Posts tagged with 'pedestrians'
Out of the Driver's Seat: Are India's Auto-Rickshaws Safe for Pedestrians and Cyclists?
Out of the Driver's Seat: Are India's Auto-Rickshaws Safe for Pedestrians and Cyclists?
Discussion of the road safety issues surrounding motorized transport modes should focus not just on the safety of in-vehicle passengers (passengers using the motorized modes) but also on how motorized modes affect the safety of other non-motorized users of the ...
"Urban Repair Squad" Makes Over São Paulo Streets
"Urban Repair Squad" Makes Over São Paulo Streets
São Paulo, Brazil is notorious for its horrifically congested streets. The city has the world’s sixth most painful commute, and motorization in the metropolitan area of more than 19 million residents is growing by 10 percent per year. But just ...
Guiding Pedestrians: HAWKs in the Lead, While Pelicans and Puffins Fall Behind
Guiding Pedestrians: HAWKs in the Lead, While Pelicans and Puffins Fall Behind
A few weeks ago, we published a post featuring a few ornothologically inspired pedestrian crosswalks, including pelicans, puffins, toucans, and HAWKs. Which is best for pedestrians, we wondered?
Friday Fun: Pelican People
Friday Fun: Pelican People
A few days ago, we published a post about the differences between pelicans, puffins, toucans, hawks, and other animal-themed pedestrian crossings. While we were researching the different crosswalk signals, we couldn’t help but notice how cute some of the little ...
Green Mobility: Learning from Germany and Making Washington Greater
Green Mobility: Learning from Germany and Making Washington Greater
Yesterday I attended “Biking, Walking, and Public Transport: Smart Mobility for the 21st Century” at the Goethe-Institut. The event kicked off with a great hands-on demonstration of how to change a bike tire by Daniel Hoagland, D.C.’s star bike ambassador. Some ...
Making Connecticut Ave Safer for Pedestrians
Making Connecticut Ave Safer for Pedestrians
Have you had an accident or a close call when walking along Connecticut Avenue? If so, you’re not alone. The arterial, one of Washington’s main streets, has some of the highest car speeds in the District, some of the shortest ...
Persuading for Pedestrian Zones (Part 2)
Persuading for Pedestrian Zones (Part 2)
(Read Part 1 of this post here.) ISTANBUL In Istanbul, waterways ruled strong over the seat of empires. The former Constantinople’s claim to fame came from its geography nestled among the world’s most strategic waterways. Once on land, merchants and ...
Le Corbusier's Revenge
Le Corbusier's Revenge
Conventional wisdom on urban history states a few things exceedingly clearly. Perhaps the most axiomatic belief about cities is that brutalist architecture is not only ugly but thoroughly destructive. Boston’s City Hall Plaza is perhaps the most loathed example in ...
Critical K Street Transitway Needs Your Help
Critical K Street Transitway Needs Your Help
It’s sometimes said that the stimulus bill was the first transportation bill. That’s basically correct; you can’t go anywhere in the transportation world without hearing how a given project was, will be, or hopefully might be a stimulus grant recipient. ...
Yes, We Can Learn From The Developing World; or, Keeping an Open Mind About BRT
Yes, We Can Learn From The Developing World; or, Keeping an Open Mind About BRT
I hate to do another round on BRT with The Overhead Wire, but I can’t help myself. It’s an important discussion, particularly with BRT gaining momentum in D.C. The latest discussion started with Streetsblog making what seems like a very ...
Holland's Female Walk Signs
Holland's Female Walk Signs
The Dutch town of Haarlem has walk and don’t walk signs that are women instead of men. We should too. Not only is it important on gender grounds—those little walking people are just one more place where ungendered turns out ...
Hikers and Bikers: Beware of 'Gators!
Hikers and Bikers: Beware of 'Gators!
Forwarded to us from EMBARQ Senior Fellow Lee Schipper:
Delhi's Walkways Hazardous to Your Health, Study Finds
Delhi's Walkways Hazardous to Your Health, Study Finds
Motor vehicles often impede on pedestrian space in New Delhi, India. Photo by kandyjaxx. Thirty-three percent of commuters in Delhi, India walk to work in conditions that could be described as hazardous to your health. A report published by the ...
Dangerous Roads in India Require New Policies
Dangerous Roads in India Require New Policies
In India, 105,725 people were killed and 452,922 people were injured in road traffic crashes in 2006, and the fatalities can be expected to grow to 260,000 in 2030, unless new policies are implemented, according to a study by Mohan, ...
Help Us Support Green Cities in Mexico
Help Us Support Green Cities in Mexico
The Center for Sustainable Transport Mexico, a member of the EMBARQ network, needs your help. By voting for its proposal to launch a sustainable transport and urban planning network throughout Mexico, you can help us make Mexican cities better places ...
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