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China's high-speed rail system has offered affordable, sustainable alternatives to travel for China's residents, while strengthening the linkages between China's emerging cities. Photo by Michael Vito/Flickr.
How did high-speed rail transform China’s regional transport sector?
In the past few years, China has made eye-catching achievements in building the world’s largest high-speed rail system, with a total length of over 9000 km (5,600 miles) in operation in 2012. In China, trains travelling at design speeds above ...
Medellín, Colombia has undergone a drastic urban transformation, and will now host the Seventh World Urban Forum. Photo by PehMed2020/Flickr.
A safe city is a just city
As cities in the developing world continue to grow, so do their traffic safety concerns. Latin America, for instance, now sees three times as many deaths from traffic crashes as Europe, the vast majority of which occur in cities. Vulnerable ...
The construction of the Shanghai Tower is a testament to architectural skill and China's growing economic power, but does this come at the expense of vibrant street life? Photo by Jerry Yang/Flickr.
Friday Fun: Shanghai Tower raises questions on the future of walkability
Shanghai Tower, designed by transnational architecture design tycoon Gensler, will soon become the third tallest building in the world this year. Once complete, it will proudly join Shanghai’s already crowded skyline, which currently consists of the Oriental Pearl TV Tower, ...
Social media, new bus lines, and increasing awareness of the environmental impacts of carbon emissions have altered the public's perception of mass transport in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Photo by Mariana Gil/EMBARQ Brasil.
São Paulo’s changing perception towards the car
Earlier this month, the government of São Paulo, Brazil, and METRÔ-SP published the results of the 2012 Mobility Survey. The data is heartening in many ways, for in a city where cars were once seen as symbols of wealth and ...
There many creative ways to lower the carbon impact of transport. Some ways are zanier than others. Photo byRichard Masoner /
Top five under-rated low carbon transport solutions
Climate change is not a joke. Here at TheCityFix, we realize that we need to get serious about our strategies to reduce carbon emissions from transport. The world needs to explore bold, creative approaches to climate change mitigation if we ...
Cities have a lot to learn from one another. New "Wikipedia for urban planners" GreaterPlaces helps them do just that. Photo by Shreyans Bhansali/Flickr.
GreaterPlaces: The emerging Wikipedia for urban planners
Washington, DC recently hosted a Techcrunch meet-up, a Silicon-valley style pitch-off battle for emerging application developers. Amidst contestants like Broomie, which allows people to remind roommates and errant husbands to pick up groceries, and SpeakerBlast, which lets users turn their ...
Dogs ride the Moscow Metro, too! Photo by Adam Baker/Flickr.
Friday Fun: Moscow metro’s commuter dogs
Over the past few years, a number of incredulous stories have surfaced about stray dogs in Moscow – dogs that sleep in the suburbs, take the subway downtown in the morning with other commuters and return home in the evening ...
Road safety auditing in Rio de Janeiro. Photo by Mariana Gil/EMBARQ Brazil.
The nuts and bolts of a road safety audit
Although many people want to help improve road safety around the world, few actually know the nuts and bolts of accomplishing this goal. Wilson Arias-Rojas, Civil Engineer and Surveyor with 17 years of experience working for the Department of Justice ...
Parque Madureira in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, provides a place for residents to engage in physical activity and connect with the local community. Photo by Higor de Padua/Flickr.
Two case studies show cities return to physical activity
Worldwide, people are moving less – taking their car, abandoning walking and bicycling, or perhaps unable to visit a neighborhood park or play space because it may not exist. In real numbers, as outlined by the Designed to Move campaign, physical activity ...
Alta Bicycle Share has been successful in molding bike-share systems to meet individual city needs and build a culture of sustainable mobility. Photo by aaaronvandorn/Flickr.
“The wind at our backs”: An interview with Alta Bicycle Share co-founder Jeff Olson
Recently Jeff Olson, co-founder of Alta Bicycle Share, took a moment to sit down for a discussion on bike-share and sustainable urban mobility with TheCityFix. Our discussion spanned Olson’s thirty years of work in the field and his thoughts on ...
Crowded and chaotic streets in Rio de Janeiro underscore why Brazil has such a significant road safety challenge. Photo by Yukun Chen/Flickr.
Maio Amarelo: Raising awareness for road safety in Brazil
Raising awareness and tapping into public sentiment is essential to making inroads against any major threat to public health. October, for example, is breast cancer awareness month and in November we remember all those lost to prostate cancer. Now, the ...
Finding ways to making riding transport fun and convenient takes innovative thinking, and sometimes, courage to think outside the box. Photo by Adam Cohn/Flickr.
Friday Fun: Four awesome (and odd) gadgets for your sustainable commute
South by South West (SXSW), the yearly festival that celebrates all things in entertainment technology, has just wrapped up in Austin, Texas. The festival featured many cool and innovative new devices – like virtual reality goggles, a computer that doubles ...
Residents of Hyderabad, India, can use mobile devices to be a part of the planning dialogue---whether it's creating clearer maps of the city or crowdsourcing infrastructure projects. Photo by Nietnagel/Flickr.
Public participation platforms change the dynamic between city and citizen
Instead of arguing about how their city did not have enough money to fund the creation of bike paths, a community in Mexico City, Mexico, went ahead and made them. When residents in Beijing, China, saw that cars were encroaching ...
Urban planners and city leaders look for a new framework to think about sustainable transport that promotes accessibility over mobility. Photo by Trevor Pritchard/Flickr.
Ekistics offers new perspective on mobility versus access
Being able to use a bus to travel ten miles to a super market is not the same as having a grocery store around the corner. Mobility, even sustainable mobility, is not the same as access. In order to create ...
Istanbul is working towards an integrated transport network to turn the tide against motor vehicle and make mass transport the dominant form of mobility once more. Photo by Andreaffm/Flickr.
Can a multimodal Istanbul reverse the tide of car dependency?
Turkey has had good fortune in seeing the personal incomes of its citizens rise from US$ 6,800 in 2000 to US$ 14,700 in 2011. Yet with increasing incomes has come a trend towards personal motorization, with private vehicle ownership jumping from 889,000 to ...
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