Posts tagged with 'water conservation'
Rebuilding Kenya Stronger: Here's What's Needed to Rebound After Catastrophic Floods
Rebuilding Kenya Stronger: Here’s What’s Needed to Rebound After Catastrophic Floods
In Kenya and throughout east Africa, flooding this past April and May wreaked havoc, leaving a path of deadly destruction. The unprecedented deluge of heavy rainfall resulted in a catastrophe that many in Kenya have never witnessed. According to a June ...
The Impacts of El Niño Go Far Beyond Water
The Impacts of El Niño Go Far Beyond Water
Over the past several months, the climate pattern El Niño has disrupted different regions and sectors across the world. Zimbabwe recently declared a state of disaster, due largely to El Niño-induced drought. The city government in Bogotá, Colombia, announced water rationing as reservoir levels ...
Natural Infrastructure: A Cost-Effective Alternative to Supply Clean Water to Bogotá
Natural Infrastructure: A Cost-Effective Alternative to Supply Clean Water to Bogotá
The Guacheneque Páramo, where the Bogotá River originates, represents the second largest source of drinking water for the city of Bogotá, Colombia. It is a key ecosystem that supplies water to approximately 25% of the city’s 7 million inhabitants. However, due to ...
Pink City to Green City: Building Jaipur’s Climate Resilience Through Nature-Based Solutions
Pink City to Green City: Building Jaipur’s Climate Resilience Through Nature-Based Solutions
India experienced almost one extreme weather event per day in the first nine months of 2022. And the state of Rajasthan is no stranger to this phenomenon, with its capital city, Jaipur, ranking 22nd on the Global Climate Vulnerability Index. ...
India’s First Water Body Census: Connecting the Missing Links
India’s First Water Body Census: Connecting the Missing Links
A systematic, consistent, national-level dataset on India’s water bodies that could inform efforts to improve water management and increase resilience has been long awaited. The National Water Body Census 2023 is a crucial milestone in creating such a database. Undertaken ...
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