Search Results for 'congestion pricing'
Beyond Highways: Funding Clean Transportation through the US Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
Beyond Highways: Funding Clean Transportation through the US Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
U.S. President Biden has touted the potential climate benefits of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which makes historic investments in transportation, the country’s largest and fastest-growing source of greenhouse gas emissions. But while the bill’s investments could significantly lower transportation emissions, those reductions are not ...
3 Ways to Reimagine Public Transport for People and the Climate
3 Ways to Reimagine Public Transport for People and the Climate
The coronavirus pandemic hit public transport hard. Global ridership tanked initially by as much as 80%, and transit was still at around just 20% of pre-pandemic ridership at the end of 2020. There is serious concern that people will increasingly opt for private vehicles, should public ...
Safer, More Sustainable Transport in a Post-COVID-19 World
Safer, More Sustainable Transport in a Post-COVID-19 World
The COVID-19 crisis has shown that effective public transport is vital to keeping cities running. By serving essential workers in health care, emergency services, food services, and other sectors, public transport has become a service not just for some people ...
Low-Carbon Cities Are Better for Your Health Than Any Superfood
Low-Carbon Cities Are Better for Your Health Than Any Superfood
Climate change is already harming people’s health. In August last year, over 45 million people in India, Bangladesh and Nepal were affected by unprecedented monsoon flooding, while last year’s Atlantic hurricane season was the costliest on record. The scale of ...
Financing Sustainable Infrastructure: A Tale of Two Cities
Financing Sustainable Infrastructure: A Tale of Two Cities
Investment in infrastructure is vital for cities to function and prosper. But many local governments struggle to finance large infrastructure projects while a huge proportion of their residents live in poverty. Two pioneering cities – Hyderabad and Kampala – have ...
Mobilizing Leadership for Climate Action in the Transport Sector
Mobilizing Leadership for Climate Action in the Transport Sector
A steady drumbeat of events has set the stage – and thrust into the spotlight – the importance of sustainable urban mobility at this year’s climate conference, COP23. The Climate Action in Transport Conference in Berlin, part of the annual ...
New Urban Transport Models Can Help Create Sustainable Cities
New Urban Transport Models Can Help Create Sustainable Cities
Urban leaders from around the world are meeting in Quito, Ecuador, October 17-20, 2016, to set the global agenda for the future of cities at the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, known as Habitat III. Through ...
Beyond Emissions: 5 Cities Achieve Social and Economic Development by Reducing GHG Emissions from Transport
Beyond Emissions: 5 Cities Achieve Social and Economic Development by Reducing GHG Emissions from Transport
Low-carbon transport has many social and economic benefits that can accelerate local sustainable development and that deserve recognition beyond their role in addressing climate change. A new series of papers from the Low Emissions Development Strategies Global Partnership’s (LEDS GP) ...
Green spaces in cities, such as New York's High Line, promote an active, sustainable lifestyle for city residents. Photo by David Berkowitz/Flickr.
Designing for a Sustainable Future: A Q&A with Jared Green
For Designed for the Future: 80 Practical Ideas for a Sustainable World, Jared Green asked 80 architects, landscape architects, urban planners, non-profit leaders, journalists, and artists—all people shaping the future of our built and natural environments—the same question: what gives ...
Demystifying Transport Demand Management (TDM)
Strategies for sustainable cities: Demystifying transport demand management
A century of car-centric urban development has left our cities polluted, congested, and searching for sustainable solutions. Transport Demand Management (TDM) strategies can provide these solutions by combining public policy and private sector innovation to reverse over-reliance on private cars. ...
Lahore's urban roads
Lahore’s roads to nowhere
Lahore, Pakistan is on a dangerous path toward a future of urban highways, underpasses, and flyovers that will eventually suffocate the city. By prioritizing car-centric infrastructure through new development contracts, the city is making traffic congestion, air pollution, and road ...
A crowd gathers overlooking Singapore's Marina Bay. Photo by Nicolas Lannuzel/Flickr.
TheCityFix’s Year in Review: Who’s who in the Urbanism Hall of Fame
The science of sustainable cities is constantly evolving. Cities are the birthplace for innovative ideas to address a myriad of global challenges, and new solutions require strong leadership. Throughout 2014, Dario Hidalgo and TheCityFix have examined the pioneers of sustainable ...
TheCityFix’s 2014 People-oriented Cities series shows the blueprint for connected cities with high quality public transport, mixed-use transit-oriented development, and walkable and bikeable neighborhoods. Photo by Mariana Gil/EMBARQ Brasil.
TheCityFix’s Year in Review: What makes a people-oriented city?
Transport and urban development are inherently linked. Though the majority of residents in many of the world’s biggest cities do not own a car, cities are often designed around the needs of automobiles instead of the needs of people. In ...
Five new publications from EMBARQ Brasil will help foster people-oriented cities with high quality public transport systems. Photo by Dylan Passmore/Flickr.
Five new resources for more sustainable Brazilian cities
In some Brazilian cities, poorly managed urban development has led to “3D” urban form – distant, dispersed, and disconnected. Over the past ten years, demand for urban public transport has decreased by 33% in Brazilian cities while car sales are ...
Sustainable transport plays an important role in helping Chinese cities address their debilitating air pollution. Photo by Da Yang/Flickr.
China’s clean air challenge: The health impacts of transport emissions
This is the first post of the China’s Clean Air Challenge series, exclusive to TheCityFix. This series examines the increasing social, environmental, and economic impacts of the serious air quality issue in Chinese cities, and investigates the source of emissions ...
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