Search Results for 'congestion pricing'
What are the options with payment schemes for public transportation? There are two tiers of strategies that a Los Angeles Metro study recently outlined. Time-based systems allow passengers to ride a transit system and make free transfers for a set ...
More than 60% of D.C.-area workers over the age of 16 drive to work alone. This means that on the Capital Beltway, rush hour commutes often – and unpredictably – turn into hours-long, soul-crushing rides. It’s bleak. But people still ...
Bogotanos are suffering through their fifth straight day of bus strikes. About 16,000 owners of traditional buses (i.e. not the vehicles from bus rapid transit system, Transmilenio) went on strike Monday at the urging of their union, the Association of ...
Image from Moving Cooler. If anyone’s not seen it yet, the new Moving Cooler report is destined to be a real landmark moment in United States sustainable transportation. It’s quite rare to see any sort of think tank or government ...
It’s always good to have your argument laid out for you in a well-designed policy paper. The Center for Clean Air Policy’s new report, “Cost-Effective GHG Reductions through Smart Growth and Improved Transportation Choices,” does just that. It lays out ...
I wrote a couple of days ago about the need for smart growth advocates and urbanists to get smarter about playing the inside game. We’re winning the messaging but then losing behind closed doors, I argued. So I was particularly ...
I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July and long weekend. I know I did. There are a bunch of people, though, who I can’t imagine enjoyed their holiday. Take a look at the Post’s Get There blog’s coverage ...
I spent yesterday at a fantastic conference on priority buses in the Washington area. Organized by the TPB and the Federal Transit Administration, we got to hear from transit officials from across the country about what innovations their areas have ...
Photo by cindy47452. The National Transportation Policy Project of the Bipartisan Policy Center today released its final recommendations calling for comprehensive reform of the U.S. surface transportation bill, which expires at the end of September. The recommendations were gathered over ...
New York Times Magazine writer Randy Cohen, aka The Ethicist, sits down with Mark Gorton from The Open Planning Project and discusses the ethical implications of driving, congestions pricing, biking and the use of public space by private individuals. Mr. ...
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