Interstate I-85 in Atlanta, Georgia, serves as both a physical transport system and a symbol of the city’s often tumultuous growth. Photo by Nick Harland/Flickr.
Ah, big city
The fate of achieving your progress
Was constant and unbridled expansion
And the same road that drains your riches
Divides your people
And leaves a scar
Irremediable, irreparable.
TheCityFix Brasil’s “Mobility in a Moment” series is inspired by the power of photography. We invite you, CityFixers, to submit your photos and text and help explore us across TheCityFix network experience the feeling of what it means to be a part of a livable, sustainable, walkable city.
As cliché as it seems, the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words” has true value, for pictures capture our imaginations and evoke emotions in places where words tend to fail us. In our search to show the value of cities, human interaction in these spaces shows a compelling and convincing argument for sustainable transport and walkable streets that sometimes statistics simply cannot convey. For those who live in cities, these pictures can connect them back to the dance of cyclists, buses, and pedestrians that that they live with every day. For those not living in cities, photos can make the case for the vibrant, connected lifestyle it is possible to achieve on city streets. Photographs have the power to simultaneously unite us, and compel us to work towards building better urban environments.
To submit photography or text to the series, contact TheCityFix Brasil editors at: contato@embarqbrasil.org.