Posts tagged with 'New Climate Economy'
A New Coalition Will Prove Sustainable Cities Are Better for Growth, Better for Climate
A New Coalition Will Prove Sustainable Cities Are Better for Growth, Better for Climate
Cities are all about efficiency. It’s why they exist: to allow easy access to jobs, goods, services and ideas. However, in many countries, new and expanding cities are sprawling, car-dependent and uncoordinated – a set-up that’s not only inefficient, but ...
Empowering City Leaders: Pacing Local Climate Action after COP21
Empowering City Leaders: Pacing Local Climate Action after COP21
TheCityFix is covering cities at COP21. Urban areas account for a large share of greenhouse gas emissions but are also tremendous agents of innovation to address climate change. Read our full coverage of the Paris Climate Conference as it relates to cities, buildings, and mobility. “Our cities ...
Day 2 of Mexico City’s XI Congreso: New Climate Economy and Using Technology for Better Cities
Day 2 of Mexico City’s XI Congreso: New Climate Economy and Using Technology for Better Cities
This morning kicked off the second day of the International Congress on Sustainable Cities and Transport (“XI Congreso”) in Mexico City, where urban planners and transport experts have gathered to brainstorm on how to build more “human cities.” Today’s workshops, panels and ...
Day 2 of Cities & Transport International Congress: New Climate Economy, Planning for Safer Roads
Day 2 of Cities & Transport International Congress: New Climate Economy, Planning for Safer Roads
Today marked the second and final day of the Cities & Transport International Congress in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where more than 1,000 participants and 130 speakers gathered to share their experiences and ideas on how to forge sustainable cities. ...
Obama Speech UN
President Obama’s Challenge to Cities: An Opportunity for Global Climate Action
Yesterday, the number of US cities pledging to reduce emissions with the Compact of Mayors nearly doubled. With 19 cities in the U.S. already signed onto the Compact—a global coalition of mayors dedicated to climate action—this most recent move brings the ...
10 Strategies for a Stronger, Greener Economy
10 Strategies for a Stronger, Greener Economy
Nossa Cidade (“Our City”), from TheCityFix Brasil, explores critical questions for building more sustainable cities. Every month features a new theme. Leaning on the expertise of researchers and specialists in WRI’s sustainable urban mobility team in Brazil, the series will feature in ...
New Climate Economy Bike Cities
How City Partnerships and a $1 Billion Global Cities Package Could Unlock $17 Trillion in Economic Growth
Climate-smart actions—such as investing in public transport and building efficiency—could generate $17 trillion dollars in net savings for cities by 2050 and cut annual greenhouse gas emissions by more than the annual emissions of Japan and Russia combined. Furthermore, with ...
Ahmedabad, India and New Climate Economy report on sprawl
Why smart growth cities are safer, healthier, and wealthier
Developing countries are projected to gain 2.2 billion new urban residents between now and 2050. Governments and city leaders have a choice: they can develop cities that are sprawled and auto-dependent, or they can develop cities that are connected, compact, ...
Energy and sustainable cities are key to India's economic growth
The two things India must get right for its economic future
Taking even a quick look at India’s current pattern of growth, it’s not hard to see both the rising energy insecurity and the stress that cities across the country are experiencing. Congestion, urban sprawl, and poor access to reliable energy ...
Mexico City's Metrobús BRT system. Photo by Taís Policanti/EMBARQ Mexico.
Who needs cars? Smart mobility can make cities sustainable
This article was originally published on January 15, 2015 by the Thomson Reuters Foundation.  Last year marked an important tipping point: for the first time, half of the global population lives in cities. Cities currently add 1.4 million people each ...
Though cities contribute a majority of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, they also provide forums for collaboration among diverse stakeholders to incubate climate change solutions. Photo by Wolfgang Staut/Flickr.
Why cities are the solution to climate change: A Q&A with Ani Dasgupta
2015 is a year of utmost importance for the global sustainable development agenda, and cities will play a pivotal role. Landmark global decisions over the next 12 months provide opportunities to unlock the potential of cities and improve quality of ...
As cities urbanize worldwide, they must focus on connected, compact, and coordinated development to grow their economies and tackle climate change. Photo by Scutter/Flickr.
‘We have to get urbanization right’: A Q&A with Felipe Calderón on cities in the New Climate Economy
2015 is a year of utmost importance for the global sustainable development agenda, and cities will play a pivotal role. Landmark global decisions over the next 12 months provide opportunities to unlock the potential of cities and improve quality of ...
Leaders at COP20 can explore a range of sources for financing low-carbon urban development including multilateral investment banks, private investors, and innovative initatives like the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions or climate-themed bonds. Photo by Boris G/Flickr.
Three promising pathways to finance sustainable cities
Sustainable, accessible, thriving cities are within our reach. Investing in solutions like energy and building efficiency, integrated public transit and better land use and transit planning can improve health, quality of life and economic opportunities in cities. In fact, the ...
As national leaders prepare plans to curb greenhouse gas emissions at COP20, they can look to sustainable transport for win-win solutions that curb emissions while generating jobs, boosting economic growth, and improving public health. Photo by Associacao Ciclocidade/Flickr.
Low-carbon urban transport boosts social and economic development
This week in Lima, Peru, national-level decision makers, mayors, business leaders, international finance institutions, and civil society actors come together for the COP20 climate negotiations, and the world is expecting progress towards an international climate agreement expected to be reached ...
New studies show that economic growth and climate action can go hand in hand through sustainable urban development strategies. Photo by Alex Prolmos/Flickr.
Cities can lead the way as drivers of better growth and a better climate
Cities can drive better economic growth while also reducing climate risk. They are at the forefront of the fight to protect the climate and eradicate poverty, and are often trailblazers in a world in which nation states typically move more ...
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