Posts tagged with 'jobs'
Post-Pandemic, Public Transport Needs to Get Back on Track to Meet Global Climate Goals
Post-Pandemic, Public Transport Needs to Get Back on Track to Meet Global Climate Goals
Public transport is one of the best, most cost-effective solutions available to address today’s climate and development challenges. Buses and trains can reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by up to two-thirds per passenger, per kilometer compared to private vehicles. The UN’s latest ...
Clearing the Air: Why Low-Carbon Transportation is Critical for Cities 
Clearing the Air: Why Low-Carbon Transportation is Critical for Cities 
You start the day frustrated, your alarm clock ringing 30 minutes earlier than usual to try to beat the thousands of other morning commuters out the door. Battling bottlenecks has become your daily drill, from the side road shortcuts to ...
How Africa’s First Chief Heat Officer is Helping to Create a More Resilient Freetown
How Africa’s First Chief Heat Officer is Helping to Create a More Resilient Freetown
“Climate change is affecting cities all around the world, and Freetown is no exception.” That’s what Eugenia Kargbo, Freetown’s Chief Heat Officer, told UrbanShift during the City Academy hosted in Kigali last year. Through her role—the first of its kind in ...
What to Watch at the First Africa Climate Summit
What to Watch at the First Africa Climate Summit
Climate change is already having a significant impact on Africa’s ecosystems, economy and society. This year alone, 1.8 million Africans were displaced during a prolonged drought, the Democratic Republic of Congo experienced catastrophic flooding, and Cyclone Freddy left a trail of destruction in Malawi and Mozambique. ...
25 Countries, Housing One-quarter of the Population, Face Extremely High Water Stress
25 Countries, Housing One-quarter of the Population, Face Extremely High Water Stress
New data from WRI’s Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas show that 25 countries — housing one-quarter of the global population — face extremely high water stress each year, regularly using up almost their entire available water supply. And at least 50% of the ...
A Decade of Connect Karo: Advancing Urban Development, Food Security, Climate Resilience and Electric Mobility
A Decade of Connect Karo: Advancing Urban Development, Food Security, Climate Resilience and Electric Mobility
Join us July 17-18 for Connect Karo 2023 at the India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. Register now and review the agenda. Since 2013, WRI India’s annual flagship event, Connect Karo, has served as a platform for facilitating dialogue between policymakers, experts ...
A New Approach to Modeling Commutes and Access in Our Cities
A New Approach to Modeling Commutes and Access in Our Cities
Getting around any megacity as dense and vast as Cairo, Egypt can be a challenge, even for the most able-bodied, well-traveled and well-informed commuter. The plethora of options for transport modes and routes has made it difficult to decode and ...
5 Ways India Can Use Innovation to Meet Its Urbanization Challenges
5 Ways India Can Use Innovation to Meet Its Urbanization Challenges
India is projected to overtake China as the most populous country in the world this year. The shifting demographics are bound to create heightened demand for education, health care, jobs and civic amenities, putting existing systems under stress. Current urban ...
Putting Women at the Center of Clean Air Action
Putting Women at the Center of Clean Air Action
A key objective of the Clean Air Catalyst is to exchange knowledge, build trust and foster opportunities to elevate the voices of those most impacted by air pollution, particularly women and low-income communities. Funded by the U.S. Agency for International ...
Nature-Based Solutions in Cities are the Future of the Fight Against Climate Change. Here's How to Fund Them.
Nature-Based Solutions in Cities are the Future of the Fight Against Climate Change. Here’s How to Fund Them.
Mayors from Latin America, Africa and Asia will be welcoming more than 90% of the new urban inhabitants in the next decade. Governing these ballooning cities is a continuing challenge, not just in terms of urban design and revitalization, but ...
Electric School Buses Can Fight – or Further — Inequity in the US
Electric School Buses Can Fight – or Further — Inequity in the US
More than 20 million students in the United States ride school buses every year. This equals approximately 7 billion trips per year, making school buses one of the most widely used forms of public transport in the United States.  But those trips aren’t always ...
4 Environment and Development Stories to Watch in 2023
4 Environment and Development Stories to Watch in 2023
What will 2023 hold for the environment and development? The end of 2022 certainly left us in an interesting — and concerning — place. The world’s three-year-old pandemic proved it was far from over, sickening millions and affecting economies. Global ...
An Innovative Jobs Program in Odisha, India Helped Informal Workers Through COVID-19 and Beyond
An Innovative Jobs Program in Odisha, India Helped Informal Workers Through COVID-19 and Beyond
When India’s federal government announced a public health lockdown on March 24, 2022 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, it generated desperate scenes. Economic activity ground to a halt. Millions of migrant workers traveled back to their home states. In ...
7 Ways US Cities Can Make Clean Energy Initiatives More Equitable
7 Ways US Cities Can Make Clean Energy Initiatives More Equitable
America’s clean energy appetite continues to grow, with more than 180 U.S. cities committed to 100% renewable electricity. While this is promising, more needs to be done to expand the full benefits of clean energy to everyone in these communities. Historically, whiter, ...
How India Can Grow Its Economy Through Stronger Climate Action
How India Can Grow Its Economy Through Stronger Climate Action
India is an emerging economy at the cusp of sizeable growth: over the next three decades, its gross domestic product (GDP) is expected to triple and the population is expected to increase by another 200 million people. As a result, the country is poised ...
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