I'm counting on my new Koala Bear Bike Horn to make sure people get out of my way in NYC.
Sadly, my time as TheCityFix blogger has come to an end.
I gotta say it’s been great. First of all, I got to bike to work every morning, which automatically made every day start out well. Then, every day I learned so much by working with the team of experts — in transport, the environment, and life — at EMBARQ (the producer of this blog) and the World Resources Institute.
I tried to focus on how sustainable transport can improve people’s quality of life, especially in cities in developing countries. For this, I started the Access for All series about improving urban accessibility particularly for the poor and people with disabilities. I hope to continue contributing to this series in the coming months.
At the same time, I learned more about the incredible carbon emissions reductions and reduced travel times that come with inexpensive and quickly implemented bus rapid transit (BRT) systems like in Curitiba, Brazil, which explains why the United Nations Environment Program says BRT is key to environmental preservation in Latin America and the Caribbean. I was happy to find out that Brazilian cities are working on BRT for the upcoming World Cup games, and that the World Cup also improved urban mobility in another highly unequal country, South Africa, where the mobility divide is a little narrower now in cities like Johannesburg and Cape Town.
Some topics left me a bit scared about the impending environmental disaster — starting with nastier monsoons — if we continue on the business-as-usual path. But this provided further motivation to spread the word about sustainable transport.
I may have shown a bit of a bias towards writing about New York City, from its iconic subway map makeover to its new bus-only and bike lanes, and life in these bike lanes. That’s because I love New York, where I’m now headed to work with Wolfensohn & Company on their low-carbon energy fund, WLCEF.
I am hoping the bike-share boom will reach New York soon, and my goal in the coming months is to figure out a way to bike from South Brooklyn to midtown Manhattan in a reasonable amount of time. I welcome tips on how to do that!
Most of all, thanks to everyone who has taken the time to read and offer comments on my posts. If you’d like to write too, contact Managing Editor Erica Schlaikjer at eschlaikjer[at]wri.org for more information.
Please keep in touch — you can write to me at victoria.thecityfix[at]gmail.com!