Posts tagged with 'pedestrians'
Mexico City has created urban streetscapes around its Metrobús bus rapid transit (BRT) system that support safe bicycling and walking, connecting urban residents to mass transport. Photo by Alejandro Luna/Flickr.
People-oriented Cities: Designing walkable, bikeable neighborhoods
The “People-oriented Cities” series – exclusive to TheCityFix and Insights – is an exploration of how cities can grow to become more sustainable and livable through transit-oriented development (TOD). The nine-part series will address different urban design techniques and trends ...
The rise of electric bikes in China necessitates infrastructure and policy shifts to ensure safety for all road users. Photo by Maciej Hrynczyszyn/Flickr.
China Transportation Briefing: E-bikes and the challenge of traffic safety
This article is one in our series of China Transportation Briefings. The series – exclusive to TheCityFix – shares interesting news and noteworthy research related to China’s transportation and urban development. The goal is to help people who are interested ...
Walking in Bangalore. Photo by Benoit Colin/EMBARQ.
In photos: Walking in Bangalore reveals the plight of pedestrians
Bangalore has rapidly become a megacity. At nearly 10 million people, the city has already doubled the size of its population in just 20 years. This explosive urban growth has been coupled with increased motorization, with now more than 50% ...
Medellín, Colombia has undergone a drastic urban transformation, and will now host the Seventh World Urban Forum. Photo by PehMed2020/Flickr.
A safe city is a just city
As cities in the developing world continue to grow, so do their traffic safety concerns. Latin America, for instance, now sees three times as many deaths from traffic crashes as Europe, the vast majority of which occur in cities. Vulnerable ...
Cycle rickshaw driver in Gurgaon, India
Gurgaon launches India's first car-free Sunday
“High-quality public pedestrian space is evidence of a true democracy at work” – Enrique Penalosa, Former Mayor of Bogotá, Colombia Starting on November 17, an entire street in Gurgaon, India will be transformed into a car-free zone every Sunday where ...
Friday Fun: Take to the Streets!
Friday Fun: Take to the Streets!
Tomorrow, New York City’s Park Avenue will be turned into a cyclovia. Photo by Asterix611. Tomorrow, seven miles of Manhattan’s Park Avenue, stretching from the Brooklyn Bridge to Central Park, will be filled with people, not cars. For three Saturdays ...
Environmentally friendly traffic jams?
Environmentally friendly traffic jams?
Amsterdam is frequently cited as having the best bicycling infrastructure in the world. Photo by Ronel Reyes. Traffic and congestion is a common sight during rush hours around the world. After battling through hours of traffic, the hunt for a ...
Friday Fun: “Walk On,” Hindi rock band tells Gurgaon
Friday Fun: “Walk On,” Hindi rock band tells Gurgaon
Euphoria, the nationally popular Hindi rock band, is writing an anthem to non-motorized transport for the city of Gurgaon. Photo by FrogStarB. What do pop bands and urban development have to do with each other? Well, in Gurgaon, the largest ...
Cyclists ride in Copenhagen
How bicycle-friendly is your city?
Cyclists ride in Copenhagen, the second most bike-friendly city in the world. Photo by Copenhagenize Design Co. Last month, Copenhagenize Design Co., a consulting firm specializing in bicycle advocacy, announced their ranking of the 20 most bicycle-friendly cities in the ...
Cyclists in Brazil
Safety on two wheels? There’s an app for that
Two cities in Brazil have turned to the internet to improve cyclist safety. Photo by Fora do Eixo. One of the best modes of transport for a sustainable world – one that offers health benefits, increased mobility, and reduces pollution ...
An elderly couple crosses the street hand in hand. Photo by garryknight.
Friday Fun: Changing the way we think about urban design for our aging population
An elderly couple crosses the street hand in hand. Photo by garryknight. Inspired by the article The Next Big Infrastructure Crisis? Age-Proofing Our Streets from The Atlantic Cities Think back to the last time you helped an elderly person cross ...
Boarding El Metropolitano BRT in Lima, Peru. Photo by EMBARQ.
Q&A with Hernan Navarro: Lima’s El Metropolitano BRT
In a capital city with 8 million inhabitants, not only was Lima’s advanced bus system the first of its kind in the country, but it also provides valuable lessons for the rest of Latin America. Building on the Lima experience, ...
From the Mexico City Urban Earth Transect. By Daniel @RavenEllison [URBAN EARTH].
Friday Fun: Daniel Raven-Ellison and the “Urban Transect” through Mexico City
One photo, every eight steps, the camera pointed straight ahead. The formula is simple, but the results reveal a lot about the way we perceive urban streetscapes. Geographer Daniel Raven-Ellison formed the Urban Earth network, in an effort to, “explore ...
Children play in Mumbai, India. Photo by EMBARQ.
5 keys to sustainable development in Indian cities
By Holger Dalkmann and Ashwin Prabhu — this post also appears in WRI Insights Indian cities are urbanizing at an unprecedented scale and pace. Over the next few decades, India’s urban population is expected to increase significantly, from 377 million in 2011 ...
By nik.clayton.
Friday Fun: Bike-friendly cafe rolls into Zurich
The morning coffee run just got easier. With many cities around the world seeking to become more bicycle-friendly, Zurich, Switzerland has just taken it to the next level. At the Rathaus Cafe, overlooking the Limmat River in Zurich, cyclists commuting ...
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