Search Results for 'congestion+pricing'
Can Latin America Move From Quantity to Quality of Infrastructure?
Can Latin America Move From Quantity to Quality of Infrastructure?
At a recent Latin American Development Bank (CAF) Infrastructure for Development Conference in Buenos Aires, regional experts and policymakers delved into the unique urban landscape for the area, from early approaches to modern challenges around inequality and better service. Pre-Incan ...
As Cities Grapple With Mobility Revolution, 10 Principles Emerge to Guide Them
As Cities Grapple With Mobility Revolution, 10 Principles Emerge to Guide Them
Mobility is undergoing a huge shift – from the emergence of shared cars and bicycles to the impending self-driving cars – and we’re just starting to understand the full effect on cities. The revolution has implications for equity, accessibility and sustainability, and has ...
50 Shades of Shared: How On-demand Technology Reshaped India’s Urban Mobility Landscape
50 Shades of Shared: How On-demand Technology Reshaped India’s Urban Mobility Landscape
India’s urban transport sector has seen tremendous change in the last 15 years. This series examines the evolution of the for-hire vehicles sector (FHVs), the regulatory response to it and its place in the mobility network of the future. While ...
Financing Sustainable Infrastructure: A Tale of Two Cities
Financing Sustainable Infrastructure: A Tale of Two Cities
Investment in infrastructure is vital for cities to function and prosper. But many local governments struggle to finance large infrastructure projects while a huge proportion of their residents live in poverty. Two pioneering cities – Hyderabad and Kampala – have ...
Mobilizing Leadership for Climate Action in the Transport Sector
Mobilizing Leadership for Climate Action in the Transport Sector
A steady drumbeat of events has set the stage – and thrust into the spotlight – the importance of sustainable urban mobility at this year’s climate conference, COP23. The Climate Action in Transport Conference in Berlin, part of the annual ...
50 Shades of Shared: How For-Hire Vehicles Got Their Start in India
India’s urban transport sector has seen tremendous change in the last 15 years. This series examines the evolution of for-hire vehicles (FHVs), the regulatory response to it and its place in the mobility network of the future. Street-hail vehicles dominated ...
The Urban Transport Crisis in Emerging Economies
Developing cities worldwide face a severe and worsening transport crisis. A new book, “The Urban Transport Crisis in Emerging Economies,” reports that urban transport problems are following a perverse pattern: While education and healthcare tend to improve as developing cities ...
Transforming Transportation: Toward Sustainable Mobility for All
From taxi apps to car sharing, from buses to the metro, from bike sharing to walking, not to mention personal cars, there are more transportation choices than ever before for that staple of modern life: the daily commute. The same ...
New Urban Transport Models Can Help Create Sustainable Cities
New Urban Transport Models Can Help Create Sustainable Cities
Urban leaders from around the world are meeting in Quito, Ecuador, October 17-20, 2016, to set the global agenda for the future of cities at the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, known as Habitat III. Through ...
Beyond Emissions: 5 Cities Achieve Social and Economic Development by Reducing GHG Emissions from Transport
Beyond Emissions: 5 Cities Achieve Social and Economic Development by Reducing GHG Emissions from Transport
Low-carbon transport has many social and economic benefits that can accelerate local sustainable development and that deserve recognition beyond their role in addressing climate change. A new series of papers from the Low Emissions Development Strategies Global Partnership’s (LEDS GP) ...
What’s Stopping Carsharing? 4 Challenges Holding Emerging Markets Back
What’s Stopping Carsharing? 4 Challenges Holding Emerging Markets Back
What is the future of carsharing? What impact will this innovation have on cities? What are the key challenges for ensuring that carsharing becomes a vehicle for sustainable mobility? This four-part series from TheCityFix draws on new research from WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities, exploring and ...
Translating National Climate Commitments Into Local Action for the Transport Sector
Translating National Climate Commitments Into Local Action for the Transport Sector
TheCityFix is covering cities at COP21. Urban areas account for a large share of greenhouse gas emissions but are also tremendous agents of innovation to address climate change. Read our full coverage of the Paris Climate Conference as it relates to cities, buildings, and mobility. Over the ...
We Are Transport! We Have Solutions!
We Are Transport! We Have Solutions!
The COP21 United Nations Conference on Climate Change takes place in Paris from November 30 to December 11. Several organizations have formed the Paris Process on Mobility and Climate to highlight the role that transportation policy reforms can play in achieving emission reduction targets. Its theme ...
Why Gurgaon's Car Free Day Can Be a Game Changer for India
Why Gurgaon's Car Free Day Can Be a Game Changer for India
Ever since its launch in Gurgaon in 2013, Raahgiri Day—an open streets initiative—has become a game changer of sorts. It started as an experiment where community groups and individuals came together with public agencies in Gurgaon to temporarily provide safe ...
10 Strategies for a Stronger, Greener Economy
10 Strategies for a Stronger, Greener Economy
Nossa Cidade (“Our City”), from TheCityFix Brasil, explores critical questions for building more sustainable cities. Every month features a new theme. Leaning on the expertise of researchers and specialists in WRI’s sustainable urban mobility team in Brazil, the series will feature in ...
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