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NPR Launches 'On the Road to Safety' Series
NPR Launches 'On the Road to Safety' Series
TheCityFix just came across this great series that American National Public Radio (NPR) began yesterday. The impetus for the series was the realization that apparently last year saw one of the lowest levels of driving fatalities in nearly 50 years. ...
Marie Reed Underpass, Champlain Contraflow Bike Lane Complete
Marie Reed Underpass, Champlain Contraflow Bike Lane Complete
The much anticipated reopening of Champlain Street under Marie Reed Reed Community Center in Adams Morgan is complete. The project features a northbound contraflow bike lane on the newly created one-way southbound stretch of Champlain. It also includes a large ...
How Free is Your Parking?
How Free is Your Parking?
Here is a great video I found via our friends over at It was produced in Australia, but the effects of minimum parking requirements on urban areas are truly global in scope. Also check out Donald Shoup’s The High ...
The New Penn Avenue: Sustainable?
The New Penn Avenue: Sustainable?
One of D.C.’s busiest corridors is getting a touchup. The Great Streets Pennsylvania Avenue initiative, kicked off a couple of weeks ago by Mayor Adrian M. Fenty, will seek to enhance the street’s physical landscape as well as its transportation ...
The Illusive Dream of Modern American Rail
The Illusive Dream of Modern American Rail
For a total of 7 minutes, train geeks can rejoice while riding Amtrak’s Acela Express, which glides at 150 mph in America’s northeast corridor. That track, located in Rhode Island and Massachusetts, totals 18 miles and is the only segment ...
Less Cars, More Bicycles. Less Lycra, More Tweed.
Less Cars, More Bicycles. Less Lycra, More Tweed.
Events like the DC Tweed Ride are helping to rebrand sustainable transportation as fashionable, stylish and fun and are important to change the attitude of the general public towards bicycling.
China FAQs: Cities and Transport
China FAQs: Cities and Transport
The World Resources Institute yesterday released a new English-language Web site,, dedicated to answering questions about climate change and energy in China. The easy-to-navigate online resource so far lists the bios and contact information of 26 experts, including nonprofit ...
The End of the American Exurbs and the Death of Sprawl?
The End of the American Exurbs and the Death of Sprawl?
It’s a common refrain among Smart Growth advocates across the United States that goes something like this: “The fallout from the economic crisis is hitting far out suburban and exurban communities much harder than urban areas. This signals the end ...
Great Multimedia Exhibit on Urban Poverty Ends Sunday
Great Multimedia Exhibit on Urban Poverty Ends Sunday
If you haven’t been to the National Building Museum in a while, be sure not to miss an interactive multimedia exhibit called “The Places We Live.” The exhibit provides striking access into the homes and lives of of 20 different ...
DDOT Director, D.C. Councilmember Take Action in Response to SeeClickFix Report
DDOT Director, D.C. Councilmember Take Action in Response to SeeClickFix Report
As I noted in a post a little over a week ago, my SeeClickFix report about a dangerous pedestrian crossing at U Street and Florida Ave. NW has garnered a lot of attention, even surpassing my own expectations about the ...
Update on EcoCity World Summit
Update on EcoCity World Summit
As a follow-up post to our initial announcement of the Ecocity World Summit in Istanbul, scheduled for December 13-15, here are a few links to stories from the Ecocity Media website you may enjoy: Keep the EV Batteries, But Lose ...
Towards a More Sustainable Jakarta
Towards a More Sustainable Jakarta
Jakarta is the world’s sixth most populous metropolitan area. At 18.9 million people, the Indonesian capital’s total population falls just short of metropolitan Mumbai and New York and its built environment covers some 5,100 square kilometers. Experts expect its population ...
Study on Maryland Smart Growth: Widespread Acclaim, But Limited Results
Study on Maryland Smart Growth: Widespread Acclaim, But Limited Results
“Single-family homes and townhouses are scattered on ever-larger lots in areas designated for dense, compact building, as lots outside those areas shrink, the study concludes. “The number of parcels developed, the acres of land developed and the average size [of ...
What's Schipper Saying? "Very Little Energy Savings Per Car Clunked"
What's Schipper Saying? "Very Little Energy Savings Per Car Clunked"
Welcome to our first weekly installment of “What’s Schipper Saying?”, a “Where’s Waldo”-esque online scavenger hunt of comments about sustainable transport, cities and fuel efficiency made by EMBARQ Founder Lee Schipper, a senior research engineer at the Precourt Energy Efficiency ...
"Historic" International Day of Climate Action
"Historic" International Day of Climate Action
Apparently’s October 24th International Day of Climate Action was a huge success and a historic day for climate activism across the globe. According to organizers, there were  5,200 events in 181 countries. CNN called it “The most widespread day ...
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