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Americans Ditching the Driver's Seat
Americans Ditching the Driver's Seat
Could this be the end of America’s love affair with cars? Over the years, driving has slowed down, leveled out, and then finally, with the dramatic increase in gas prices, declined. Now, we are “witnessing the largest sustained drops in ...
Winterize Your Bike: Bike Pogies, Studded Tires, Chain Lube and Anti-Rust Paint
Winterize Your Bike: Bike Pogies, Studded Tires, Chain Lube and Anti-Rust Paint
Here at EMBARQ headquarters in Washington, D.C. it’s been unseasonably warm. But that still doesn’t mean we can’t all prepare for winterizing our snow mobiles — our bicycles, that is — for when the snow and slush hit the streets. ...
Help Dan, Save Traffic!
HAPPY FRIDAY! ENJOY THE COMMUTE HOME! (Thanks to Rich Kassel from NRDC’s Switchboard for sharing this video. It originally came from USPIRG’s 21st century transportation video contest.) Love,
California Gets Tough on Global Warming
California Gets Tough on Global Warming
The California Air Resources Board voted unanimously yesterday to adopt “the most comprehensive roadmap to date to cut the amount of heat-trapping emissions in the United States.” (via Associated Press.) From an ARB press release: The Air Resources Board today ...
The ABCs of Air Pollution
The ABCs of Air Pollution
Man-made clouds of pollution, stretching from Beijing to New Delhi, are threatening the water and food security in Asia, according to a recent report from the United Nations Environment Programme. These massive brown plumes of smog – known as atmospheric ...
Boulder Wins Platinum in Biking
Boulder Wins Platinum in Biking
“Boulder Goes Bike Platinum” by Streetfilms The League of American Cyclists has bestowed one of its highest honors on Boulder, CO: a Platinum ranking for bike friendly communities. Now along with Portland, OR and Davis, CA, Boulder is a shining ...
Public Transit Ridership Hits Record Highs
Public Transit Ridership Hits Record Highs
Crowds on the DC Metro system. Photo by Techne. With the average price per gallon of gas down to $1.75 – the lowest in nearly five years – it may come as a surprise that Americans continue to ride buses, ...
California to Developers: Build Near Transit
California to Developers: Build Near Transit
Suburban sprawls California style. Photo by pbo31. In September, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed into law a piece of ground breaking legislation promoting transit oriented development in the state. The Bil, SB 375, focuses on reducing green house gas emissions ...
Greening the Big Three Bailout
Greening the Big Three Bailout
Photo of the Ford Escape Hybrid, which Ford CEO Alan Mulally drove to DC from Detroit, by Ford Motor Company from Flickr. Yesterday, the “Big Three” U.S. automakers — General Motors Corp., Ford Motor Co. and Chrysler — got a ...
San Francisco to Lead U.S. in Congestion Charging?
San Francisco to Lead U.S. in Congestion Charging?
Photo of Golden Gate Bridge congestion in San Francisco by Sonja_Boeckmann from Flickr The second-most congested city in the nation is considering a plan to charge motorists to drive on local roads in an effort to relieve traffic woes. A ...
Transport, Energy and CO2 in Asia
Transport, Energy and CO2 in Asia
Electric railway system in Bangkok. Photo by SpAvAAi. Lew Fulton of the International Energy Agency made a very compelling presentation at the most recent BAQ Asia Conference. Here are some of the most important messages from his data-intensive presentation: Asian ...
There Goes My Social Life: Heavy Traffic Leads to Fewer Friends
There Goes My Social Life: Heavy Traffic Leads to Fewer Friends
Photo by ~diP from Flickr. If you’re feeling like a loner, consider where you live. Residents on busy streets tend to have 75% fewer friends than those living on similar streets with less traffic, according to research published in September ...
New York's Next Renaissance
Most streets in New York bring to mind urban warfare instead of urban renaissance, but on the Upper West side, residents, businesses, and advocates have recently launched a blueprint to revitalize their community and create more livable streets to their ...
Bachelor of Arts in Biking
Bachelor of Arts in Biking
Flickr photo by sandcastlematt In efforts to fight growing needs for unsightly parking lots, many universities have discovered a variety of options focused on separating academics and students from their cars. The University of Washington provides free bike rentals including ...
Cleveland's 'Healthline' - the Newest BRT in the US
Cleveland’s ‘Healthline’ – the Newest BRT in the US
After years of planning, the new Euclid Ave. Healthline has opened in Cleveland, Ohio. The project showcases a relative low cost alternative for cities looking for ways to improve accessibility. The Healthline joins a growing list of BRT systems in ...
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