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Africa's Urban Future: The Policy Agenda for National Governments
Africa’s Urban Future: The Policy Agenda for National Governments
Sustainable economic development in sub-Saharan Africa will only be possible if towns and cities across the region thrive. This column highlights the critical role that national governments need to play in guiding the urban transition. National Urban Policies can help ...
Advancing Innovations for More Efficient Buildings in Indian Cities
Advancing Innovations for More Efficient Buildings in Indian Cities
TheCityFix Labs India, launched in Hyderabad on October 8 in partnership with the Financing Sustainable Cities Initiative and Citi Foundation, is focused on finding innovative ways to connect India’s rapidly growing urban areas with basic services, like water, waste management and ...
Can Paratransit Evolve Alongside African Cities?
Can Paratransit Evolve Alongside African Cities?
Dadalas, donfos, matatus, trotros, car rapides, minibus-taxis – whatever you call the on-demand minivan services that are so ubiquitous in many African cities, you can’t argue with their dominance. Such paratransit systems, as they are known in the transport world, ...
Curbing Climate Change and Preventing Deaths from Air Pollution Go Hand-in-Hand
Curbing Climate Change and Preventing Deaths from Air Pollution Go Hand-in-Hand
More than 7 million people die prematurely every year due to air pollution. That’s like the entire population of Hong Kong dropping dead due to a cause that’s ultimately avoidable. The World Health Organization (WHO) is turning its attention to ...
Bridging the Gap Between Climate Adaptation and Equity: TheCityFix Labs Mexico
Bridging the Gap Between Climate Adaptation and Equity: TheCityFix Labs Mexico
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s latest report on the prospects for staying under 1.5 degrees of warming is a call to action and a warning. The world is not on track to limit dangerous temperature rise and its follow-on ...
IPCC 1.5 Report: Cities Are the Best Chance to Get Climate Right
IPCC 1.5 Report: Cities Are the Best Chance to Get Climate Right
Amid the barrage of news about climate-related natural disasters and climate change summits, it’s important to recognize real inflection points—when there is truly cause to sit up and take note. The IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5ºC, released ...
Putting the Poor First to Improve Sanitation in Kampala
Putting the Poor First to Improve Sanitation in Kampala
For decades, Kampala has raced to keep up with its own rapid growth. Set alongside Lake Victoria, the Ugandan capital more than quadrupled in physical footprint between 1991 and 2012 as population doubled to 1.5 million people. One of Kampala’s ...
Cities Have Metabolisms Too: İzmir and Rotterdam Work to Streamline Resource Use at a Civic Level
Cities Have Metabolisms Too: İzmir and Rotterdam Work to Streamline Resource Use at a Civic Level
From space, cities can look like microscopic living organisms, with bright nodes of industrial and civic activity connected by circulating routes of traffic and transport. Some cities are taking this analogy to a new level with an “urban metabolic” approach ...
5 Major Cities Threatened by Climate Change and Sea Level Rise
5 Major Cities Threatened by Climate Change and Sea Level Rise
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recently released a special report on the social and economic consequences of 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) of warming compared to 2 degrees Celsius. Changing the temperature in your home by one or two ...
Memo to Carmakers: The Future Is Electric
Memo to Carmakers: The Future Is Electric
Electric car sales hit U.S. records this year, with almost 66,000 sold in July and August, more than double the number sold during the same period in 2017. One reason for the boom is the success of the Tesla Model 3, ...
Unlocking Climate Action: When Nations, States and Cities Reinforce Each Other, Everybody Wins
Unlocking Climate Action: When Nations, States and Cities Reinforce Each Other, Everybody Wins
As the recent Global Climate Action Summit underscored, we’re seeing a steady rise in the number of commitments by cities, states and provinces to address climate change, with over 17,500 actions registered on the NAZCA Climate Action Portal. Not only are ...
Financing the Transition to Sustainable Cities: Introducing TheCityFix Labs India
Financing the Transition to Sustainable Cities: Introducing TheCityFix Labs India
Cities are changing at an unprecedented rate: 75 percent of the infrastructure expected to be in place by 2050 has yet to be built. Meanwhile, major adjustments are needed to reach global climate and development goals. Now is the chance ...
With Electric Scooters, Road Space Isn’t So Black and White After All
With Electric Scooters, Road Space Isn’t So Black and White After All
Over the last year, electric scooters have sped onto the streets of some of America’s largest cities, delighting many riders but also surprising and confusing pedestrians and drivers who aren’t quite sure how to deal with them. Do they belong ...
6 Road Design Changes That Can Save Lives
6 Road Design Changes That Can Save Lives
 Urbanization is by and large a good thing, corresponding with steady declines in extreme poverty. More compact cities may also hold the key to a sustainable future. But this trend has come with a side effect: more dangerous city streets. With ...
It’s Hard to Understand the Shared Mobility Revolution When It’s Called Different Things
It’s Hard to Understand the Shared Mobility Revolution When It’s Called Different Things
Uber, Lyft, Didi, Ola, Grab, Via, Chariot, Bridj, car2go, Zipcar, Lime, Jump… The list of companies offering new ways to get around – and new business models to access and pay for it – is long and only getting longer. ...
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