Posts tagged with 'participatory planning'
Faced with Relocation, the People of One Philippine City Designed Their Own Climate-Resilient Neighborhood
Faced with Relocation, the People of One Philippine City Designed Their Own Climate-Resilient Neighborhood
In Pasig City, Philippines, southeast of Manila, there’s an apartment complex with whitewashed walls and colorful trim. It’s an unassuming set of buildings, but a globally important one. The Manggahan Low Rise Building Project is a climate-resilient building, meant to ...
4 Lessons on Integrated Planning: Highlights From the First GPSC City Academy
4 Lessons on Integrated Planning: Highlights From the First GPSC City Academy
“Integrating planning” can sound nebulous, maybe even unfocused. But when carried out well, the benefits of intentionally seeking to coordinate across different levels of government, sectors and stakeholders, speak for themselves – especially when it comes to sustainable development. A ...
Stronger Than the Storm: 3 Lessons for Building Climate Resilience in Poor Urban Communities
Stronger Than the Storm: 3 Lessons for Building Climate Resilience in Poor Urban Communities
Climate change affects poor and marginalized communities first and hardest. These effects are happening now – not in a far-fetched future. Particularly in cities, a lack of access to basic services, a long history of unsustainable urban development, and political ...
Putting the Poor First to Improve Sanitation in Kampala
Putting the Poor First to Improve Sanitation in Kampala
For decades, Kampala has raced to keep up with its own rapid growth. Set alongside Lake Victoria, the Ugandan capital more than quadrupled in physical footprint between 1991 and 2012 as population doubled to 1.5 million people. One of Kampala’s ...
Design as Democracy: Barcelona’s ‘Carritos’ Encourage a More Inclusive Urbanism
Design as Democracy: Barcelona’s ‘Carritos’ Encourage a More Inclusive Urbanism
Community participation has become a checklist item for any major urban development project. But what does community participation actually mean? What would it look like if we flipped the responsibility of engagement from citizens to designers? What if, instead of ...
Video: Rit Aggarwala on the Promise of Big Data and a More Responsive City
Video: Rit Aggarwala on the Promise of Big Data and a More Responsive City
Rit Aggarwala says we should think of the city as a machine. “It requires capacity to handle the people, the traffic, the throughput, the sewage, the garbage, everything that a city is there to handle. And if it is overcapacity, ...
Live from Habitat III: Inclusive and Well-planned Cities For All
Live from Habitat III: Inclusive and Well-planned Cities For All
WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities is reporting on Habitat III from Quito, Ecuador. Follow our daily coverage on TheCityFix. Habitat III, the third United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, officially began on Monday, October 17th in ...
On the second day of Transforming Transportation, panelists discussed the challenges and opportunities for implementing sustainable mobility plans. Photo by marcusrg/Flickr.
Live from Transforming Transportation: Making sustainable urban mobility a policy reality
Transforming Transportation (#TTDC15) is the annual conference co-organized by EMBARQ, the sustainable urban transport arm of the World Resources Institute’s (WRI) WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities, and the World Bank. This year’s conference focuses on Smart Cities for Shared Prosperity, and takes place on ...
Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo - Co-winners of the 2015 Sustainable Transport Award
Belo Horizonte, São Paulo, and Rio de Janeiro announced co-winners of the 2015 Sustainable Transport Award
The winners of the 2015 Sustainable Transport Award have been announced! Organized by the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP), the Sustainable Transportation Award (STA) recognizes outstanding vision and innovation in sustainable transport over the past year. Announced today ...
Cities like Florianópolis, Brazil (pictured) are helping make investments more responsive to residents' needs through public engagement in urban mobility planning. Picture by Chan360/Flickr.
Why the public voice matters in urban mobility planning: Lessons from Brazil
Eighty-five percent of Brazilians live, work, and play in cities. As such, urban mobility is a fundamental driver of quality of life for the vast majority of the country, enabling access to jobs, healthcare, schools, and other everyday needs. In ...
Five new publications from EMBARQ Brasil will help foster people-oriented cities with high quality public transport systems. Photo by Dylan Passmore/Flickr.
Five new resources for more sustainable Brazilian cities
In some Brazilian cities, poorly managed urban development has led to “3D” urban form – distant, dispersed, and disconnected. Over the past ten years, demand for urban public transport has decreased by 33% in Brazilian cities while car sales are ...
São Paulo has improved sustainable mobility through new bike and bus lanes, a revised master plan, and an innovative approach to support developers creating mobility solutions. Photo by Stanley Calderelli/Flickr.
São Paulo wins 2014 City/State MobiPrize by empowering citizens and fostering innovation
The city of São Paulo has won the 2014 Enterprising City/State MobiPrize following its support of user information and public participation platforms to advance sustainable transport solutions. MobiPrize was launched in 2012 by the University of Michigan SMART (Sustainable Mobility ...
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) define important priorities for international development over the next 15 years, including the need for safe, sustainable, and inclusive cities. Photo by Justin Swan/Flickr.
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals emphasize sustainable cities in latest draft
At the 2012 Rio+20 Summit, the United Nations member states began the ambitious process of defining the social and economic priorities for humanity over the next fifteen years. The open and participatory process and the initial negotiations amongst the world’s ...
Participatory Maps for Inclusive Cities
Participatory Maps for Inclusive Cities
Urban planners, designers and architects have their work cut out for them. The rate of urbanization around the world means that we have to reconfigure the way we think, design and plan cities. It is not like starting from scratch ...
Inclusive Planning: How Can Indian Cities Lead the Way?
Inclusive Planning: How Can Indian Cities Lead the Way?
The urbanization boom in India is not taking place without heated discussions and an attempt at inclusive planning. If crafted correctly, Indian cities can serve as role models in participatory planning. In fact, many India-based projects and enterprises are leading ...
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