Posts tagged with 'shared mobility'
How Ride- and Bike-Share Programs Can Play an Important Role in Latin America
How Ride- and Bike-Share Programs Can Play an Important Role in Latin America
Moving around cities in a variety of ways is getting easier and more convenient: whether it’s improved public transportation systems, wider sidewalks or more dedicated bike lanes. With the rise of smartphone technology and GPS, shared mobility services — like ...
Despite Volatility, Micromobility Thrives in European Cities
Despite Volatility, Micromobility Thrives in European Cities
Since the mid-2010s, cities around the globe have witnessed the explosion of free-floating electric bikes, mopeds and scooters on their streets. NUMO, the New Urban Mobility alliance, began tracking this phenomenon in 2019 with the New Mobility Atlas. Between 2019 and ...
How Mobility-as-a-Service Platforms Can Pilot Greener Travel Behaviors
How Mobility-as-a-Service Platforms Can Pilot Greener Travel Behaviors
A new digital platform being piloted in cities around the world is making public transportation more efficient, economical and accessible, while encouraging low-carbon travel. Mobility-as-a-Service is an on-demand service that integrates various forms of transportation services into a single platform accessible ...
A New Approach to Modeling Commutes and Access in Our Cities
A New Approach to Modeling Commutes and Access in Our Cities
Getting around any megacity as dense and vast as Cairo, Egypt can be a challenge, even for the most able-bodied, well-traveled and well-informed commuter. The plethora of options for transport modes and routes has made it difficult to decode and ...
3 Ways to Reimagine Public Transport for People and the Climate
3 Ways to Reimagine Public Transport for People and the Climate
The coronavirus pandemic hit public transport hard. Global ridership tanked initially by as much as 80%, and transit was still at around just 20% of pre-pandemic ridership at the end of 2020. There is serious concern that people will increasingly opt for private vehicles, should public ...
Scooters Are Skyrocketing in Cities, But Are They Safe? A Look at the Evidence
Scooters Are Skyrocketing in Cities, But Are They Safe? A Look at the Evidence
Electric scooters are the latest “new mobility” tech to disrupt the transportation sector. Chances are you’ve seen someone passing by on one these small but nimble two-wheelers in a city near you. Following the explosive growth of bike-sharing and ride-hailing, ...
Bike Sharing Is Now a Viable Commuting Choice in São Paulo and Porto Alegre
Bike Sharing Is Now a Viable Commuting Choice in São Paulo and Porto Alegre
New mobility is changing the way we move around cities. It’s also shifting our perception of how we do so. While bicycles may seem more aligned with “old” rather than “new” mobility, bike-sharing systems are transforming the way we see ...
TheCityFix’s Top 10 Blogs from 2018
TheCityFix’s Top 10 Blogs from 2018
In 2018, we watched cities around the world grapple with the new mobility transition. Shared, electric and autonomous transportation, at the touch of the button, is redefining how people get around. At the same time, the ultimate effect of these ...
David Ward on Self-Driving Cars: ‘Don’t Put the Autonomous Cart Before the Horse’
David Ward on Self-Driving Cars: ‘Don’t Put the Autonomous Cart Before the Horse’
We can’t help but be enticed by the concept of self-driving cars. What will they look like? How will they change our lives? How will they change our cities? David Ward, secretary general of the Global New Car Assessment Program, ...
It’s Hard to Understand the Shared Mobility Revolution When It’s Called Different Things
It’s Hard to Understand the Shared Mobility Revolution When It’s Called Different Things
Uber, Lyft, Didi, Ola, Grab, Via, Chariot, Bridj, car2go, Zipcar, Lime, Jump… The list of companies offering new ways to get around – and new business models to access and pay for it – is long and only getting longer. ...
4 Questions on the Future of Dockless Bike Sharing From Its Birthplace
4 Questions on the Future of Dockless Bike Sharing From Its Birthplace
Just three years ago, dockless bike sharing was operating at a small, university-scale in China. By the end of 2017, there were more than 20 million dockless bikes in the country, generating more than $3 billion in investment. Xinhua, the ...
How Cities Can Harness the Good – and Avoid the Bad – of the New Mobility Movement
How Cities Can Harness the Good – and Avoid the Bad – of the New Mobility Movement
This article was first published in TechCrunch. In late September, London made headlines when it stripped popular ride-hailing app Uber of its license to operate in the city. The wall-to-wall coverage that followed the decision was a sign, if any more ...
Beyond Uber: How the Private Sector Is Disrupting Mobility
Beyond Uber: How the Private Sector Is Disrupting Mobility
In August 2017, Uber passed the 500 million rides mark in India. In under four years, the company has expanded to 29 cities and worked with close to half a million drivers. India’s homegrown competitor, Ola Cabs, is growing just ...
India New Mobility Accelerator
Do You Have the Next Big Idea for Shared Mobility in Indian Cities? Apply Now to the New Mobility Accelerator
Across the world, young and dynamic businesses are leveraging technology to improve last-mile connectivity and deliver more efficient mobility solutions. While access to on-demand services like Uber and Ola has often made commuting in cities more convenient, it is unclear ...
What’s Stopping Carsharing? 4 Challenges Holding Emerging Markets Back
What’s Stopping Carsharing? 4 Challenges Holding Emerging Markets Back
What is the future of carsharing? What impact will this innovation have on cities? What are the key challenges for ensuring that carsharing becomes a vehicle for sustainable mobility? This four-part series from TheCityFix draws on new research from WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities, exploring and ...
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