Posts tagged with 'women'
From Moving Cars to Moving People: Scaling Up Safer Streets in Indian Cities
From Moving Cars to Moving People: Scaling Up Safer Streets in Indian Cities
Most people in India walk – to work, to the market or to the railway station. According to the 2011 Indian census, 48% of people walk or cycle to work every day compared to the less than 3% of people ...
Putting Women at the Center of Clean Air Action
Putting Women at the Center of Clean Air Action
A key objective of the Clean Air Catalyst is to exchange knowledge, build trust and foster opportunities to elevate the voices of those most impacted by air pollution, particularly women and low-income communities. Funded by the U.S. Agency for International ...
Putting People First: 4 Cities Show How to Rethink Mobility
Putting People First: 4 Cities Show How to Rethink Mobility
For decades, urban transportation policy and practitioners have favored a model of analysis that prioritizes increasing the speed of vehicles and the time saved for people as a result. While this may make sense on an intuitive level, it is ...
Transforming Transportation 2023: Accelerating Toward Green and Inclusive Mobility
Transforming Transportation 2023: Accelerating Toward Green and Inclusive Mobility
After two years of unprecedented disruption to transport globally and two years of virtual conferences, Transforming Transportation returned to Washington, DC, March 14-15. More than 900 policymakers, experts and leaders in transport gathered at the World Bank Headquarters to explore ...
Inclusive Design Creates a Safer Transportation System for All Residents of Peshawar, Pakistan
Inclusive Design Creates a Safer Transportation System for All Residents of Peshawar, Pakistan
For decades, the city of Peshawar, in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of northern Pakistan, has been rocked by wars and acts of terrorism that disrupted public safety and made it difficult to plan the city’s growth. A particularly challenging consequence ...
Achieving Clean Air for Girls and Women [PODCAST]
Achieving Clean Air for Girls and Women [PODCAST]
How much do air quality and pollution issues affect women and girls, and how much can those problems be solved by making sure they have a seat at the decision-making table? These questions are addressed in this episode of WRI’s ...
How Gender Impacts Transportation and Accessibility in Fort Portal, Uganda
How Gender Impacts Transportation and Accessibility in Fort Portal, Uganda
For men, women, and children, movement around and across Ugandan cities is dominated by minibuses, motorcycle taxis and walking. However, gender roles and differences in priorities and values mean women’s and men’s travel needs can differ widely. Recently, interviews conducted ...
Improving Water Security Helps Reduce the Gender Gap in Mexico City
Improving Water Security Helps Reduce the Gender Gap in Mexico City
Water for human consumption is increasingly inaccessible, due to poor management, degradation of water sources, the effects of climate change and more. Marginalized groups — such as minorities, rural communities and women — are disproportionately affected by water security issues, and women often play a key ...
Lessons from Delhi on Making Mobility Data Work Better for Women
Lessons from Delhi on Making Mobility Data Work Better for Women
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted public transportation as an essential service for the functioning of all cities. But especially for many women, the closures and general instability of public transit systems have meant loss of access to services and customers ...
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