Posts tagged with 'air pollution'
Delhi’s Air Quality Crisis: Lessons from Beijing, Mexico and Bogotá
Delhi’s Air Quality Crisis: Lessons from Beijing, Mexico and Bogotá
With 26 million inhabitants, Delhi’s metropolitan area is the fifth largest in the world. But the city also has terrible air quality, with an annual average particulate matter 15 times the recommendation of the World Health Organization. Air pollution is ...
World Water Day: How “Sludge” Can Power China’s Cities While Cutting Emissions
World Water Day: How “Sludge” Can Power China’s Cities While Cutting Emissions
Last December, Beijing’s city government issued a “red alert” for smog levels—the highest possible designation. Schools and construction sites closed, traffic was restricted, and air pollution reached 10 times the World Health Organization’s recommended limit. Meanwhile, residents in neighboring cities ...
New Data Shows São Paulo's Carfree Movement Reduces Air and Noise Pollution
New Data Shows São Paulo's Carfree Movement Reduces Air and Noise Pollution
Major changes in thinking never happen easily. Projects that change established structures and routines typically encounter significant resistance along the way. Changing entrenched thinking, therefore, often requires finding ways to demonstrate the positive impacts of change. Paulista Aberta is one ...
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