Posts tagged with 'China'
New Beijing Traffic Restrictions Surprisingly Popular
New Beijing Traffic Restrictions Surprisingly Popular
Beijing Traffic. Photo by Proggie Listening to NPR last night, I was caught by surprise by a story describing the unexpected popularity of the temporary traffic restrictions Beijing implemented during the Olympics. Conventional wisdom holds that citizens usually view such ...
Shanghai Cycles
Shanghai Cycles
Shanghai – Cycles from Lrock on Vimeo.
Cycling in Beijing
Cycling in Beijing
Photo by Alexandra Moss. Once known as the world’s ‘bicycle kingdom,’ China has experienced rapid urbanization leading some to declare the beginning of the end for China’s bikes. While it’s true that from 1995 to 2005, China’s bike fleet declined ...
Beijing Bicycle
I haven’t had a chance to see this elegantly shot film, but I still thought it would be appropriate for me to share it with you. Click here to view the film makers site. And click here for AO Scott’s ...
Transport In The News
Transport In The News
Photo by padawan. Dubai: Air quality declines as number of cars rises [Business 24-7] China: Car owners to be compensated for driving ban during Olympics [Gaurdian] China: Marathon record holder wont run in China because of pollution [Daily Mail] United ...
Beijing's Transport Adventures
China’s Green Beat, is a neat bilingual blog I stumbled upon the other day, written by John Romankiewicz, an American Fulbright scholar currently living in Beijing, and Zhao Xiangyu, a Chinese citizen from Heilongjiang, a province in the northern part ...
Will Smog Darken China's Debutante Ball?
Will Smog Darken China's Debutante Ball?
A miasma of soot and smog sits over Beijing. Photo by +212. “Should I run behind a bus and breathe in the exhaust? Should I train on the highway during rush hour? Is there any way to acclimate myself to ...
Beijing Is Smoking!
Beijing Is Smoking!
Smokey skies. Photo by jaaron Angel Hsu, a colleague of mine who travels quite a bit to China to promote the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, an accounting tool used for measuring greenhouse gases, sent me an email today after checking the ...
More on Beijing's Metro
More on Beijing's Metro
Photo by keso of Flickr. I was on the Wired Blog today and came across an article about Beijing’s ambitious plan to create one of the world’s largest metros, nearly twice as big as the one in Moscow and just ...
China's Moving Masses
China's Moving Masses
Traffic in Beijing on a normal day. Photo by 2 dogs from Flickr. During their annual holiday, Chinese workers participate in one of the largest human migrations in history, with hundreds of millions of city-dwellers returning to rural areas to ...
Bus Rapid Transit, Beijing Style
Bus Rapid Transit, Beijing Style
Via Smart Growth Around America, this video of a hard-hitting, hardhat-wearing journalist who goes underground to explore Beijing’s new subway line and later comes out again to examine the city’s new bus rapid transit line, provides a good sense of ...
Tibet's First Underground Parking Lot
Tibet's First Underground Parking Lot
The road to Lhasa. Photo by y It’s Tony from Flickr. Chinese state media recently reported that Lhasa, the once quaint capital of Tibet, nestled in the in a valley high in the Himalayan mountains, has opened its first underground ...
Satellites for Sustainability
Satellites for Sustainability
Using satellites to map pollution. Photo by kennethg from Flickr. With the help of satellites, scientists are now measuring and mapping concentrations and global movements of air-pollution and, through a cool new project known as TEMIS, have made near-real time ...
Choking on Smog
Choking on Smog
Photo from BusinessWeek. In a Pulitzer grab, The New York Times is now running a series of two-page spreads called Choking on Growth about the dark under side – namely environmental contamination – of China’s economic development. Below are several ...
Air Pollution in China and India
Air Pollution in China and India
In an article published in The Guardian, Jonathan Watts and Randeep Ramesh describe the clouds of noxious fumes swirling around India and China’s industrializing cities. While much of the pollution can be attributed to inefficient coal burning power plants, the ...
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