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Mexico City's Ecobici bike-share system is one of the best in the world due to its high usage and integration into the city's transport system. Photo by Eneas de Troya/Flickr.
Building towards better bike-sharing systems
Less than ten years ago Lyon, France launched the first successful, modern bike-share system. Less than seven years ago Paris, France put bike-sharing in the global spotlight. Bike-sharing is no longer a novel experiment but a proven mobility solution. From ...
Mexico City's Chapultepec Park attracts both residents and tourists to its pedestrian-friendly thoroughfares. Photo by Austin TX/Flickr.
Mexico City park partnerships’ role in urban revitalization
Vibrant parks and public spaces are invaluable in creating sustainable, people-oriented cities. Recently, 8-80 Cities and Fundacion+Espacios organized an opportunity for members of the City Parks Alliance Board of Directors – a group of city park practitioners and advocates – ...
Bogotá, Colombia's Transmilenio bus rapid transit (BRT) system has been successful in integrating social equity into transport planning and urban design. Photo by RonaldHV/Flickr.
A new approach: Social factors in urban development
When a new urban redevelopment scheme is proposed, developers and city officials typically take three primary concerns into account. One: how the development will be financed, and in turn, what economic benefits it can bring. Two: urban infrastructure’s environmental impact ...
New maps give "matatus" bus drivers new knowledge that will allow them to better harness the transport market in the city of Nairobi, Kenya. Photo by Olli Pitkanen/Flickr.
Friday Fun: Maps modernize informal transport in Nairobi
On the heels of Google recently releasing its new version of Google Maps – complete with contextual information based on past Google searches, different transport options with real-time traffic notifications, and panoramic photo tours – it’s hard to remember what ...
Mayors play a pivotal role in creating sustainable, livable cities. Photo by Tommy Vohs /Flickr.
On the move: Advancing sustainable transport – getting from here to there
This is the tenth and final post of the “Sustainable Urban Transport On The Move” blog series, exclusive to TheCityFix. Preparation of this series was possible thanks to a grant by Shell Corporation. Its contents are the sole responsibility of ...
Separate subway cars allow women safe access to transport in Mumbai, India. Photo by ezola/Flickr.
Is separate equal? An opinion on women’s equality in transportation
Disrespect to women in any form is unacceptable, including while using public transport. While the long term solution to this disrespect relies on educating people that this behavior is unacceptable, in the present, transport systems designed to promote positive social interactions ...
Cape Town, South Africa calls for increased transport demand management (TDM). Photo by Warren Rohner/Flickr.
Lessons from the C40 Mayors Summit: Scaling up solutions for resilient, livable cities
More than 70 percent of the world’s population will live in cities by 2050. So cities represent the single greatest opportunity for targeted, meaningful actions that create impact on the ground, improve the quality of life for billions of people, and reduce ...
Narrow, cobblestone paths do not support the development of a bicycle culture in Kadikoy, Istanbul. Photo by andy carvin/Flickr.
Creating a cycling culture in Kadiköy, Istanbul
Walking along Moda Cadesi in the Kadiköy neighborhood of Istanbul is an exciting experience. The street is connected to stores, a public park, and a pedestrian plaza that allows all ages and demographics to mix together in a dynamic hub ...
The Hovenring provides safe cycling infrastructure for the rising number of cyclists in Eindhoven, Netherlands. Photo by Earthblog/Flickr.
Friday Fun: Futuristic designs make for awesome bicycle infrastructure
Anyone who bikes in a city knows that it can be frustrating and dangerous to share the road with cars, particularly when street design privileges drivers over cyclists.  For this reason, designers and architects around the world have started to ...
Pedestrians walk along Rua XV in Curitaba, Brazil. Photo by Dylan Passmore/Flickr.
Vote for TheCityFix Brazil for the Top Blog award
The TheCityFix Brazil is in a race for the third consecutive Top Blog Award. In last year’s competition, TheCityFix Brazil won in the Sustainability category. This year, the blog is moving to the final stage of the competition, vying for the title of Best Sustainability Blog ...
A person bikes in Bogota, Columbia, during the city's car-free week. Photo by M.Erwert/Flickr.
Bogotá’s car-free week shows the viability of bicycle transport
Mayor Enrique Peñalosa organized the first car free day for Bogotá, Colombia in 2000 and proposed a ballot poll in which it was approved permanently. Mejor en Bici (Better on bike) was one of the many organizations upholding the mayor’s promise to annually ...
Riding a Bixi bike through Montreal, Canada. Photo by Roland/Flickr.
The bike-share report: The lessons of the Bixi system
Peter Midgley joins us as the author for the “Bike share report” series. We invited Peter to share his vast knowledge on bicycle sharing gained through his experience tracking the growth of bicycle sharing systems since 2007. Peter formerly worked ...
Passengers wait for a bus in Curitiba, Brazil. Photo by mariordo59/Flickr.
Understanding the “t” in bus rapid transit oriented development
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is a cost-effective mass transportation system characterized by exclusive bus lanes and reduction of travel times, high-passenger capacity and level boarding, and a relatively short construction process. Latin America and Asia are becoming the world leaders ...
A person looks out the window of a bus in Brazil. Photo by Carolina Pitanga/Flickr.
Friday Fun: Blogging for the cause of sustainable mobility
Citizen engagement with elected officials used to be limited to large public meeting halls where the most vociferous voices were often the only opinions heard. The advent of chat rooms and blogs has given citizens a new tool, but few ...
People walk around the Estacao Mercado, a central transport hub in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Photo by Eduardo Zarate/Flickr.
The Lotação lesson: Porto Alegre’s local transport solution
A sleek, air-conditioned vehicle picks you up at your front door. The seats recline for your comfort. You pull a shade across the window to block the sun’s glare while catching up on your favourite show, which you stream on ...
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