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From Busway to BRT
From Busway to BRT
A Delhi Busways station. Photo by Madhav Pai. By Dario Hidalgo and Madhav Pai. Originally published on Compared to other bus corridors world-wide, the Delhi effort is a very limited one. The current design is only a busway, and ...
Easing The Pain Caused by High Fuel Prices
Easing The Pain Caused by High Fuel Prices
Photo by whatatravisty. With oil prices hovering around $135 a barrel, many Americans are feeling uneasy about the future. And for good reason; higher prices at the pump channel money away from things like health care, education, and leisure activities ...
BRT Systems in Latin America
View Larger Map Above is an interactive map highlighting many of the BRT systems currently in operation or under construction in Latin America. As you can see, this efficient, cost-effective approach to transportation management is quickly becoming a standard across ...
The Public Supports Road Pricing
The Public Supports Road Pricing
Congestion Pricing. Photo by .KM. A very interesting study released earlier this month counters conventional wisdom, suggesting that a clear majority of people support tolling and road pricing. As the authors of the study, which analyzed numerous national and international ...
Reassessing Transantiago: A Photo Essay
Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR. Photos by Dario Hidalgo. I recently traveled to Santiago, Chile for the World Bank to assess the current state of “Transantiago” – the city’s ambitious and highly controversial transport reform project launched in February 2007. I ...
Shanghai Cycles
Shanghai Cycles
Shanghai – Cycles from Lrock on Vimeo.
It's Time to Learn from The Brits
It's Time to Learn from The Brits
A street in London built on a human scale. Photo by dnlb2. The BBC has run a piece by Dermot Finch, the director of Centre for Cities, which argues that UK cities have a lot to teach their Trans-Atlantic neighbors ...
Driver's Eye View of Transantiago
Driver’s Eye View of Transantiago from EMBARQ Network on Vimeo. A few months ago here on I posted a video offering a “driver’s eye view” of Istanbul’s new BRT system – Metrobus. Today I thought I would show a ...
Video – Mexico City Residents Losing Sense of Smell
People In Mexico City Losing Their Sense of Smell. Produced by theEMBARQ Network on Vimeo. Rhys Thom and I recently visited Mexico City where we met with two researchers at UNAM – Mexico’s National University – who are doing some ...
Innovative Bicycle is Designed to Meet Needs of Urban Poor
Innovative Bicycle is Designed to Meet Needs of Urban Poor
This post is cross-posted on File this under the eye-catching-Bottom-of-the-Pyramid-design category and add it to the list of fascinating cycle innovations intended to meet multiple needs for the poor – in this case, the challenges of water filtration and ...
Saving Money and the Environment by Changing The Way You Drive
Saving Money and the Environment by Changing The Way You Drive
Today, NPR had an interesting story about “Hypermilers”, a group of people who try and get every last bit of distance out of each gallon of gas they use in their cars. In an ideal world, record high gas prices ...
Living the Good Life on Car-Free Streets
Living the Good Life on Car-Free Streets
Awhile back here on TheCityFix, we highlighted a video made by StreetFilms that explored Bogota’s “Ciclovia” initiative. This innovative program closes nearly 70 miles of city streets each Sunday to car traffic and opens them to throngs of runners, walkers, ...
Is the Hummer Doomed?
Is the Hummer Doomed?
Photo by POPOEVER. The New York Times reports today that the Hummer, that vehicle which has drawn the wrath of environmentalists and spawned websites like FUH2, might become a thing of the past. That’s because gas prices are now hovering ...
Cycling in Beijing
Cycling in Beijing
Photo by Alexandra Moss. Once known as the world’s ‘bicycle kingdom,’ China has experienced rapid urbanization leading some to declare the beginning of the end for China’s bikes. While it’s true that from 1995 to 2005, China’s bike fleet declined ...
Highway Accidents in India Reach Staggering Levels
Highway Accidents in India Reach Staggering Levels
The Pune Miror has an interesting article on a study conducted by the Maharashtra Police on highway accidents in India. Simply put, the results are startling.
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