Posts tagged with 'buses'
Contrary to what many speculated, the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Ethiopia has been low so far. As of May 18, 2020, the Ministry of Health confirmed it had a total of 352 cases of COVID-19 of which 30% ...
Despite the unprecedented quarantine that most of us find ourselves under, I was recently forced to travel to Curitiba, Brazil, for personal reasons. I am staying in an apartment on Republica Argentina Avenue next to the first bus corridor in ...
Ghost-like cities with deserted metro cars and empty buses have been a vivid manifestation of how COVID-19 has affected society worldwide. As elsewhere, public transport ridership in Chinese cities dipped precipitously during the early days of the pandemic. But as ...
Why is Transforming Transportation (TT) 2019 focused on new mobility? Tech-driven disruptions in transport are already having huge impacts on our cities, said Ani Dasgupta, global director of WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities. “What do we need to do ...
The electrification of transport has taken off around the globe. Cities and transit agencies are experimenting with the latest trends and innovations, spanning the gamut from cars to buses, scooters and bikes. We have seen China lead on electric vehicles ...
Over the last decade, India has established itself as one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Along with an annual GDP growth rate of 7.1 percent, the country is adding over 12 million people to the workforce every year. Coupled ...
Bogotá is one of Latin America’s most polluted cities—but thanks to its citizens, its air may be getting cleaner. A decision from the mayor’s office to keep using diesel fuels in the next generation of buses in the city’s bus ...
By the year 2050, more than two-thirds of the world’s population will live in cities. Cities are primary drivers of economic, cultural and political advancements and, as such, require vast quantities of the world’s resources – today, cities generate more ...
It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the big picture when it comes to cities. They’re home to more than half the global population, produce three quarters of GDP and greenhouse gas emissions, and are still growing in nearly every respect. ...
Diesel buses – and the choking smog they spew – are a common sight in most cities. But not in Shenzhen, China. The southeastern city, which connects Hong Kong to mainland China, announced at the end of last year that ...
As today’s urban areas house more than half the world’s population and produce more than 80 percent of global economic activity, cities are uniquely positioned to deliver sustainable solutions. However, poor local air quality and issues related to global climate change ...
Global BRT Data, an international platform managed and updated by WRI Brazil Sustainable Cities, began a new partnership last week with the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) and its tool, BRT Standard, which defines criteria for a true ...
India’s urban transport sector has seen tremendous change in the last 15 years. This series examines the evolution of for-hire vehicles, the regulatory response to it and its place in the mobility network of the future. Indian cities are growing ...
Revenue generated from taxation allows governments to invest in infrastructure and resources that allow for the delivery of essential services. Broadly speaking, these investments are expected to work towards improving the quality of life for the country’s citizens. However, India’s ...
The 18 Latin American Cities currently signed onto the Clean Bus Declaration of 2015 are sending clear signals to the market about their commitment to transitioning their bus fleets to low or zero emission buses. The time to transition is ...
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