Posts tagged with 'pedestrian infrastructure'
Dedicating Public Space for Recreation is Good for Cities. The Via RecreActiva Shows Us 3 Reasons Why.
Dedicating Public Space for Recreation is Good for Cities. The Via RecreActiva Shows Us 3 Reasons Why.
Closing more than 60 kilometers of major streets to car traffic sounds like a logistical headache for a city of 4.8 million. But Guadalajara did it anyway ‒ and has done it every Sunday for the last 15 years. In ...
Hong Kong's Skyway (featured)
Friday Fun: Three cities’ pedestrian-friendly skyways, in photos
The rapid increase in car ownership in cities worldwide has brought conflicts between pedestrians and cars to center stage. Complete streets that accommodate all users not just are ideal in design, but have actually been successfully implemented in cities like ...
Active transport and SDGs
Why are the two most sustainable forms of transport missing from the UN Sustainable Development Goals?
Walking and cycling may be the two most basic modes of transport, but they may also be the most promising for a sustainable future. In a car-filled world, it’s the people who use their own two feet or two wheels that ...
BRT in Indore, India
Bus rapid transit buses win battle with cars in Indore
This article was originally published in the Deccan Herald on February 25, 2015. After five years of construction, Indore opened one of India’s few bus rapid transit (BRT) systems in May 2013. Operations started with a fraction of the total ...
Car ownership is on the rise in Indian cities, but Mumbai's new Equal Streets movement will help people take back the streets every Sunday while encouraging community interaction and active lifestyles. Photo by
Mumbai is ready For “Equal Streets – A Citizens’ Movement”
Every day, Mumbai residents are being squeezed out of spaces to walk or cycle by the sheer pressure of cars, whose numbers are growing rapidly each year. A recent report by the Munich-based global consultancy Roland Berger Strategy Consultants stated that ...
New research from EMBARQ can improve planners’ understanding of how to design safer intersections for pedestrians. Photo by Nicolae Duduta/EMBARQ.
Understanding how intersection and signal design impact pedestrian behavior
Pedestrians hit by vehicles when crossing on red are 56% more likely to be severely injured than those crossing on green. While crossing on red is often assumed to be mainly an issue of poor individual pedestrian behavior, recent research ...
Citizens and planners should respect the mobility of handicapped persons by ensuring that infrastructure is accessible to all. Photo by Eneas De Troya/Flickr.
Opinion: Mexico’s disabled population deserves mobility and accessibility
Every morning for the last six months I have observed the same man parking his car in the handicap spot. At first, I flashed him angry and annoyed expressions to try to convince him to park somewhere else; no results. ...
Congestion pricing has the potential to pave the way for more equitable mobility in China's cities. Photo by GuoZhongHua/Shutterstock.
Congestion pricing can make Beijing a more equitable city
China’s capital city of Beijing is already home to 5.4 million cars, the most of any Chinese city. The country’s rising wealth means that this is a trend unlikely to stop. This rapid motorization has led to many city government ...
The pedestrianization project in the Historic Peninsula of Istanbul, Turkey, has created vibrant thoroughfares that has allowed the city to compromise between preserving culture and meeting the mobility needs of its growing populace. Photo by Gulsen Oczan/Flickr.
Peninsulas and public spaces: The pedestrianization of Istanbul
Istanbul, Turkey, has stood at the center of the Eastern Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire and the Ottoman Empire. It has acted as a central hub of political history and artistic creation for some 20 centuries, with remnants of the ...
Mumbai India's skywalks have been a symbol of poor planning for the city, but with public engagement and key design initiatives, the skywalk still has the potential to increase access for the residents of the city. Photo by TheMumbaiflyover/Flickr.
A story of demand and dissent for Mumbai’s skywalks
Mumbai, India’s skywalk project was meant to provide better connectivity and accessibility for pedestrians in the city. The project – a joint initiative of the Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) and the Maharshtra State Road Development Corporation (MSRDC) – ...
Urban design has a large impact on lifestyle, with bike lanes and pedestrian pathways promoting healthy behaviors for city residents across Brazil. Photo by Raul/Flickr.
Creating active cities and healthy citizens through innovative urban design
Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, killing as many as 17 million people each year. Sedentary, inactive lifestyles are a major contributor to this rise in cardiovascular disease – stress, pollution, poor diet, and lack ...
Q&A with Sujit Mahamulkar: Protecting Pedestrian Spaces in India
Q&A with Sujit Mahamulkar: Protecting Pedestrian Spaces in India
Upon receiving numerous complaints from readers on the state of pedestrian spaces in Mumbai, Hindustan Times started a campaign to raise awareness about the problem. The conflict between pedestrians and private vehicles in India is yet another example of how urban ...
Research Recap, November 8: Global Oil Demand, Cost of Crashes, Predicting Walkability
Research Recap, November 8: Global Oil Demand, Cost of Crashes, Predicting Walkability
Welcome to “Research Recap,” our series highlighting recent reports, studies and other findings in sustainable transportation policy and practice, in case you missed it. Global Oil Demand Global demand for oil may peak before 2020 and fall back to 2010 ...
Research Recap, October 3: Wasting Time in Cars, Booming Bicycles, Pedestrian Safety
Research Recap, October 3: Wasting Time in Cars, Booming Bicycles, Pedestrian Safety
Welcome to “Research Recap,” our series highlighting recent reports, studies and other findings in sustainable transportation policy and practice, in case you missed it. Congestion-Riddled Commuting The Texas Transportation Institute at Texas A&M University released its 2011 Urban Mobility Report. The ...
CACS Highlights: Winner of Road Safety
CACS Highlights: Winner of Road Safety
This post is part of TheCityFix’s series, “CACS Highlights,” introducing the winners of the Active Cities, Healthy Cities (or “CACS,” its acronym in Spanish and Portuguese) competition. These public projects aim to transform the lives of millions of people through building healthy ...
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