Posts tagged with 'India'
Look Who's on the Road
Look Who's on the Road
India Pedestrians at busy intersection in Mumbai. Photo by saibotregeel. Engineering is often the only factor considered during design and implementation of junction improvements plans at key locations where flyovers are built. But the reality is that these locations are ...
From Busway to BRT
From Busway to BRT
A Delhi Busways station. Photo by Madhav Pai. By Dario Hidalgo and Madhav Pai. Originally published on Compared to other bus corridors world-wide, the Delhi effort is a very limited one. The current design is only a busway, and ...
Highway Accidents in India Reach Staggering Levels
Highway Accidents in India Reach Staggering Levels
The Pune Miror has an interesting article on a study conducted by the Maharashtra Police on highway accidents in India. Simply put, the results are startling.
Commuters Support BRT in Delhi
Commuters Support BRT in Delhi
An independent commuter survey conducted by Delhi-based Centre for Science and Environment found that commuters overwhelmingly support the new BRT system in Delhi. For some, the result may be surprising after the initial operational glitches and media blitz declaring the ...
Bangalore Is Waiting for the Butterfly Effect
Bangalore Is Waiting for the Butterfly Effect
The term “Butterfly effect” was coined by Edward Lorenz based on the theory that a single flap of a butterfly’s wings in one part of world could set off a tornado in another part of world. The concept – which ...
A Fresh Perspective on BRT in India
A Fresh Perspective on BRT in India
Tathagata Chatterji, an architect and urban planner from Delhi, had a few interesting things to say today about Bus Rapid Transit in India. A few exerts follow: The context: The experimental Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system in Delhi, which reserves ...
Cycling in Delhi
Cycling in Delhi
At least some people bike in Delhi. Photo by indoloony. “Once you see the dedicated cycling tracks coming up, you’ll see a very big crowd of people taking to their bikes.” That’s a quote from Nalin Sinha, a leading member ...
Media and Car Owners Take on BRT in Delhi
Media and Car Owners Take on BRT in Delhi
This last week Delhi began a trial run for its first bus rapid transit corridor, a 5.8 kilometer stretch in the southern part of the city. To put it mildly, the start has been anything but stellar: a Google News ...
In One Mumbai Suburb, Pedestrians Say Enough Is Enough - An Interview with Krishnaraj Rao (Part 2)
In One Mumbai Suburb, Pedestrians Say Enough Is Enough – An Interview with Krishnaraj Rao (Part 2)
The sun setting in Mumbai. Photo by d ha rm e sh. Earlier this week, TheCityFix ran the first part of an interview with Krishnaraj Rao, a citizen turned activist, who now spends a significant portion of his day advocating ...
In One Mumbai Suburb, Pedestrians Say Enough Is Enough - An Interview with Krishnaraj Rao (Part 1)
In One Mumbai Suburb, Pedestrians Say Enough Is Enough – An Interview with Krishnaraj Rao (Part 1)
Here Pedestrians hold back traffic after painting a sidewalk on the street. Photo from Friendlyghost. Krishnaraj Rao lives in Borivli, a suburb of Mumbai known for its famous Sanjay Gandhi National Park, and, more recently, its residents who have taken ...
Fighting Noise Pollution, Mumbai Celebrates No Honking Day
Fighting Noise Pollution, Mumbai Celebrates No Honking Day
Photo by James Cridland. In ancient Indian and Chinese texts, writers noted that the ultimate form of torture involved subjecting captives to loud and horrible noises. It’s an interesting paradox that we now live in the modern world as free ...
Death Toll Reaches 20,000 in Five Years on Mumbai's Trains
Death Toll Reaches 20,000 in Five Years on Mumbai's Trains
Photo by MumbaiDailySnapshot. From the Boston Globe, this just in: “More than 20,000 people have been killed on Mumbai’s notoriously overcrowded train system over the past five years — many of them crushed, run over or electrocuted — according to ...
Car-Centric Transport Policy Hurts India's Informal Sector
60 Kilos from CHINTAN on Vimeo. In a recent post here on, Sudhir Gota documented the plight of ‘Transport Challenged People’ in Bangalore, India. In his piece, Sudhir explains how Indian transportation policy’s often myopic focus on car infrastructure ...
A Congestion Charge for Mumbai?
A Congestion Charge for Mumbai?
The government of Maharashtra, India is planning to introduce a congestion charge in Mumbai, India’s largest city, to relieve the traffic problems that plague the streets. If the plan goes through, Mumbai will follow in the footsteps of cities like ...
Al Gore Says India Can Lead the Way on Climate Change
Al Gore Says India Can Lead the Way on Climate Change
Al Gore giving keynote speech at World Resources Institute’s 25th Anniversary Dinner. Photo by World Resources Institute on flickr. This month Al Gore addressed the gala dinner at the India Today Conclave, a three day conference on “Leadership for the ...
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