Posts tagged with 'pedestrians'
What Are We Learning About Urban Wellbeing During COVID-19?
What Are We Learning About Urban Wellbeing During COVID-19?
In recent years, many cities have launched new efforts to build healthier urban environments – happier, safer and cleaner places to work and play. Then, of course, the COVID-19 pandemic changed everything. But in many ways, it laid bare the ...
The Electric Moment and What’s Next: Transforming Transportation 2022
The Electric Moment and What’s Next: Transforming Transportation 2022
Visit to watch full sessions from the conference. And join the conversation on Twitter with #TTDC22.  The case for decarbonizing transport cannot be clearer: it’s the fastest growing sector of emissions after industry, representing nearly a quarter of CO2 ...
Invest in Walking and Cycling For Sustainable, Safe Cities. Here’s How.
Invest in Walking and Cycling For Sustainable, Safe Cities. Here’s How.
Traditional, car-centric transport planning has not only increased greenhouse gas emissions, but has also detrimentally impacted air quality, road injuries and fatalities, and traffic congestion. As the world faces the climate crisis and continues to face a growing global road ...
How Germany Is Working to Translate the Benefits of Active Mobility into Meaningful Action
How Germany Is Working to Translate the Benefits of Active Mobility into Meaningful Action
Electric vehicles may own the headlines, but our feet remain the most environmentally friendly means of travel, closely followed by bicycles, skateboards, scooters, tricycles and other active, non-motorized modes. Not only does zero-emission active mobility help protect the climate and ...
Reorganizing Informal Transport in Uganda: Achieving a Multimodality that Works for All
Reorganizing Informal Transport in Uganda: Achieving a Multimodality that Works for All
Multimodal public transport in Uganda is widespread but largely an informal affair. Kampala, like many African cities, relies on this informal system – comprised largely of taxis (14-seater minibuses) and boda bodas (motorcycle taxis) – to provide much-needed connectivity to ...
African Cities Taking on Road Safety
African Cities Taking on Road Safety
While road safety is a critical issue across the globe as more cars hit the road and more people move to cities, African cities are disproportionately affected. Africa is the least motorized region globally, yet has the highest road traffic ...
Getting to Zero: Transforming the Dangerous Lalbaug Junction in Mumbai
Getting to Zero: Transforming the Dangerous Lalbaug Junction in Mumbai
Intersections are among the most high-risk locations along any urban road, where multiple transport modes and commuters collide. In Mumbai, intersections cover only a fraction of the 2,000-kilometer road network but account for nearly 40% of all high-risk zones. Mumbai’s crash ...
Low-Speed Zones Save Lives. How Do You Design an Effective One?
Low-Speed Zones Save Lives. How Do You Design an Effective One?
As the COVID-19 pandemic has altered urban landscapes and pushed many people toward active mobility, there’s increased urgency to make roads safer for walking and cycling. Many cities are now tasked with protecting more vulnerable users in addition to creating ...
In Monterrey, Mexico, a University’s Tragedy Sparks a Citywide Turnaround
In Monterrey, Mexico, a University’s Tragedy Sparks a Citywide Turnaround
Monterrey, like other major Mexican cities, rapidly expanded outward during the end of the 20th century. New policies favored investment in new suburban neighborhoods, attracting residents and businesses to the periphery, and provoking several decades of insecurity and population decline. ...
Thailand’s Songkran Road Deaths Can Be Avoided
Thailand’s Songkran Road Deaths Can Be Avoided
Too many of us have been personally touched by tragic road crashes that have maimed or killed a loved one. For far too many, Songkran – Thailand’s festival to celebrate the traditional new year – will be a moment not ...
Building Political Will to Act on Road Safety
Building Political Will to Act on Road Safety
Since its beginning in Sweden in the 1990s, Vision Zero has become a global movement to prevent road fatalities and serious injuries by undertaking a Safe System approach to road safety. But despite the documented successes of the approach in ...
How Bogotá Is Turning 7,000 Citizen Proposals into a Real Plan to Redesign a Major Thoroughfare
How Bogotá Is Turning 7,000 Citizen Proposals into a Real Plan to Redesign a Major Thoroughfare
Just before she took office in January 2020, Mayor Claudia López committed to redesigning a major artery of Bogotá into a “green corridor” for sustainable, active mobility. She also committed to a comprehensive participatory planning process – a potentially daunting ...
Mexico’s ‘Right to Mobility’ Amendment Could Shift Road Safety Discourse and Save Thousands of Lives
Mexico’s ‘Right to Mobility’ Amendment Could Shift Road Safety Discourse and Save Thousands of Lives
In a groundbreaking move for national road safety policy, Mexico has elevated to their constitution a universal right to safe mobility. On October 14, the country’s Chamber of Deputies unanimously voted in favor of adding an amendment to Mexico’s constitution: ...
Why Sustainable Cities Need to Tackle Road Safety: Big Ideas Into Action Podcast
Why Sustainable Cities Need to Tackle Road Safety: Big Ideas Into Action Podcast
Can a city where pedestrians, cyclists and children get injured or killed on the roads be a truly sustainable one? Given the rapid urbanization of the world’s population, road safety is a critical development and sustainability issue. This episode of ...
How Oslo Achieved Zero Pedestrian and Bicycle Fatalities, and How Others Can Apply What Worked
How Oslo Achieved Zero Pedestrian and Bicycle Fatalities, and How Others Can Apply What Worked
In 2015, the City of Oslo, Norway, made a commitment after years of rising transportation injuries to reduce car traffic and prioritize the safety of pedestrians, cyclists and the environment. Unlike in the United States and other countries where transportation ...
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