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Transport accounts for 22% of all energy-related greenhouse gas emissions. By investing in low-carbon transport alternatives, cities can curb emissions while also supporting economic prosperity. Photo by Samuel Yoo/Flickr.
Transport sector climate action key to close the world’s emissions gap
Climate action often focuses on energy and industrial activity, but the transport sector must be included to keep global warming below the dangerous two-degree scenario. Transport is responsible for 22% of energy-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions worldwide, and its emissions ...
The People’s Climate March – expected to be the largest climate march in history – will bring together a diverse coalition of citizens worldwide to urge leaders to make strong commitments to curb climate change at the UN Climate Summit. Photo by Justin Swan/Flickr.
Citizens worldwide calling for bold action on climate change at People’s Climate March
Update: 9/22/2014: The People’s Climate March on Sunday, September 21, 2014 included more than 400,000 participants in New York City alone, making it the largest climate march in history. In total, 160 marches occurred globally with another 2,800 solidarity events in 166 countries. Organizers plan to continue these ...
Urbanization is a driver of both economic growth and global climate change. Between 2011 and 2030, the urban areas of the world are expected to add 1.4 billion people, including 276 million in China and 218 million in India. Photo by Ken Marshall/Flickr.
How cities can save trillions, curb climate change, and improve public health
No strategy for reducing the impacts of global climate change is complete without addressing the challenge of urbanization. Cities contribute about 70% of energy-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, despite only accounting for 2% of global land area. Reducing this environmental impact may ...
India’s ambitious new road safety bill, currently open for public comment, is expected to save lives, grow the country’s economy, and create one million new jobs. Photo by IamNotUnique/Flickr.
What India’s new road safety bill means for cities and citizens
Road safety issues have reached a pinnacle in Indian cities. In 2013 alone, 140,000 people died in traffic crashes, and many more were severely injured. These premature deaths and debilitating injuries put an intense burden not just on families and ...
Rickshaw fare regulation has caused some users to shift their mode of transport from private vehicles to auto-rickshaws in Chennai, though further reforms are necessary to address drivers’ concerns. Photo by Morgan Schmorgan/Flickr.
Can auto-rickshaw fare reform in Chennai lead users to choose sustainable transport?
Chennai, India has long been notorious for its lawless auto-rickshaw drivers. On August 25, 2013, the Tamil Nadu state government sought to change this perception by reforming rickshaw fare structures for the first time in 17 years. The government was ...
Cities contribute 70 percent of the world's greenhouse gas emissions, despite accounting for only 2 percent of land use. The UN Climate Summit places cities high on the agenda for creating a sustainable, low-carbon future. Photo by ruimc77/Flickr.
The UN Climate Summit: What's in it for Cities?
City leaders have a key role to play at next week’s UN Climate Summit in New York City, which brings together heads of state, mayors, business leaders, and civil society representatives to build momentum towards an international agenda to tackle ...
Incredibly efficient city designs inspired by arcology could scale up mixed-use development and sustainable mobility while minimizing environmental impacts. Norman Foster rendering via Forgemind ArchiMedia/Flickr.
Friday Fun: The futuristic, sustainable cities inspired by arcology
By 2050, the world’s population is estimated to grow to 9.6 billion, with 66% living in cities. How can we accommodate urbanization while avoiding costly urban sprawl that can lead to unequal access to transport and increased greenhouse gas emissions? ...
The upcoming UN Climate Summit will be an important forum for country and cities leaders to commit to sustainable urban development strategies. Photo by Vernon Tang/Flickr.
Five reasons to watch NYC’s climate summit
Foreword: The upcoming United Nations Climate Summit comes at a critical time for cities worldwide. Cities already account for 70% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and between 2011 and 2030, urban areas are expected to gain 1.4 billion people. ...
Lagos struggles with congestion and insufficient mass transit, but a recent focus on sustainable transport can improve mobility and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Photo by G@tto Giallo/Flickr.
What does the future of sustainable transport look like in Lagos?
Lagos – the largest city and commercial capital of Nigeria – has traditionally struggled with a lack of reliable mass transit systems and severe traffic congestion. The average Lagos commuter spends over three hours in traffic every day. More recently, ...
In response to complaints regarding price, quality of service, and transparency, the Brazilian National Association of Transport Operators (NTU) helped uncover the keys to improved bus service in Brazilian cities. Photo by Mariana Gil/EMBARQ Brazil.
New study reveals potential solutions to social demand for transport in Brazilian cities
Increased bus fares are a greater concern to Brazilian citizens than increased electricity, water or telephone bills. This fact and others come from a recent study presented at the Brazilian National Association of Transport Operators (NTU) 2014 National Seminar on ...
By supporting active transport, planners can limit road crashes and help people to incorporate healthy physical activity into their commute. Photo by Shreyans Bhansali/Flickr.
By the numbers: Sustainable mobility improves health and road safety
Claudia Adriazola, Health and Road Safety Director for EMBARQ – producer of TheCityFix – spoke with David Thorpe of the Sustainable Cities Collective about challenges, trends and best practices in sustainable transport and road safety. Among other topics, Adriazola and ...
Rapid urbanization has led to sprawl in cities worldwide, reshaping urban geographies and challenging city governments to plan for growing populations. Photo by Omar Bárcena/Flickr.
Friday Fun: Watch urban growth unfold in these amazing visualizations from cities worldwide
The NYU Stern Urbanization Project has created a number of fascinating time-lapse videos showing urban land use in different cities from the 1800s through to 2000. These videos strikingly depict the well-evidenced trend of urban growth, both in population and ...
New research from EMBARQ can improve planners’ understanding of how to design safer intersections for pedestrians. Photo by Nicolae Duduta/EMBARQ.
Understanding how intersection and signal design impact pedestrian behavior
Pedestrians hit by vehicles when crossing on red are 56% more likely to be severely injured than those crossing on green. While crossing on red is often assumed to be mainly an issue of poor individual pedestrian behavior, recent research ...
Citizens and planners should respect the mobility of handicapped persons by ensuring that infrastructure is accessible to all. Photo by Eneas De Troya/Flickr.
Opinion: Mexico’s disabled population deserves mobility and accessibility
Every morning for the last six months I have observed the same man parking his car in the handicap spot. At first, I flashed him angry and annoyed expressions to try to convince him to park somewhere else; no results. ...
Cities across Brazil are sharing best practices and improving public transport in recognition of citizens' demand for sustainable mobility. Photo by Mariana Gil/EMBARQ Brasil.
Brazilian National Association of Transport Operators seminar examines response to rising social demand for urban transport
Conducted by the Brazilian National Association of Transport Operators (NTU), this year’s Seminar on Urban Public Transportation responded to a growing demand among Brazilian citizens for improved public transport. On August 27 and 28, 2014, city planners, experts, transport operators, ...
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