Posts tagged with 'streetscape'
Towards Climate Resilience: A Streetside View
Towards Climate Resilience: A Streetside View
In December 2023, the floods in Chennai and neighboring districts of Tamil Nadu wreaked havoc on the lives and livelihoods of thousands of people. However, Tamil Nadu is not the only state to be impacted by the rising hazards of ...
Transforming Transportation 2024: Mobilizing Finance for Climate Action
Transforming Transportation 2024: Mobilizing Finance for Climate Action
If a picture can tell a whole story, then the image below of an intersection in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, shows the past, present and future of global transformation in the transport sector. During Transforming Transportation 2024, which focused on ...
Re-Thinking Street Design with a Gender Lens: Lessons from a Street Experiment in Istanbul
Re-Thinking Street Design with a Gender Lens: Lessons from a Street Experiment in Istanbul
Although it is widely recognized that gender disparities are echoed in the design and operation of urban transportation systems, gender-responsive transportation planning is still in its early stages. Drawing from the TOPUK project, which stands for “Women Accessing Public Transport,” ...
E-Mobility Roadmaps Cut Emissions Faster and More Affordably. Here’s How to Build One.
E-Mobility Roadmaps Cut Emissions Faster and More Affordably. Here’s How to Build One.
To cut transport emissions, moving vehicles away from burning fossil fuels is a fundamental step. However, the e-mobility transition is not only an opportunity to reduce emissions but to modernize mobility across the board, from expanding access to public transport ...
The Journey of Redesigning Delhi Gate Junction
The Journey of Redesigning Delhi Gate Junction
From a road safety standpoint, intersections are one of the most critical parts of a city’s streetscape and transportation network. In most cities, they account for the highest number of interactions between vehicles and pedestrians. To increase safety at one ...
Scenes from Mexico City's Cyclotón
Building a cycling culture in Mexico: Q&A with Gisela Mendez, Awen Southern, and Julie Clerc
Implemented in 2010, Mexico City’s Ecobici bike-sharing system has grown from 90 stations and 11,000 members  in its first year of operation to 271 stations and over 75,000 members today — covering new ground and reaching more residents. TheCityFix interviews ...
From the Mexico City Urban Earth Transect. By Daniel @RavenEllison [URBAN EARTH].
Friday Fun: Daniel Raven-Ellison and the “Urban Transect” through Mexico City
One photo, every eight steps, the camera pointed straight ahead. The formula is simple, but the results reveal a lot about the way we perceive urban streetscapes. Geographer Daniel Raven-Ellison formed the Urban Earth network, in an effort to, “explore ...
Abu Dhabi Showcases Sustainable Urban Design
Abu Dhabi Showcases Sustainable Urban Design
The Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council (UPC) in February released the Urban Street Design Manual, a 172-page guidebook that outlines design standards to create more walkable communities in Abu Dhabi, the largest and most oil-rich of the seven members of ...
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