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Freeway Revolts
Freeway Revolts
Photo by Lush.i.ous. Joe Foti, a colleague of mine at WRI, just alerted me to a sprawling Wikipedia page on freeway revolts, a term referring to citizen efforts to stop freeway construction in their neighborhoods. In some cases the entry ...
Noise Pollution in Cairo: "A Silent Enemy"
Noise Pollution in Cairo: "A Silent Enemy"
Photo by Hossam all line. The New York Times reports today that noise on Cairo’s streets averages 85 decibels, the equivalent of standing just 15 feet from a passing freight train. And that’s just the average. In the loudest parts ...
Taking Public Transit Can Improve Public Health
Taking Public Transit Can Improve Public Health
By walking twenty minutes each way from the metro in Atlanta to her job at the American Cancer Society, Lois Fletcher has lost more than thirty pounds. It’s a remarkable story about how tweaking your day to day routine can ...
Car-Centric Transport Policy Hurts India's Informal Sector
60 Kilos from CHINTAN on Vimeo. In a recent post here on, Sudhir Gota documented the plight of ‘Transport Challenged People’ in Bangalore, India. In his piece, Sudhir explains how Indian transportation policy’s often myopic focus on car infrastructure ...
New York City's Congestion Pricing Plan Killed in Albany
New York City's Congestion Pricing Plan Killed in Albany
Photo by Christopher Chan. Yesterday, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver announced that Mayor Bloomberg’s congestion pricing bill would not move through Albany, a huge blow to New York City’s livable streets movement and Bloomberg’s ambitious PLANYC, which had congestion pricing as ...
A Congestion Charge for Mumbai?
A Congestion Charge for Mumbai?
The government of Maharashtra, India is planning to introduce a congestion charge in Mumbai, India’s largest city, to relieve the traffic problems that plague the streets. If the plan goes through, Mumbai will follow in the footsteps of cities like ...
Driver's Eye View of BRT
Istanbul’s New BRT System in Action from EMBARQ Network on Vimeo. In the transport world, Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is a hot topic. Akin to a cross between a bus and a metro, this increasingly popular form of mass transit ...
Al Gore Says India Can Lead the Way on Climate Change
Al Gore Says India Can Lead the Way on Climate Change
Al Gore giving keynote speech at World Resources Institute’s 25th Anniversary Dinner. Photo by World Resources Institute on flickr. This month Al Gore addressed the gala dinner at the India Today Conclave, a three day conference on “Leadership for the ...
Crossing the Street in Hanoi
In Hanoi, crossing the street can be a dangerous proposition. Despite the high marks that Vietnamese motorists receive for driving etiquette in the absence of formal traffic rules, (clearly evidenced by the ability of the pedestrian in this video to ...
Lille's Driverless Metro
Lille's Driverless Metro
Inside one of Lille’s gorgeous metro stations. Photo by Martin Araya. In April 2006, my husband and I were both teaching two-week courses at a university center in Lille, a city in northern France. I was excited, knowing that Lille ...
Behind Bangalore's Growth, A New Species Is Born: Transport Challenged People
Behind Bangalore's Growth, A New Species Is Born: Transport Challenged People
Here two-wheelers invade a footpath. All photos by Sudhir Gota, SECON Pvt Ltd. Krishnappa is a security guard for a multinational software firm in Bangalore who, for the past thirty years, has walked and cycled to work. For Krishnappa, the ...
Transport In The News
Transport In The News
Photo by padawan. New York and London: Importing a Decongestant for Midtown Streets [New York Times] United States: Letting the Market Drive Transportation? [Washington Post] London: Livingstone urges Porsche to drop congestion charge challenge[Gaurdian]
The World's Worst Traffic
The World's Worst Traffic
Going nowhere fast in Bangkok. Photo by pchweat. Which city has the world’s worst traffic? It’s a tough question, as cities like Sao Paulo, Cairo, Mumbai, and Los Angeles compete neck and neck for the world’s worst bottlenecks. But Time ...
Tackling Turkey's Traffic
Our friends over at Streetfilms just produced a nice video about Istanbul, featuring the city’s battle with cars, air pollution, and traffic and some bold efforts to make the city more inviting to pedestrians and cyclists. Click the following links ...
Reforming Mexico City's Reforma
Reforming Mexico City's Reforma
CNN has started a series of articles and videos called Eco-Solutions about, well, eco-solutions to the world’s, err, eco-problems. This week’s video features Mayor Marcelo Ebrard of Mexico City and his efforts to transform this bustling capital city infamous for ...
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