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Glow-in-the-dark roads show a glimpse of the innovative ways designers are imagining the future of urban transport. Photo by Reggie Wan/Flickr.
Friday Fun: Light the way to safer streets with these glow-in-the-dark road markings
Imagine what roads might look like in the future. Possibly roads will be able to tell drivers when they might be slippery via markings that appear when it is cold out, or, roads might automatically turn off street lights when ...
Cities around the world seek out ways to shift, avoid, and improve their infrastructure and transport modes to decrease air pollution. Photo by WBUR/Flickr.
Right to breathe: The link between transport and air quality
Today, the highest levels of air pollutants are concentrated in developing cities, particularly in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Motor vehicles contribute between 25 and 75% of this air pollution. In March 2014, the World Health Organization (WHO) released ...
Urban design has a large impact on lifestyle, with bike lanes and pedestrian pathways promoting healthy behaviors for city residents across Brazil. Photo by Raul/Flickr.
Creating active cities and healthy citizens through innovative urban design
Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, killing as many as 17 million people each year. Sedentary, inactive lifestyles are a major contributor to this rise in cardiovascular disease – stress, pollution, poor diet, and lack ...
Although congestion pricing is often a contentious issue, its ability to decrease congestion and air pollution while increasing revenue for sustainable transport projects makes it a policy many cities find worth pursuing. Photo by Zhou Ding/Flickr.
How local governments can take congestion pricing from concept to reality
Few urban policies have been as contentious or as fruitful as congestion pricing. Congestion pricing is a travel demand management policy that charges a fee for vehicles that enter a certain urban area or a certain street during specific periods ...
As the two-wheeler sector continues to expand in India, researchers study the demographics of two-wheeler users and their possible role in promoting sustainable mobility. Photo by Meghana Kularni/Flickr."
Challenges in managing the motorized two-wheeler sector in India
With increasing income levels and rapid urbanization, India’s motorized two-wheeler fleet – which includes mopeds, scooters, and motorcycles – continues to expand. As a private transport mode, two-wheelers are particularly popular because of their low costs, fuel economy, maneuverability, and ...
"Entrepreneurs passionate about using technology to solve difficult transport problems have the opportunity to turn their ideas into reality. Photo by Benoit colin/Flickr."
Friday Fun: Calling all innovators to the Powerful Answers Award
Do you have an idea that could radically change the world, if only you were given the resources to bring it to fruition? Do you see challenges with sustainability, health, or transport in your community and want to solve them ...
Safe, connected bike lanes in New York City foster higher use of the city's bike-share systems. Photo by Ted Eytan/Flickr.
The bike-share report: Connectivity and bike lanes key to successful bike-sharing
Peter Midgley joins us as the author of the Bike-share report series, exclusive to TheCityFix. We invited Peter to share his vast knowledge on bike-sharing gained through his experience tracking the growth of bike-sharing systems since 2007. Peter formerly worked ...
Walking in Bangalore. Photo by Benoit Colin/EMBARQ.
In photos: Walking in Bangalore reveals the plight of pedestrians
Bangalore has rapidly become a megacity. At nearly 10 million people, the city has already doubled the size of its population in just 20 years. This explosive urban growth has been coupled with increased motorization, with now more than 50% ...
Conducting Health Impact Assessments can help policy makers throughout India choose transport projects that will decrease air pollution, while increasing connectivity and health. Photo by John Hoey/Flickr.
The intersection of public health and transport in Indian cities
Typical transport investment and policy proposals in India often consider few factors, some being connectivity with surrounding areas, land use and socioeconomic impacts, available funding, and the level of support from local stakeholders. All too often, these assessments consistently overlook ...
A crowd gathers overlooking Singapore's Marina Bay. Photo by Nicolas Lannuzel/Flickr.
Urbanism Hall of Fame: Lee Kwan Yew shaped Singapore as the “Garden City”
This is the second entry in the Urbanism Hall of Fame series, exclusive to TheCityFix. This series is intended to inform people about the leading paradigms surrounding sustainable transport and urban planning and the thinkers behind them. By presenting their ...
Smart car tipped in San Francisco, California. Photo by Jeff Chiu.
Friday Fun: Smart cars reach tipping point
No, not that kind of tipping point. While smart car usage is on the rise, it hasn’t quite crossed the Malcolm Gladwell threshold. We’re talking about a different trend: smart car tipping. It seems an unidentified group of six to ...
Despite increased investment in mass transport, last-mile connectivity and access to transport hubs remain obstacles for cities across India. Photo by Jack Zalium/Flickr.
Going the last mile: Does connectivity influence sustainable transport usage?
Growing numbers of privately owned automobiles, pollution, and congestion have helped governments in cities across India realize the need for better mass transport systems. Cities like Delhi are now making substantial investments to improve existing systems and implement new measures. ...
Green spaces in cities, such as New York's High Line, promote an active, sustainable lifestyle for city residents. Photo by David Berkowitz/Flickr.
World Urban Forum highlights opportunities for sustainable cities
In recent months, popular protests have broken out in cities around the globe. The causes were different: soaring pollution in Beijing; violent gender-based crime in New Delhi; and access to public services in São Paulo. But, for each, inequality was ...
Brazil’s rising traffic fatalities show the need for traffic calming measures on roadways, and infrastructure that promotes pedestrian safety and well-being. Photo by Gerden van Heijningen/Flickr.
As Europe’s traffic fatalities drop, Brazil’s soar
Traffic safety improvements in Europe are being hailed as one of the greatest advances for the region in the past decade. Europe should be proud of its success: since 2010, there have been 17% fewer deaths on the continent’s roads. ...
China's high-speed rail system has offered affordable, sustainable alternatives to travel for China's residents, while strengthening the linkages between China's emerging cities. Photo by Michael Vito/Flickr.
How did high-speed rail transform China’s regional transport sector?
In the past few years, China has made eye-catching achievements in building the world’s largest high-speed rail system, with a total length of over 9000 km (5,600 miles) in operation in 2012. In China, trains travelling at design speeds above ...
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