Don't let the snow get you down! Do something about it! TheCityFix Managing Editor, Erica Schlaikjer, created "Snow Helper" Watch Areas on SeeClickFix, to help figure out where to clear our streets.
Here at TheCityFix DC, we’ve been intrigued and motivated into action by all the recent reports about uncleared sidewalks, poorly plowed streets and other “snowmergencies” in the city.
That’s why we’re creating special “Snow Helper” Watch Areas on SeeClickFix, the powerful online mapping tool that lets you report transportation and urban planning issues directly to city officials. Want to keep tabs on all the snow-related problems in your ‘hood? “Follow” one of the Watch Areas below. Or, you can create your own. Go to “Washington” on SeeClickFix. Select a neighborhood in the right-hand sidebar. Click on “Who’s Watching.” Then click on “Create a Watch Area.” Kindly label it “[Your Neighborhood] Snow Helpers,” so we can all belong to the same community of helpful blizzard-bashing, snowmageddon-slashing citizens. Make sure it includes these keywords: icey icy “ice” “snow” -graffiti -pothole shovel plow. Don’t forget, you can earn your Civic Points, too, when you log in with your Facebook profile.
Here are the Watch Areas I created already: