Posts tagged with 'Los Angeles'
Hallelujah! It’s Friday. That means it’s time for another dose of Friday Fun, to send you into your weekend right — with sustainable transport on your mind. This week, we’re looking at public transport in the movies, and highlighting two movers ...
“We can’t wait because traffic is unbelievable and the environmental problem is too severe.” — Denny Zane, Director of MoveLA On Friday, we wrote about value capture strategies as a form of alternative funding for struggling public transit agencies around ...
Last weekend, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa experienced firsthand why city cyclists are constantly complaining about disrespectful drivers on the streets. Villaraigosa, who began to actively promote biking in L.A. after attending the Copenhagen climate conference in December, was out ...
A few weeks ago, we wrote about California’s promising Senate Bill 375 (SB 375), which encourages transit-oriented development by requiring metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) “to create and implement land use plans that use compact, coordinated, and efficient development patterns to ...
Los Angeles' Metro is doing something that no transit agency in the country has ever done: it's marketing its products and services as if it were a private company bent on turning a profit. But for Metro marketing isn't about increasing the bottom line. It's about reducing traffic, cleaning the air and making people's commutes in this auto-clogged city a bit less stressful.
It’s been quite wonderful to watch huge swaths of the planning community get suckered by the Manhattan Airport Foundation. This prank, which suggests turning Central Park into an airport, won some utterly serious howls of indignation. It also sparked a ...
I spent yesterday at a fantastic conference on priority buses in the Washington area. Organized by the TPB and the Federal Transit Administration, we got to hear from transit officials from across the country about what innovations their areas have ...
Photo by Monica Almeida from The New York Times. This weekend the New York Times had an article about a neat initiative to transform bus stops in Los Angeles into something called “community living rooms” – that’s a pleasant and ...
A friend of mine who lived in Los Angeles once told me that on bad days the city felt like one large parking lot. These days things have improved…slightly. That’s because LA now boasts the construction of the first sustainable ...