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Friday Fun: A Reality Show About...Car Parking
Friday Fun: A Reality Show About…Car Parking
“Is this your car?” “Uh, yea…” “Well you’re about to get a ticket for blocking the sidewalk.” Parking is the subject of a new A&E American reality television show. The series follows likable and smooth-talking employees of Detroit Municipal Parking ...
New Report: Latin American Green City Index
New Report: Latin American Green City Index
The Economic Intelligence Unit (EIU) of the news magazine The Economist and Siemens released a Latin American Green City Index measuring sustainability of 17 key cities in the region. EIU is a prominent research and intelligence firm that delivers business ...
WANTED: Bike Share in New York City!
WANTED: Bike Share in New York City!
New York City’s Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan today issued a Request For Proposals (RFP) for private companies to provide a bike share system for the city with hopes of implementation by the spring of 2012. The bike ...
Parking Woes in Kolkata
Parking Woes in Kolkata
India’s megacity of Kolkata, the world’s eighth largest, struggles with a number of issues related to a lack of regulation in the transit industry and a seemingly out-of-control transportation culture. The blog, Reinventing Parking, wrote recently about exorbitant parking rates in the ...
California Beckons High-Speed Rail Despite Midterm Derailment in Funding
California Beckons High-Speed Rail Despite Midterm Derailment in Funding
With the incoming Republican leadership after this year’s midterm elections, a few U.S. states once contending for hundreds of millions of dollars in federal money as part of the stimulus bill for high-speed rail will likely reject the funding. High-speed ...
Two-Way Street Between D.C. and the Dutch
Two-Way Street Between D.C. and the Dutch
The Royal Netherlands Embassy hosted a two-day series of workshops, known as ThinkBike, in Washington, D.C. last week, bringing together Dutch bicycling experts, local transportation planners, engineers, advocates and cyclists to plan and discuss how to improve biking in the nation’s capital. The ...
In the U.S., Poor Communication and Poor Choices Plague Bus Rapid Transit
In the U.S., Poor Communication and Poor Choices Plague Bus Rapid Transit
Bus rapid transit (BRT) is still a relatively novel mode of public transit, particularly in the United States. And because the definition of BRT is flexible, this form of public transit often suffers from miscommunication that continues the cycle of ...
TheCityFix Picks, November 19: Double-Decker Makeover, Mecca by Bike, Transport's Rising Emissions
TheCityFix Picks, November 19: Double-Decker Makeover, Mecca by Bike, Transport's Rising Emissions
Welcome back to TheCityFix Picks, our series highlighting the newsy and noteworthy of the past week. Each Friday, we’ll run down the headlines falling under TheCityFix’s five themes: mobility, quality of life, environment, public space, and technology and innovation. Mobility ...
Friday Fun: The Search for Stylish Helmets
Friday Fun: The Search for Stylish Helmets
As bicycling proliferates, it appears less riders are wearing helmets. In the U.S. half of all riders wear a helmet for a least some trips and only 35 percent for all trips. A Streetsfilm on Vélib’, Paris’ bikeshare program, shows ...
Approaching COP 16, India Focuses on Reducing Carbon Emissions
Approaching COP 16, India Focuses on Reducing Carbon Emissions
India has embarked on a new path for tackling carbon reduction in the transportation sector two weeks before the 16th Conference of Parties (COP) event of the United Nations Climate Change Conference held in Cancun, Mexico from November 29 to ...
Cities in Focus: Curitiba
Cities in Focus: Curitiba
Last night, EMBARQ (the producer of this blog) premiered the latest video in its documentary series, “Cities in Focus: Curitiba,” a five-minute film that profiles innovative examples of sustainable urban development, with a focus on transit-oriented development (TOD) and bus rapid ...
How Much Money Does Public Transportation Save?
How Much Money Does Public Transportation Save?
The American Public Transportation Association (APTA) released its monthly “The Transit Savings Report” detailing how riding public transportation on average saves money. The report found that individuals save $9,515 annually (up by a few hundred dollars from this time last year) ...
Chicago Innovates Urban Planning with Participatory Communication
Chicago Innovates Urban Planning with Participatory Communication
CEOs for Cities recently launched the Give a Minute campaign in Chicago to figure out what would encourage Chicagoans to walk, bike or take Chicago Transit Authority trains more often. In short, Chicago wants to hear from the people who ...
Public Art, Public Space and Great Places
Public Art, Public Space and Great Places
The concept of the “Do-It-Yourself” (D.I.Y.) city is far more complex than stereotypes of young people pasting posters to walls or hastily drawing bike markers on streets. Take, for example, our post on Latino New Urbanism about how immigrants are shaping ...
Taxis: The New Frontier of Sustainable Transportation
Taxis: The New Frontier of Sustainable Transportation
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is vowing to promote the use of electric and energy efficient taxi cabs globally and in New York, a city known for its gas guzzling Crown Victoria cabs. Bloomberg was elected chair of the ...
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