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Urban community garden in Montréal, Canada. Photo by Bruno VITASSE/Flickr.
Friday Fun: 100 in 1 day highlights the power of active citizenship
From Bogotá, Colombia to Cape Town, South Africa and Kaluga, Russia, the 100 en 1 día (100 in 1 day) movement is making an impact on urban streetscapes worldwide. A “global social movement for citizen-driven change,” the movement is a ...
Cycling water vendors Nairobi, Kenya. Photo by Victoria Hickman/Engineering at Cambridge.
A strategy for cities: Pedro Ortiz on the age of the metropolis
“We are made of hopes and we are made of dreams. That’s why people go to cities.” There are 600 cities worldwide with over one million inhabitants. Many are growing at a very fast rate, by anywhere between four to ...
Santa waves from Chicago's "Santa Train." Photo by Boqiang Liao/Flickr.
Happy holidays from TheCityFix!
Happy holidays, readers! 2013 is drawing to a close, and while many of us are celebrating Christmas today, or maybe just enjoying a day off of work – our team wanted to take a moment to wish you a warm ...
"On The Tram." Photo by Melissa Maples/Flickr.
Challenges and opportunities come with Turkey’s urban boom
Turkey’s urban population has grown from 25% of its total population in the 1950s to 77% today – a figure well above its global counterpart of 52%. In a little more than half a century, rapid urbanization has transformed the ...
Auto-rickshaw in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. Photo by Kamakshi Sachidanandam/Flickr.
Reinventing Chennai’s auto-rickshaws
Chennai – the capital city of Tamil Nadu in southeastern India – recently implemented new fare regulations in its auto-rickshaw sector for the first time since 2007. In 2010, the Tamil Nadu government lifted a freeze on issuing permits, which ...
"Rush Hour Slalom." Photo by Tommy Vohs/Flickr.
Friday Fun: Vote for the Audi Urban Future Award!
By 2050, two thirds of the world’s population will live in cities. To prepare for this unprecedented growth in the global urban population, Audi has been seeking standout solutions for future mobility in metropolitan regions – and you can help ...
Shared bikes represent the wide range of bike-share systems around the world. Photo courtesy of Melbourne Bike Share.
The bike-share report: Hard times and hope for the future
The Bike-share Report is a new blog series on bike-sharing, exclusive to TheCityFix, from Peter Midgley – the former Urban Mobility Theme Champion for the global Transport Knowledge Partnership (gTKP) with 25 years of experience at The World Bank. The ...
An electric Autolib' vehicle charges in Paris, France. Photo by Cokul/Flickr.
On the move: Car-sharing scales up
This is the seventh post of the “Sustainable Urban Transport On The Move” blog series, exclusive to TheCityFix. Preparation of this series was possible thanks to a grant by Shell Corporation. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the authors. ...
Raahgiri Day in Gurgaon, India
Raahgiri Day spotlights non-motorized mobility in India
This post follows up on TheCityFix’s article that announced the launch of Raahgiri Day last month. On a cold winter morning on November 17, 2013, over 10,000 residents of Gurgaon, India, poured onto the streets to celebrate their city. Raahgiri ...
Dr. Leon "Lee" J. Schipper. Photo by EMBARQ.
Deadline extended for 2014 Lee Schipper Memorial Scholarship applications
Last month, EMBARQ and the Schipper Family announced a call for applications for the 2014 Lee Schipper Memorial Scholarship for Sustainable Transport and Energy Efficiency. In order to accommodate sustained interested in the Scholarship, the committee has elected to extend ...
Happy traffic in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Photo by SpAvAAi/Flickr.
Transport at the Forefront of COP19 Climate Change Agenda
“It is not possible to effectively address climate change without substantive [greenhouse gas] GHG emission reductions by the transport sector. Climate action on transport is directly linked to sustainable development.” This statement is the founding principle of the Partnership on ...
A passenger on a mobile phone entering the New York City subway. Photo by momentcaptured1/Flickr.
Friday Fun: Mobile apps and your commute
Successful urban mobility is predicated on increased user choice. With a variety of transportation options, citizens can choose a preferred mode based on their own priorities. In the last five years, sustainable urban mobility choices may have reached a tipping ...
Passenger on the TransOeste BRT in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Photo by Benoit Colin/EMBARQ.
Transport set to be defined as social right by Brazilian Constitution
Urban transport is on its way to becoming a social right in Brazil. On December 4, PEC 90 – a proposed amendment to Article Six of the Brazilian Constitution that would define transport as a social right – was approved ...
Brazilian children at play. Photo courtesy of Designed To Move Full Report (in Portuguese).
A physical activity agenda for the increasingly urban, inactive global population
The impacts of what has become a widespread physical inactivity epidemic affect everyone in every nation. – Designed To Move If global trends in physical activity continue as they stand today, Brazilians will be 34% less active by 2030 than ...
Social, environmental, and economic impacts of BRT. Photo by Benoit Colin/EMBARQ.
4 ways cities benefit from bus rapid transit
Around the world, cities are searching for sustainable ways to transport residents quickly, efficiently, and safely throughout their streets. One such solution is bus rapid transit (BRT), which is already widely implemented in both the developed and developing worlds. New ...
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