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Photo Essay: In a Global First, Shenzhen Steers Toward 100% Electric Bus Fleet
Photo Essay: In a Global First, Shenzhen Steers Toward 100% Electric Bus Fleet
From a small collection of fishing villages 40 years ago to a metropolis on track for a global milestone, Shenzhen has come further, faster than most cities. Already home to the largest fleet of electric buses in the world – ...
Toward Car-Free Cities: Beijing Seeks an Inroad to Sustainable Transport
Toward Car-Free Cities: Beijing Seeks an Inroad to Sustainable Transport
“Toward Car-Free Cities,” a blog series by WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities’ Urban Mobility Team, explores the challenges and opportunities for Transport Demand Management (TDM) strategies. TDM focuses on reducing the demand for private vehicles through combining public policy ...
How Global Policy Does (and Does Not) Account for Walking and Cycling
How Global Policy Does (and Does Not) Account for Walking and Cycling
This series, supported by the Volvo Research and Educational Foundations, discusses walking and cycling in cities with a special focus on low- and middle-income countries. Walking and cycling are getting more and more attention in wealthy cities, as ideas about ...
Despite Some Major Bumps, Bonn Climate Summit Got the Job Done
Despite Some Major Bumps, Bonn Climate Summit Got the Job Done
By the time the last gavel came down early in the morning of November 18, international climate negotiators in Bonn paved the way to the next climate summit in Katowice, Poland in 2018. There, the rules underpinning the Paris Agreement ...
Urban Trees: A Smart Investment in Public Health
Urban Trees: A Smart Investment in Public Health
Would you spend $8 per year to see your community reduce rates of obesity, heart disease, anxiety and asthma? Still not convinced? What if that investment also reduced energy costs and increased property values? Urban trees can transform city neighborhoods, ...
India’s Move to Make Buildings Efficient
India’s Move to Make Buildings Efficient
India’s buildings are silent power guzzlers. Residential and commercial structures consumed nearly a third (32 percent) of the country’s total electricity in 2016, according to the latest annual energy statistics published by the Ministry of Statistics, Planning and Implementation. And as Indian ...
Beyond Electric Cars: As China Leads in Electric Buses, India Could Follow Suit in Electric Motorcycles
Beyond Electric Cars: As China Leads in Electric Buses, India Could Follow Suit in Electric Motorcycles
The number of electric cars on the world’s roads has zoomed from zero in 2008 to 2 million in 2016, with many of those in China and the United States. But China is staking out new territory with electric buses, and ...
Measuring Climate Success with New Common Reporting Framework for Cities
Measuring Climate Success with New Common Reporting Framework for Cities
The UN climate conference in Bonn, Germany, has highlighted the importance of sub-national actors to translating commitment to action and meeting global climate goals. But as more non-state actors pledge action, how do we measure success? What is sustainability? What is ...
Report: Cities and States Pledging Action on Climate Represent More Than Half US Economy
Report: Cities and States Pledging Action on Climate Represent More Than Half US Economy
When President Donald Trump announced his intention to pull the world’s second largest emitter of greenhouse gas emissions out of the Paris Agreement, there was understandable concern. But much of the United States pledged to continue moving forward with climate ...
Reducing the Dangerous Crowding on Mumbai’s Trains Will Take More Than Increased Capacity
Reducing the Dangerous Crowding on Mumbai’s Trains Will Take More Than Increased Capacity
On September 29, the Mumbai suburban train services saw one of the worst catastrophes in its history when 23 commuters lost their lives in a stampede at Elphinstone Road railway station. An enquiry committee of the highest level was formed, ...
Mobilizing Leadership for Climate Action in the Transport Sector
Mobilizing Leadership for Climate Action in the Transport Sector
A steady drumbeat of events has set the stage – and thrust into the spotlight – the importance of sustainable urban mobility at this year’s climate conference, COP23. The Climate Action in Transport Conference in Berlin, part of the annual ...
3 Ways to Unlock Financing for Urban Climate Action
3 Ways to Unlock Financing for Urban Climate Action
In climate negotiations, as elsewhere, the question of money takes center stage. How will existing and future commitments be paid for, and who will invest in potentially capital-intensive infrastructure projects? Estimates vary depending on a range of factors, but aggregating ...
How Can Countries Make Progress at COP23? Work with Cities
How Can Countries Make Progress at COP23? Work with Cities
At this week’s climate conference in Bonn, Germany, the pressure is on many national governments to continue implementation of the Paris Agreement despite the United States’ intention to withdraw. But they’ll have help from the world’s cities. Bonn is shaping ...
Voices of Efficiency: Dubai's Quest to Improve Energy Performance Starts with Benchmarking
Voices of Efficiency: Dubai's Quest to Improve Energy Performance Starts with Benchmarking
Dubai is blazing a new path for cities in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) by calling attention to energy consumption in buildings and highlighting the lack of data available to benchmark usage rates and measure progress. In 2016, Dubai joined ...
How Cities Can Harness the Good – and Avoid the Bad – of the New Mobility Movement
How Cities Can Harness the Good – and Avoid the Bad – of the New Mobility Movement
This article was first published in TechCrunch. In late September, London made headlines when it stripped popular ride-hailing app Uber of its license to operate in the city. The wall-to-wall coverage that followed the decision was a sign, if any more ...
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