in US Cities
Reshaping Public Policy Can Solve the Housing Affordability Crisis in US Cities
We’re living in the midst of a housing affordability crisis. Demand for apartments and condos continues to outpace supply in most urban cores. Upward pressure on asking rents is displacing low-income renters to nearby communities and middle-income renters are starting ...
Besides Buying Renewables, How Can Companies and Cities Create a Greener Grid?
Besides Buying Renewables, How Can Companies and Cities Create a Greener Grid?
Corporations have driven much of the recent U.S. investment in renewable energy, collectively procuring more than 16 gigawatts of new capacity since 2014, enough to power roughly 5 million homes for a year. Commercial and industrial energy users represent more than 60% of U.S. ...
Scooters Are Skyrocketing in Cities, But Are They Safe? A Look at the Evidence
Scooters Are Skyrocketing in Cities, But Are They Safe? A Look at the Evidence
Electric scooters are the latest “new mobility” tech to disrupt the transportation sector. Chances are you’ve seen someone passing by on one these small but nimble two-wheelers in a city near you. Following the explosive growth of bike-sharing and ride-hailing, ...
Here’s What Smoke from California’s Wildfires Looks Like from Space
Here’s What Smoke from California’s Wildfires Looks Like from Space
Several wildfires are still burning through California. The Camp Fire in Northern California has killed at least 48 people and is now the deadliest ever recorded. The fire has burned 130,000 acres near Paradise, 80 miles north of Sacramento. Near Thousand Oaks, Woolsey Fire ...
Memo to Carmakers: The Future Is Electric
Memo to Carmakers: The Future Is Electric
Electric car sales hit U.S. records this year, with almost 66,000 sold in July and August, more than double the number sold during the same period in 2017. One reason for the boom is the success of the Tesla Model 3, ...
Unlocking Climate Action: When Nations, States and Cities Reinforce Each Other, Everybody Wins
Unlocking Climate Action: When Nations, States and Cities Reinforce Each Other, Everybody Wins
As the recent Global Climate Action Summit underscored, we’re seeing a steady rise in the number of commitments by cities, states and provinces to address climate change, with over 17,500 actions registered on the NAZCA Climate Action Portal. Not only are ...
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