Posts tagged with 'C40'
Financing the Transition to Sustainable Cities: Introducing TheCityFix Labs India
Financing the Transition to Sustainable Cities: Introducing TheCityFix Labs India
Cities are changing at an unprecedented rate: 75 percent of the infrastructure expected to be in place by 2050 has yet to be built. Meanwhile, major adjustments are needed to reach global climate and development goals. Now is the chance ...
4 Lessons from Bhopal and Bogotá on Launching Citywide Bike Sharing
4 Lessons from Bhopal and Bogotá on Launching Citywide Bike Sharing
Bike sharing has experienced astonishing growth since its first major breakthrough 20 years ago. Following the rise of dockless bike sharing, more than 1,000 cities worldwide now offer bike-sharing services. Around 300 cities implemented new systems in 2017 alone. Bike ...
Big Picture, Small Cities: Why Urban Development Needs National Governments
Big Picture, Small Cities: Why Urban Development Needs National Governments
More and more, cities are acting independently of – or even in direct opposition to – their national governments. This trend is seen, for example, in the group of American “Climate Mayors” that remain committed to the Paris Agreement even ...
Better Coordination, Engagement Needed to “Bend the Curve” for Cities, Say Experts at World Urban Forum
Better Coordination, Engagement Needed to “Bend the Curve” for Cities, Say Experts at World Urban Forum
Cities are essential to achieve not only the New Urban Agenda, an unprecedented statement of intent by 167 countries more than a year ago in Quito, but the Sustainable Development Goals and Paris Agreement, said a series of urban policymakers, ...
How the FSCI Is Improving Urban Energy Efficiency by Encouraging Building Retrofits, Providing Alternative Business Models
How the FSCI Is Improving Urban Energy Efficiency by Encouraging Building Retrofits, Providing Alternative Business Models
The majority of the energy used by buildings is wasted, resulting in increased energy costs and air pollution. Among C40 cities, this translates to between 50 percent and 75 percent of citywide carbon emissions. Therefore, due to the sheer amount of energy consumed by buildings, ...
Mayors: Don’t Let Food Waste Be a Wasted Opportunity
Mayors: Don’t Let Food Waste Be a Wasted Opportunity
An Open Letter to the World’s Mayors: Welcome to Chicago! As you gather this week at a major climate summit, I hope you will make the most of your time in one of the world’s best food cities. Try the ...
Finding Your Place in the Global Urban Movement to Fight Climate Change
Finding Your Place in the Global Urban Movement to Fight Climate Change
For Pittsburgh, it’s a focus on improving air quality and creating renewable energy jobs. For Paris, it’s encouraging social mobility and reclaiming pedestrian areas. The common thread in these cities’ climate action plans is a commitment to pledges made by ...
Why Sustainable Urban Development Needs Better Finance
Why Sustainable Urban Development Needs Better Finance
This week in Quito, Ecuador, international leaders have gathered in support of the New Urban Agenda, which lays the groundwork for improving the lives of more than half of the world’s population. Habitat III follows the historic adoption of the Sustainable Development ...
Creating a Common Narrative for Financing a Sustainable Urban Future
Creating a Common Narrative for Financing a Sustainable Urban Future
Good ideas that get cities results are worth replicating. Sounds simple enough. But when it comes to scaling up and investing in sustainable urban solutions, it’s complicated. With more than 400 cities making commitments to climate action through the Compact ...
4 Priorities for a Conversation around Habitat III
4 Priorities for a Conversation around Habitat III
Habitat III in Quito Ecuador this October will be an opportunity to galvanize local leaders to forge strategies for sustainable, equitable and resilient urban growth. But the stakes are high, and the conversation among policymakers and local leaders is still ...
4 Keys to Unlock Innovative Urban Services for All
4 Keys to Unlock Innovative Urban Services for All
With rising air pollution to costly traffic congestion and increasingly burdened public finances, cities need to transition onto a sustainable path towards healthy, productive and equitable urban communities. To thrive in the coming urban century, cities will need to innovate ...
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