Posts tagged with 'Asia'
As India's Car Growth Explodes, Pedestrians Get Short Changed
As India's Car Growth Explodes, Pedestrians Get Short Changed
Photo by Jingye. As car fever strikes Bangalore and other rapidly-expanding cities throughout India, one group stands to lose out big: pedestrians. Yesterday The Times of India ran an important article – No Place for Pedestrians? – which talks about ...
Beijing's Transport Adventures
China’s Green Beat, is a neat bilingual blog I stumbled upon the other day, written by John Romankiewicz, an American Fulbright scholar currently living in Beijing, and Zhao Xiangyu, a Chinese citizen from Heilongjiang, a province in the northern part ...
Will Smog Darken China's Debutante Ball?
Will Smog Darken China's Debutante Ball?
A miasma of soot and smog sits over Beijing. Photo by +212. “Should I run behind a bus and breathe in the exhaust? Should I train on the highway during rush hour? Is there any way to acclimate myself to ...
Beijing Is Smoking!
Beijing Is Smoking!
Smokey skies. Photo by jaaron Angel Hsu, a colleague of mine who travels quite a bit to China to promote the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, an accounting tool used for measuring greenhouse gases, sent me an email today after checking the ...
More on Beijing's Metro
More on Beijing's Metro
Photo by keso of Flickr. I was on the Wired Blog today and came across an article about Beijing’s ambitious plan to create one of the world’s largest metros, nearly twice as big as the one in Moscow and just ...
China's Moving Masses
China's Moving Masses
Traffic in Beijing on a normal day. Photo by 2 dogs from Flickr. During their annual holiday, Chinese workers participate in one of the largest human migrations in history, with hundreds of millions of city-dwellers returning to rural areas to ...
Bus Rapid Transit, Beijing Style
Bus Rapid Transit, Beijing Style
Via Smart Growth Around America, this video of a hard-hitting, hardhat-wearing journalist who goes underground to explore Beijing’s new subway line and later comes out again to examine the city’s new bus rapid transit line, provides a good sense of ...
Is There a Third Way to Think About Low-Cost Cars?
Is There a Third Way to Think About Low-Cost Cars?
Photo from By Ethan Arpi and Rob Katz While discussions of Ratan Tata’s 1 lakh car – and other entrants to the ultra-cheap car market – are nothing new to and many other blogs, the concept received another ...
Satellites for Sustainability
Satellites for Sustainability
Using satellites to map pollution. Photo by kennethg from Flickr. With the help of satellites, scientists are now measuring and mapping concentrations and global movements of air-pollution and, through a cool new project known as TEMIS, have made near-real time ...
What Do Cheap Cars Mean for India's Cities?
What Do Cheap Cars Mean for India's Cities?
An Indian street scene. Photo by Satbir from Flickr. Last week the New York Times and the International Herald Tribune ran a story on the new Tata Car priced at $2,500 coming out in India in 2008. Some time ago ...
Bangkok's Train Market
Bangkok's Train Market
This video is amazing! It shows a market in Bangkok, Thailand that operates literally on top of the train tracks.
Air Pollution in Calcutta
Air Pollution in Calcutta
Clean hair but dirty lungs in Calcutta. (Photo by Shayan Sanyal.) Today the BBC reports that traffic police offices in Calcutta will be outfitted with oxygen devices as a way to counteract the ill-effects of air pollution. The news item ...
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