Posts tagged with 'climate change'
C40 Shows How Cities Can Lead on Climate Change Solutions
C40 Shows How Cities Can Lead on Climate Change Solutions
A message from Manish Bapna of the World Resources Institute. Originally posted on When it comes to changing the way we use energy, cities are at the center of the action. On June 2nd, I had the pleasure of ...
TheCityFix Picks, June 10: Chicago's BRT, Solar-Powered Trains, Vision Zero
TheCityFix Picks, June 10: Chicago's BRT, Solar-Powered Trains, Vision Zero
Welcome back to TheCityFix Picks, our series highlighting the newsy and noteworthy of the past week. Each Friday, we’ll run down the headlines falling under TheCityFix’s five themes: mobility, quality of life, environment, public space, and technology and innovation. Mobility ...
Research Recap, June 6: Green Roof Benefits, New Biofuel Source, Climate Change Adaptation
Research Recap, June 6: Green Roof Benefits, New Biofuel Source, Climate Change Adaptation
Welcome to “Research Recap,” our series highlighting recent reports, studies and other findings in sustainable transportation policy and practice, in case you missed it. Green Roof Benefits Green roofs are a cost-effective way to reduce storm water runoff, cool the ...
New Study: Urban Poor at Great Risk of Climate Change
New Study: Urban Poor at Great Risk of Climate Change
World Bank released a new study reaffirming the challenges climate change and natural hazards pose to the urban poor. Titled “Climate Change, Disaster Risk, and the Urban Poor,” the report was prepared in time to be presented at the C40 ...
C40 Sao Paulo Summit: A Global Partnership to Restore Healthy Cities
C40 Sao Paulo Summit: A Global Partnership to Restore Healthy Cities
Today marks the first day of the C40 Sao Paulo Summit, an event that brings together Mayors from leading cities around the world in a partnership to reduce carbon emissions and increase energy efficiency. Organized by C40 (Climate Leadership Group), ...
What's Schipper Saying? Government Emissions Data Are "Foggy"
What's Schipper Saying? Government Emissions Data Are "Foggy"
Welcome to another installment of “What’s Schipper Saying?”, a collection of comments about sustainable transport, cities and fuel efficiency made by Lee Schipper, a senior research engineer at the Precourt Energy Efficiency Center of Stanford University and the founder of ...
"Historic" International Day of Climate Action
"Historic" International Day of Climate Action
Apparently’s October 24th International Day of Climate Action was a huge success and a historic day for climate activism across the globe. According to organizers, there were  5,200 events in 181 countries. CNN called it “The most widespread day ...
"Low Carbon, Competitive Cities" at the 5th International Conference on Sustainable Transport
"Low Carbon, Competitive Cities" at the 5th International Conference on Sustainable Transport
The Center for Sustainable Transport in Mexico (CTS-México) is hosting the Fifth International Conference on Sustainable Transport this week, presenting lectures and discussions around the theme of “Low Carbon, Competitive Cities. The annual conference, held this week from October 12 ...
D.C.'s "State of the Air": F
D.C.'s "State of the Air": F
Next American City has started a series of stories on local air quality, which is an incredibly important issue. This first post analyzes this years “State of the Air” report, put out by the American Lung Association and points out ...
BRT vs. Light Rail for the Purple Line
BRT vs. Light Rail for the Purple Line
UPDATE: BeyondDC informs me by e-mail that, although you wouldn’t know it, this vote implies at the very least that Maryland has a strong preference for light rail, as that’s what the state asked the TPB to model the pollution ...
Game-Changers? "Complete Streets" and Fuel Efficiency Standards
Game-Changers? "Complete Streets" and Fuel Efficiency Standards
A pedestrian waits at 14th and U St. NW, Washington, D.C. Photo by M.V. Jantzen. Two stories you need to know about sustainable transportation in the United States this week: Vehicle Emission Rules to Tighten Washington Post May 19, 2009 ...
World's First "Urban EcoMap" Shows Urban Dwellers How to Live Sustainably
World's First "Urban EcoMap" Shows Urban Dwellers How to Live Sustainably
Just in time for Earth Day last week, Cisco IBSG and San Francisco’s Department of the Environment unveiled Urban EcoMap, a Web-based tool that “provides urban communities with relevant data regarding the primary [greenhouse gas] contributors—transportation, waste, and energy.” Working ...
Moving Forward on Climate Change
Moving Forward on Climate Change
In all likelihood corn from fields like this one in Iowa will be used to fuel American cars. Photo by Homemade. In the last few months, high-profile senators like Obama, Clinton, Kerry, McCain, and Lieberman have all introduced important climate ...
The Hidden Costs of Personal Mobility
The Hidden Costs of Personal Mobility
A biker struck by a car in Beijing. Courtesy of pmorgan of Flickr. It’s helpful to think about traffic safety with the following thought experiment: What would happen in a democratic forum, if the world’s population, represented by elected officials, ...
What's Worse: Production or Use?
What's Worse: Production or Use?
Photo by Stephane Foulon. From Road and Track. This week’s addition of BusinessWeek includes an article about Gordon Murray, a celebrated race car designer, who is switching gear and working to create “a compact, fuel-efficient urban vehicle for the masses,” ...
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