Posts tagged with 'research'
How an Urban Bioeconomy Can Promote Healthy Ecosystems and Spur Sustainable Economic Prosperity
How an Urban Bioeconomy Can Promote Healthy Ecosystems and Spur Sustainable Economic Prosperity
Departing from the Amazonian city of Belém, Brazil, in a speedboat, it takes around 10 minutes to reach the shores of Combu Island. As the skyline fades into the distance, the lush, green environment of the island comes into view ...
Enabling a 'Deep Dive' Approach to Creating Urban Transformation
Enabling a ‘Deep Dive’ Approach to Creating Urban Transformation
Today’s city leaders face a level of complexity and rapid pace of change that can be overwhelming. Particularly in developing countries, urbanization is unfolding quickly and often haphazardly. One in three urban residents worldwide lack adequate access to at least ...
E-Mobility Roadmaps Cut Emissions Faster and More Affordably. Here’s How to Build One.
E-Mobility Roadmaps Cut Emissions Faster and More Affordably. Here’s How to Build One.
To cut transport emissions, moving vehicles away from burning fossil fuels is a fundamental step. However, the e-mobility transition is not only an opportunity to reduce emissions but to modernize mobility across the board, from expanding access to public transport ...
Restoring Degraded Forests Could Bring Back Lost Rainfall, Cooler Temperatures
Restoring Degraded Forests Could Bring Back Lost Rainfall, Cooler Temperatures
Many people point to forest restoration as a way to curb climate change, where replanted forests sequester carbon in trees and soils. But emerging evidence shows that restoration can provide non-carbon climate benefits, too — in particular, reducing heat and regulating rainfall. Here’s what ...
Nature-Based Solutions in Cities are the Future of the Fight Against Climate Change. Here's How to Fund Them.
Nature-Based Solutions in Cities are the Future of the Fight Against Climate Change. Here’s How to Fund Them.
Mayors from Latin America, Africa and Asia will be welcoming more than 90% of the new urban inhabitants in the next decade. Governing these ballooning cities is a continuing challenge, not just in terms of urban design and revitalization, but ...
Can Europe’s Climate City Contracts Shake Up Urban Climate Action?
Can Europe’s Climate City Contracts Shake Up Urban Climate Action?
Think big. Think bold. Think mission to the moon! That’s the goal of the European Commission’s EU Mission program, which aims to package together funding, research and policy changes to deliver “concrete results” on ambitious goals by 2030. These goals ...
Rethinking Urban Climate Research in the Shadow of Climate Breakdown
Rethinking Urban Climate Research in the Shadow of Climate Breakdown
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), composed of hundreds of the world’s leading scientists, puts considerable weight on urban climate action in developing pathways towards sustainable futures. The 6th Assessment Report of the IPCC recognizes that urban areas present ...
The Case for Formal Urban Experiments
The Case for Formal Urban Experiments
In response to the massive challenges confronting cities around the world, more city planners have begun to experiment with quick, high-impact urban design solutions. From pop-up bike lanes and parklets, to sidewalk extensions, to tactical urbanism safety interventions, many cities ...
Helping Cities Make Better Decisions: Introducing TheCityFix Learn
Helping Cities Make Better Decisions: Introducing TheCityFix Learn
Cities around the world face a crush of converging pressures. They are being asked to improve mobility, affordable housing, equity, and access to opportunity – all while accommodating more residents, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and making their streets safer and ...
Bogotá’s ciclovía gives residents the opportunity to enjoy public spaces for a variety of recreational activities every Sunday. Photo by Dario Hidalgo.
A New Way to Measure Road Safety That Doesn’t Wait for Crashes to Happen
In order to improve road safety, decision makers need accurate information about their city’s streets. Traditionally, road safety analysis has relied on historical data of actual crashes. However, the drawback of this “crash-based approach” is that it is reactive—we have ...
Sustainable Transport Investment Could Save $300 Billion a Year—within Existing Financial Flows
Sustainable Transport Investment Could Save $300 Billion a Year—within Existing Financial Flows
Investing in sustainable transport infrastructure is something national and local leaders want as a way to cut climate-warming emissions – 23 percent of the global total – generated by the world’s transportation systems. But it has become a daunting prospect ...
Friday Fun: Using Virtual Reality to Create Safer Drivers
Friday Fun: Using Virtual Reality to Create Safer Drivers
Talking about virtual reality (VR) often calls to mind movies like The Matrix or futuristic video games—however, VR is also proving to be an unlikely ally in the fight to make roads safer in cities everywhere. The World Health Organization warns ...
TheCityFix is excited to be recognized as one of the Top 20 resources for urban planners for delivering top-notch analysis on sustainable urban development in the developing world, a role we will continue far into the future. Photo by Juan Felipe Rubio/Flickr.
TheCityFix recognized as one of the top 20 websites for urban planners
Today TheCityFix has something big to celebrate. We are ranked as one of the Top Blogs for Urban Planners, now for the third year in a row. Since our launch in 2007, we have been working to provide our readers ...
In a new study on the connection between mood and transport, bicyclists were found to be the happiest, giving one more reason to choose sustainable mobility. Photo by Onny Carr/Flickr.
Mobility and mood: Does your commute make you happy?
There is a complex connection between the environments we inhabit and the way we feel. For instance, urban physicists have studied how rain and wind influence walking patterns, environmental psychologists have researched how the presence of nature influences well-being, and ...
Lessons in promoting bicycle use: The case of the Netherlands
Lessons in promoting bicycle use: The case of the Netherlands
Darío Hidalgo is EMBARQ’s Director for Research and Practice, with over twenty years of experience as a transport expert, consultant, and government official. Hidalgo is a Colombian native who grew up participating in Ciclovía in Bogotá, and a frequent contributor to TheCityFix. In 1998, ...
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