Posts tagged with 'electrification'
As Mobility Undergoes a Revolution, 'There Is No Turning Back': Transforming Transportation 2022
As Mobility Undergoes a Revolution, ‘There Is No Turning Back’: Transforming Transportation 2022
Visit to watch full sessions from the conference. And join the conversation on Twitter with #TTDC22.  After COP26, transport has reached an important milestone in the global climate conversation. The electric revolution is underway and it’s now a centerpiece ...
3 Design Considerations for Electric School Bus Vehicle-to-Grid Programs
3 Design Considerations for Electric School Bus Vehicle-to-Grid Programs
U.S. electric utilities are poised to be a key part of the momentum to shift American school buses from diesel fuel to electricity. Federal and state-level investments, along with other funding and financing opportunities, promise to accelerate the transition, bringing health, climate and ...
5 Ways US States Can Get More Electric School Buses on the Road
5 Ways US States Can Get More Electric School Buses on the Road
The recent enactment of the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act in the United States is an important step on the path to cleaner school bus rides for the more than 20 million children who rely on an iconic yellow bus ...
To Combat Climate Change, Electrification Needs Compact Cities for Full Impact
To Combat Climate Change, Electrification Needs Compact Cities for Full Impact
This year, reports have indicated that to keep temperatures from rising more than 1.5°C, there must be a major drop in greenhouse gas emissions. The transportation sector is the fastest growing contributor of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and must be drastically transformed ...
How Utility Poles and Streetlights Can Improve Equitable Access to EV Charging in US Cities
How Utility Poles and Streetlights Can Improve Equitable Access to EV Charging in US Cities
In August 2021, the Biden Administration and American automakers set a goal for electric vehicles (EVs) to make up 50% of new vehicle sales by 2030. In support of this goal, the recently enacted federal Infrastructure Investment Act allocates $7.5 ...
Feebates: Looking Beyond Subsidies to Incentivize Electric Vehicle Adoption
Feebates: Looking Beyond Subsidies to Incentivize Electric Vehicle Adoption
A central piece of the conversation about how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transport sector has been around the need to electrify vehicles. This sentiment has been fueled by manufacturers and governments pledging to stop selling fossil-fueled powered ...
Going Electric: How Ride-hailing Drivers Can Help Cities Speed Up EV Use
Going Electric: How Ride-hailing Drivers Can Help Cities Speed Up EV Use
Several countries made climate commitments at COP26 with the goal of achieving net-zero emissions and reducing climate impacts. These goals will be impossible to achieve without making transportation sustainable, as the sector creates almost a quarter of global greenhouse gas ...
5 Ways to Shape a Greener, More Equitable Recovery Through Transport
5 Ways to Shape a Greener, More Equitable Recovery Through Transport
The global coronavirus pandemic brought a wave of public and private initiatives to help societies adapt and recover, from economic stabilization and safety measures to new business models and shifts in consumption. Many of these initiatives are not green, despite ...
How London Uses Road Fees to Tackle Air Pollution and Inequality
How London Uses Road Fees to Tackle Air Pollution and Inequality
Half a century ago, a lethal haze of smoke and fog, otherwise known as the Great Smog of 1952, covered London and killed as many as 12,000 people. More recently, in 2013, Ella Adoo-Kissi-Debrah died at the hands of air pollution. ...
3 Reasons Why Smart Charging is Key for Electric Vehicle Fleets
3 Reasons Why Smart Charging is Key for Electric Vehicle Fleets
The allure of electric vehicles (EVs) has never been stronger. EVs have zero tailpipe emissions, offer lower operating costs than conventional gasoline-powered vehicles and now come in a range of sleek models. With the tailwind of private sector initiatives such ...
3 Lessons from Hong Kong’s Fossil Fuel Vehicle Ban
3 Lessons from Hong Kong’s Fossil Fuel Vehicle Ban
In densely urbanized Hong Kong, transport is the second largest source of greenhouse gas emissions, at 18%. Vehicle traffic is also a major source of toxic air pollutants like NOx, volatile organic compounds and carbon monoxide, accounting for 18%, 21% ...
Electrifying the School Bus Fleet: How to Put Children First in the Zero-emission Transition
Electrifying the School Bus Fleet: How to Put Children First in the Zero-emission Transition
The past year has been all about protecting ourselves and our children from a serious respiratory illness: COVID-19. But as schools reopen and children return to in-person classrooms, many kids will spend part of every day in a toxic environment that causes harm to ...
Lessons from Shenzhen’s Green Logistic Zones: Fast-Tracking Zero-Emissions Freight
Lessons from Shenzhen’s Green Logistic Zones: Fast-Tracking Zero-Emissions Freight
Urban freight vehicles constitute less than 10% of vehicles on the road in most cities, but they account for a disproportionate amount of transport-related CO2 emissions and pollutants. According to the Beijing Transport Institute, freight in Beijing accounts for around ...
4 Recommendations to Electrify the Federal Fleet
4 Recommendations to Electrify the Federal Fleet
In his first week in office, President Biden signed an executive order that gives federal agencies 90 days to devise a plan that fully transitions the federal fleet’s roughly 650,000 vehicles — including about 225,000 postal vehicles, 173,000 military vehicles ...
Rethinking Urban Freight Transport in Mumbai: A Paradigm Shift from Road to Rail
Rethinking Urban Freight Transport in Mumbai: A Paradigm Shift from Road to Rail
As sales move increasingly online, e-commerce has boomed globally. Shipping goods has become more complex, as more items must be individually delivered to consumers’ homes, compared with bulk delivery to a store. In New York City, for example, the average ...
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