Posts tagged with 'housing construction'
Advancing Just Transitions in the Built Environment
Advancing Just Transitions in the Built Environment
Climate change and social inequality are two of the most pressing challenges of our time. But, in the race to net zero, a narrow focus on decarbonization risks exacerbating inequality and results in a rising tide of “greenlash” (backlash against ...
India’s Shift to Low-Carbon Construction Must Not Leave Workers Behind
India’s Shift to Low-Carbon Construction Must Not Leave Workers Behind
India aims to reduce the emissions intensity of its economy by 45% by 2030, compared to 2005 levels, and to achieve net-zero emissions by 2070. The country can’t achieve either goal without a radical transformation in its buildings and construction sector, which was responsible for around 17% of the nation’s ...
Will the Fight Against Climate Change SURGe in 2023?
Will the Fight Against Climate Change SURGe in 2023?
Since COP27 wound down late last year (November 6-18), much of the post event commentary has centered on the fact that as observed by The Conversation, the gathering “failed to go beyond the 2021 Glasgow climate pact’s promise to phase down ...
Lax Regulation Doesn’t Fully Explain Unsafe Buildings in African Cities: A View from Ghana
Lax Regulation Doesn’t Fully Explain Unsafe Buildings in African Cities: A View from Ghana
Incidents of building collapse are worryingly common in large African cities. One study counted 54 building collapse deaths and 122 injuries in Kampala, Uganda, between 2004 and 2008. Another identified 112 cases in Lagos, Nigeria, from 1978 to 2008. Cities in Ghana and Kenya, ...
To Fix City Slums, Don’t Just Knock Them Down: Involve Residents in Upgrading Efforts
To Fix City Slums, Don’t Just Knock Them Down: Involve Residents in Upgrading Efforts
Many cities, particularly in the global South, have large areas of informal settlements ‒ poor neighborhoods that grew organically, but which often lack structurally sound buildings and services like running water, sanitation and waste management. The traditional approach to upgrading ...
Hamburg, Germany to Cover Expanded Highway with Public Park
Hamburg, Germany to Cover Expanded Highway with Public Park
The City of Hamburg, Germany is planning on building elevated public parks on sections of the to-be-expanded  A7 (Highway 7), which is considered one of the most important north-south connectors in Germany. According to officials, parts of A7 are 26 ...
Kickstarter Gives a Boost to Sustainable Urban Development
Kickstarter Gives a Boost to Sustainable Urban Development
A new project listed on Kickstarter, a crowdsourced fundraising platform, is asking for support to create a documentary on gentrification in Brooklyn, New York. The documentary, “My Brooklyn,”  will explore the public policies of the past 10 years that have led to gentrification. ...
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