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Feebates: Looking Beyond Subsidies to Incentivize Electric Vehicle Adoption
Feebates: Looking Beyond Subsidies to Incentivize Electric Vehicle Adoption
A central piece of the conversation about how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transport sector has been around the need to electrify vehicles. This sentiment has been fueled by manufacturers and governments pledging to stop selling fossil-fueled powered ...
More Equal Cities Can Help Bring Global Climate Goals Within Reach
More Equal Cities Can Help Bring Global Climate Goals Within Reach
While negotiations rage on, many world leaders have already left COP26 in Glasgow having said their piece about a low-carbon future for their country. No one can accuse them of being short on vision. But one thing is increasingly clear ...
How Germany Is Working to Translate the Benefits of Active Mobility into Meaningful Action
How Germany Is Working to Translate the Benefits of Active Mobility into Meaningful Action
Electric vehicles may own the headlines, but our feet remain the most environmentally friendly means of travel, closely followed by bicycles, skateboards, scooters, tricycles and other active, non-motorized modes. Not only does zero-emission active mobility help protect the climate and ...
4 Ways to Design Safe Streets for Cyclists
4 Ways to Design Safe Streets for Cyclists
Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, cycling has become an even more popular, resilient and reliable travel option, and pop-up bike lanes have been increasingly common in major cities around the globe. Between March and July 2020, 394 cities, ...
Going Electric: How Ride-hailing Drivers Can Help Cities Speed Up EV Use
Going Electric: How Ride-hailing Drivers Can Help Cities Speed Up EV Use
Several countries made climate commitments at COP26 with the goal of achieving net-zero emissions and reducing climate impacts. These goals will be impossible to achieve without making transportation sustainable, as the sector creates almost a quarter of global greenhouse gas ...
What We Can Learn About Climate Action from British Cities
What We Can Learn About Climate Action from British Cities
As COP26 is in full swing in Glasgow, countries worldwide have failed to reduce emissions in line with the Paris Agreement targets to limit global warming to 1.5°C. But cities are a bright spot. Many have developed climate action plans ...
Can Cities Thrive in Turbulent Times? 3 Questions for Cities in 2022
Can Cities Thrive in Turbulent Times? 3 Questions for Cities in 2022
Infectious disease outbreaks can have enduring influence on urban design and several have irrevocably shaped how modern cities feel and function. For example, parks, wide street design and even the home bathroom are all important legacies of cholera outbreaks; today, ...
Technology Pathways to Decarbonize China’s Heavy-Duty Trucks
Technology Pathways to Decarbonize China’s Heavy-Duty Trucks
The transport sector is the third largest source of GHG emissions in China, following the power and industry sectors. Heavy-duty truck transportation accounts for 41% of the country’s freight demand (in tonne-kilometers) and 84% and 40% of motor vehicles’ NOx ...
7 Major Transformations to Solve Urban Inequality
7 Major Transformations to Solve Urban Inequality
Owusu lives with his wife and four children in the Tantra Hills neighborhood of Accra, Ghana, where he shares his residence with five other tenants and their families. The house has a toilet and electricity, but the costs for both ...
How More Equal Cities Can Be Climate and Development Solutions [PODCAST]
How More Equal Cities Can Be Climate and Development Solutions [PODCAST]
Cities are places of opportunity — and inequality. They are where more than half the world’s population will experience the impacts of climate change. They’re also part of the solution. This podcast highlights Seven Transformations for More Equitable and Sustainable ...
Daring Cities 2021: Going from Ambitious Climate Goals to Impactful, On-the-Ground Solutions
Daring Cities 2021: Going from Ambitious Climate Goals to Impactful, On-the-Ground Solutions
The need to set aggressive goals, backed by meaningful numbers, is an obvious starting point in the fight against climate change. It’s common knowledge that if global warming exceeds 1.5C, we face the prospect of everything from increasingly extreme weather ...
Reorganizing Informal Transport in Uganda: Achieving a Multimodality that Works for All
Reorganizing Informal Transport in Uganda: Achieving a Multimodality that Works for All
Multimodal public transport in Uganda is widespread but largely an informal affair. Kampala, like many African cities, relies on this informal system – comprised largely of taxis (14-seater minibuses) and boda bodas (motorcycle taxis) – to provide much-needed connectivity to ...
Creating the Future of Cities with Regenerative Placemaking
Creating the Future of Cities with Regenerative Placemaking
This past year has been one of deep transformation, as we continue to live through one of the most influential events in human history. Amid the global pandemic, the social and racial inequality gap continues to widen. And the world’s ...
African Cities Taking on Road Safety
African Cities Taking on Road Safety
While road safety is a critical issue across the globe as more cars hit the road and more people move to cities, African cities are disproportionately affected. Africa is the least motorized region globally, yet has the highest road traffic ...
Cities Are Surprising Leaders in Forest Conservation
Cities Are Surprising Leaders in Forest Conservation
The world’s forests face a dire threat. Each year, 6 to 9 million hectares (15 to 22 million acres, an area roughly the size of Denmark) of forests are permanently cleared and many millions more are degraded. But many decisions affecting forests ...
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