Posts tagged with 'Transport Finance'
The world, and Asia in particular, is heading in the wrong direction Asia is rapidly urbanizing, creating localized stress on the transport system. In 2011, for the first time in history, more Chinese lived in urban centers than rural areas ...
This post was originally featured on WRIInsights and was co-authored with Daniel Bongardt, Transport Policy Advisor with the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ). China—especially its cities—has embraced sustainable transport in a big way. The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development recently urged Chinese cities ...
This post was originally published on on February 10, 2012 by Divya Kottadiel. EMBARQ India organized and hosted Rickshaw Rising: An Auto-Rickshaw Entrepreneurship Summit on February 10 to present the challenges and opportunities of entrepreneur-driven organized fleet auto-rickshaw services, as an integral part ...
Today, President Obama urged Congress to pass a clean extension of the nation’s surface transportation bill. If not extended, the bill will expire on September 30, taking with it funding for mass transit systems, as well as shutting down bridge ...
Holger Dalkmann was recently announced as the newest director of EMBARQ (the producer of this blog.) An avid cyclist and a geographer by trade, Dalkmann assumes his role with a strong background in business development, research and policy in both ...
This post is part of a series covering the 2011 Sustainable Transport Symposium in Kocaeli, Turkey from April 6-8, 2011, an event hosted by EMBARQ, the producer of this blog. The second day of the symposium included sessions on BRT and ...
The idea of a National Infrastructure Bank has been kicking around in the news lately, touted by leaders such as President Obama in his Tuesday jobs speech, Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood at yesterday’s Brookings Institution event on infrastructure investment ...