Posts tagged with 'urban planning'
Shenzhen TOD
How a Chinese Megacity is Innovating Finance for Transit-Oriented Development
China’s rapid urbanization has dramatically increased the need for public transit infrastructure. To accommodate these changes, it’s estimated that China needs to expand urban rail by at least 3,000 kilometers by 2020—approximately a $4 trillion investment. In Chinese cities, funding ...
The Kumbh Mela
Friday Fun: Lessons and Innovations from India’s Temporary City, the Kumbh Mela
In January, 2013, a city emerged on the banks of the Ganges and Yamuna rivers in Allahabad, India. Temporary bamboo and fabric structures appeared on a floodplain that had been underwater just weeks before. Metal plates were laid down for ...
Toronto's Streetcar
What Cities Can Learn From Greater Toronto’s Transit-Oriented Development
While there are many inspiring examples of walkable, transit-oriented cities in Europe, there’s also plenty to learn from Canada. For example, with the extraordinary help of Jane Jacobs and other leaders, Toronto has been able to successfully keep expressways out ...
Zhengzhou, China HSR Station
How China Can Leverage High-Speed Rail for Compact Urban Development
Many large Chinese cities have developed around transport corridors. Hangzhou and Suzhou, for example, grew wealthy from their position on the Grand Canal, which connected northern and southern China. Today, the country’s high-speed rail (HSR) system is proving to be ...
Urban Expansion in Sao Paulo, Brazil
Why Planning for Expansion Helps Build Sustainable, Equitable cities
Consensus is building around the many benefits of compact cities. Overall, compact cities use fewer resources, produce fewer carbon emissions, and provide better quality of life for their inhabitants than their sprawled counterparts. In rapidly urbanizing countries in the global ...
Overcoming institutional obstacles to achieving low-carbon transport in China
Overcoming China’s institutional barriers to sustainable urban transport
China’s top-down system of decision-making has been the root of many transformative changes in the past. So why has it recently been so hard to rally city leaders behind low-carbon transport? The answer has two sides: institutional complexity and lack ...
Laws governing planning processes in Indian cities need to recognize the varying needs and complexities of differently sized urban centers. Photo by Ryan/Flickr.
Must a city of 8 thousand follow the same planning processes as one of 8 million? A case for rightsize planning in India
India’s urban population currently stands at 377 million, representing 31% of the country’s total population. This urban population is distributed across a diverse range of small, medium and large urban centers. Smaller urban centers – or ‘census towns’ that have recently crossed ...
Caption: Cities can dramatically improve street vendors’ livelihoods by providing sufficient space and infrastructure for vending. Photo by Prasanth Chandran/Flickr.
Making space for street vendors: Towards equitable urban development
As previously discussed on TheCityFix, informal street vendors in cities around the world experience daily challenges to their economic livelihoods. For example, street vendors are perceived to be detrimental to city life, unhygienic, noisy, and to obstruct smooth flow of ...
Nominations are now open for the 2015 Sustainable Transport Award, which will highlight one city’s leadership in sustainable urban mobility. Photo by Alex Proimos/Flickr.
Nominate your city for the 2015 Sustainable Transport Award!
EMBARQ – the producer of TheCityFix – together with the rest of the Sustainable Transport Award (STA) Committee, invites you to nominate your city for the Sustainable Transport Award! Nominations are open now and will be accepted until September 15, ...
Technology is allowing city residents to interact with their surroundings in new ways, which can have both the benefit of advancing sustainable development and the drawback of reinforcing social divisions. Photo by Daniel Chavez/Flickr.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder: New mapping algorithm poses problems and promise for cities
Yahoo Labs has recently created a mapping algorithm that helps pedestrians find not the shortest route to their destination, but the most attractive one. This is great for visitors who want to spend every second of their time sightseeing in ...
Bus rapid transit (BRT) is expanding worldwide, particularly in Asia and Latin America. Watch it grow on Photo by EMBARQ Brasil.
New BRT data shows cities’ increased commitment to sustainable transport
The global database of bus rapid transit (BRT) data has recently been updated, and the increased number of BRT lines, as well as the length of those lines, reflects the commitment of cities around the world to provide high-capacity ...
TheCityFix is excited to be recognized as one of the Top 20 resources for urban planners for delivering top-notch analysis on sustainable urban development in the developing world, a role we will continue far into the future. Photo by Juan Felipe Rubio/Flickr.
TheCityFix recognized as one of the top 20 websites for urban planners
Today TheCityFix has something big to celebrate. We are ranked as one of the Top Blogs for Urban Planners, now for the third year in a row. Since our launch in 2007, we have been working to provide our readers ...
While cities like São Paulo, Brazil, are expanding the technology available to city leaders, good governance remains pivotal to creating a truly 'smart' city. Photo by Mariana Gil/EMBARQ Brazil.
The difference between data and wisdom: Smart cities have a lot to learn
This article reports on presentations made by Philip Yang, President, URBEM (Urbanism and Urban Studies Institute for the city of Sao Paulo), Jianming Cai, Professor at the Institute of Geographic Sciences & Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and Alexandros Washburn Founding Director, Center for ...
The people in Bogota's informal sector and the city government have clashing visions of how informal commerce should play out on public transport and in public spaces. Photo by Nathan Gibbs/Flickr.
Public transport and the informal sector: Competing visions of Bogotá’s future
There is an entire ecosystem of informal commerce along Bogotá, Colombia’s streets. Some vendors sit at traffic signals or bus stops, waiting for a bus that’s not too full and not too empty. When they spot a good candidate, they ...
Copenhagen, Denmark, is welcoming for both pedestrians and bikers because of the people-centered urban design principles that Jan Gehl spearheaded. Photo by Justin Swan/Flickr.
Urbanism Hall of Fame: Jan Gehl integrates humanity into urban design
This is the fourth entry in the Urbanism Hall of Fame series, exclusive to TheCityFix. This series is intended to inform people about the leading paradigms surrounding sustainable transport and urban planning and the thinkers behind them. By presenting their many ...
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