Posts tagged with 'Latin America'
Mixed-use development combined with pedestrianization on Mexico City's Calle Madero promotes sustainable, prosperous communities. Photo by Julius Reque/Flickr.
People-oriented Cities: Mixed-use development creates social and economic benefits
The “People-oriented Cities” series – exclusive to TheCityFix and Insights – is an exploration of how cities can grow to become more sustainable and livable through transit-oriented development (TOD). The nine-part series will address different urban design techniques and trends ...
To help increase safety for women on mass transport, cities in Latin America are requiring women-only passenger cars on metro systems. Photo by Gustavo Gomes/Flickr
Customers protest new women-only cars on São Paulo metro system
Cities around the world face the challenge of creating safe public spaces for women. In Brazil, sexual assault is a prevalent problem. Alarmingly, a survey by the Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada, a major Brazilian research institute, found that 26% of ...
Latin American cities must work incorporating women's needs into transport planning to increase access to opportunity. Photo by Gary Denness/Flickr.
Safe is accessible: Women and public transport in Latin America
Seventy million Latin American women have entered the labor force in the past 20 years. These women are contributing significantly to national economies, supporting communities and families, and becoming more active users of their cities’ infrastructure and public transport systems. ...
Emerging economies are creating their own conception of "smart cities" that incorporate appropriate technologies, mixed-use development, and sustainable transport. Photo by EMBARQ Brazil/Flickr.
Banking on sustainability: Inter-American Development Bank and the Americas Society/Council of the Americas team up for a new conception of smart cities
The idea of “smart cities” – defined as those whose social and technological infrastructure accelerates sustainable economic growth – has captured the attention of city leaders and urban dwellers around the globe. It has also caught the attention of international ...
The launch of Belo Horizonte's MOVE bus rapid transit (BRT) system seeks provides the city safe, high quality mass transport in an effort to slow the advance of the private car. Photo by Luisa Zottis/EMBARQ Brazil.
MOVE: Transforming bus transportation in Belo Horizonte
Belo Horizonte, one of the host cities for Brazil’s 2014 World Cup, is using its newfound spotlight to showcase its growing transport system. The city launched its MOVE bus rapid transit (BRT) system this past Saturday, March 8, 2014, which ...
EMBARQ Mexico is helping city leaders understand the complexities of creating sustainable mass transport systems through a series of lectures, group exercises, and case studies. Photo by EMBARQ.
Call for applications: "Building Leaders in Urban Transport Planning" 2014
The World Bank and EMBARQ Mexico are holding the second edition of the “Building Leaders in Transport Planning” training course for Mexico (#LUTPMx14). The course provides tools for systematic planning of integrated mobility corridor management, alternative public transport planning, evaluating ...
Europe learned that speed, reliability, and comfort are essential for successful public transport systems, and Brazil is taking note. Photo by EMBARQ Brasil.
High quality mass transport to save our cities
For those who live in or visit Brazil’s cities, it is not hard to see the effects of increasing motorization and car usage on our urban centers. Too many cities have become crippled  by bottlenecks and stifling traffic congestion. Increased ...
Peru's PlanCC puts transport on the climate action agenda ahead of international climate talks. Photo by carlosfpardo/Flickr
Peru takes the lead in combating climate change through transport
The transport sector currently accounts for 22% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and emissions from energy consumption and is the fastest growing sector in terms of overall emissions. It is also responsible for 35% of per capita CO2 emissions in Latin America and is ...
Online platforms provide citizens with new ways to shape urban development in their own backyard. Photo by Claudio Olivares Medina/Flickr.
Friday Fun: Building the ideal city — citizen participation from the ground up
Many developing world cities are experiencing population explosions at the same time as they face funding gaps and citizen apathy towards government’s ability to make meaningful change. In light of these challenges, BD Promotores Colombia, Prodigy Network, PSFK Labs, world ...
Mexico City's Ecobici bike-share system is one of the best in the world due to its high usage and integration into the city's transport system. Photo by Eneas de Troya/Flickr.
Building towards better bike-sharing systems
Less than ten years ago Lyon, France launched the first successful, modern bike-share system. Less than seven years ago Paris, France put bike-sharing in the global spotlight. Bike-sharing is no longer a novel experiment but a proven mobility solution. From ...
Mexico City's Chapultepec Park attracts both residents and tourists to its pedestrian-friendly thoroughfares. Photo by Austin TX/Flickr.
Mexico City park partnerships’ role in urban revitalization
Vibrant parks and public spaces are invaluable in creating sustainable, people-oriented cities. Recently, 8-80 Cities and Fundacion+Espacios organized an opportunity for members of the City Parks Alliance Board of Directors – a group of city park practitioners and advocates – ...
Bogotá, Colombia's Transmilenio bus rapid transit (BRT) system has been successful in integrating social equity into transport planning and urban design. Photo by RonaldHV/Flickr.
A new approach: Social factors in urban development
When a new urban redevelopment scheme is proposed, developers and city officials typically take three primary concerns into account. One: how the development will be financed, and in turn, what economic benefits it can bring. Two: urban infrastructure’s environmental impact ...
Pedestrians walk along Rua XV in Curitaba, Brazil. Photo by Dylan Passmore/Flickr.
Vote for TheCityFix Brazil for the Top Blog award
The TheCityFix Brazil is in a race for the third consecutive Top Blog Award. In last year’s competition, TheCityFix Brazil won in the Sustainability category. This year, the blog is moving to the final stage of the competition, vying for the title of Best Sustainability Blog ...
A person bikes in Bogota, Columbia, during the city's car-free week. Photo by M.Erwert/Flickr.
Bogotá’s car-free week shows the viability of bicycle transport
Mayor Enrique Peñalosa organized the first car free day for Bogotá, Colombia in 2000 and proposed a ballot poll in which it was approved permanently. Mejor en Bici (Better on bike) was one of the many organizations upholding the mayor’s promise to annually ...
People walk around the Estacao Mercado, a central transport hub in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Photo by Eduardo Zarate/Flickr.
The Lotação lesson: Porto Alegre’s local transport solution
A sleek, air-conditioned vehicle picks you up at your front door. The seats recline for your comfort. You pull a shade across the window to block the sun’s glare while catching up on your favourite show, which you stream on ...
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