Posts tagged with 'India'
Access for All: Transport for the Disabled Poor
Access for All: Transport for the Disabled Poor
This is part of TheCityFix’s series, “Access for All,” about how we can use sustainable transportation development to ensure increased accessibility for poor city dwellers, particularly in developing countries. Ten to 12 percent of the world’s population lives with a ...
GHG Emissions, Rising Sea Levels, and More Menacing Monsoons
GHG Emissions, Rising Sea Levels, and More Menacing Monsoons
This season, we’ve been following Mumbai through the monsoon, looking at how monsoon season can ravage transportation systems and batter infrastructure, putting people’s lives and livelihoods in jeopardy. Now, a new study in Nature Geoscience describes how climate change from ...
Car Ownership or Ease of Driving: Which is the Real Challenge?
Car Ownership or Ease of Driving: Which is the Real Challenge?
The rapid motorization of countries like China and India is a scary prospect. China and India alone acheiving the same levels of vehicle miles traveled (VMT) per capita as the United States would probably push us past irrevocable climactic tipping ...
$430 Million for Mumbai Rail System
$430 Million for Mumbai Rail System
India’s Hindustan Times reported today that the World Bank has approved a $430 million project to help finance improvements in Mumbai’s suburban rail system, which carries nearly 7 million commuters daily. The Mumbai Urban Transport Project-2A (MUTP-II), approved yesterday, aims ...
Mumbai through the Monsoon: As City Agencies Bicker, Residents Lose
Mumbai through the Monsoon: As City Agencies Bicker, Residents Lose
This is part of our series following Mumbai through monsoon season.  You can find the first post here, and the second here. Inter-agency conflict continues to make life more difficult for Mumbaikers on the move during the monsoon. At the Vidyavihar ...
Mumbai through the Monsoon: Roads Flooded, Trains Stalled, Ten Dead
Mumbai through the Monsoon: Roads Flooded, Trains Stalled, Ten Dead
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote the first post for a series following Mumbai through the monsoon. On June 11, the monsoon officially arrived in Mumbai, signaling the start of an annual test of the city’s transportation infrastructure. After ...
India: Road Death Capital of the World
India: Road Death Capital of the World
Every year, more people die from road traffic injuries in India than anywhere else in the world, and the toll shows no signs of abating, according to a recent New York Times article. In 2008, more than 118,000 people were ...
Manifesto for Urban Accessibility in India
Manifesto for Urban Accessibility in India
In my introductory post, I mentioned my interest in writing about how we can use sustainable transportation development to ensure increased accessibility for poor city dwellers, particularly in developing countries. Sudhir Chella Rajan, a professor of Humanities and Social Sciences ...
McKinsey: India's "Urban Awakening" Depends on Sustainable Transport and Land Use
McKinsey: India's "Urban Awakening" Depends on Sustainable Transport and Land Use
“If India continues with its current unplanned urbanization path, it will result in a sharp deterioration in the quality of life in its cities, putting even today’s rates of economic growth at risk,” says an April 2010 report published by ...
Mumbai through the Monsoon: Before the Rains Begin
Mumbai through the Monsoon: Before the Rains Begin
Over the next few months we are going to follow how Mumbai’s transportation infrastructure weathers monsoon season. While the monsoon rains are crucial for largely agricultural India, they are a blight on India’s urban transportation infrastructure. Highways disappear under flood ...
Cartoons Break Language Barriers to Support Sustainable Transport in India
Cartoons Break Language Barriers to Support Sustainable Transport in India
India’s booming population and rapidly urbanizing, motorizing society urgently demands better and affordable sustainable transportation, including bus rapid transit (BRT), sidewalks and cycling lanes. More and more, Indian civil society is mobilizing mass communications campaigns, especially through the Internet, to ...
Socially Responsible Business for India's Auto Rickshaws
Socially Responsible Business for India's Auto Rickshaws
In March 2010, my team of five U.S. MBA students had the opportunity to connect with a sector of society that was previously unknown to us – the auto rickshaw drivers of India. As part of our Global Connections course ...
NyayaBhoomi: Champion for Delhi's Auto Rickshaws
NyayaBhoomi: Champion for Delhi's Auto Rickshaws
NyayaBhoomi, a Delhi-based non-governmental organization, has been playing an instrumental role in promoting auto-rickshaws and improving their services in Delhi since it was founded in 2002, under the leadership of Secretary Rakesh Agarwal. With more than 10,000 auto-rickshaw drivers registered ...
Why Auto-Rickshaws Matter for India
Why Auto-Rickshaws Matter for India
With rapid population growth in Indian cities and a rise in private car ownership, it is critical to reassess the role of auto-rickshaws in the urban transportation landscape, not only from the perspective of providing an integrated and affordable public ...
A Day Without Auto Rickshaws: Inconvenience, Intimidation and Corruption
A Day Without Auto Rickshaws: Inconvenience, Intimidation and Corruption
An estimated 55,000 auto rickshaw drivers went on strike in Delhi last week, complicating commutes by putting extra pressure on other modes of public transit. The strike was led by auto rickshaw drivers’ unions, which demanded a fare increase and ...
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