Posts tagged with 'bus rapid transit (BRT)'
India’s Boom Pushed Cities to Their Limits. Here’s How Pune Coped.
India’s Boom Pushed Cities to Their Limits. Here’s How Pune Coped.
Like many Indian cities, Pune’s population exploded over the last three decades. Between 1981 and 2011 it more than doubled as thousands came to work in manufacturing and IT. And like other cities, Pune expanded, eventually engulfing 23 previously separate ...
The People of Bogotá Want Cleaner Air. Will the City Listen?
The People of Bogotá Want Cleaner Air. Will the City Listen?
Bogotá is one of Latin America’s most polluted cities—but thanks to its citizens, its air may be getting cleaner. A decision from the mayor’s office to keep using diesel fuels in the next generation of buses in the city’s bus ...
As China’s Urban Rail Transit Systems Boom, Public-Private Partnerships Face a Reckoning
As China’s Urban Rail Transit Systems Boom, Public-Private Partnerships Face a Reckoning
To curb car congestion and boost the economy, China is embracing trains at an unprecedented rate. In June 2017, the government approved 5,770 kilometers of new urban rail systems, almost 17 times the total amount of track in all of ...
The View from the Bus: Better Transportation Means Better Lives
The View from the Bus: Better Transportation Means Better Lives
It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the big picture when it comes to cities. They’re home to more than half the global population, produce three quarters of GDP and greenhouse gas emissions, and are still growing in nearly every respect. ...
WUF9 Beyond the Convention Center: A (Very) Brief Tour of Kuala Lumpur
WUF9 Beyond the Convention Center: A (Very) Brief Tour of Kuala Lumpur
What happens when 22,000 urbanists descend on your city for the biannual World Urban Forum? We present, we dialogue, we attend high-level sessions, side events, training events, and networking events. Maybe most importantly, we benefit from the open exchange of ...
Live From Transforming Transportation 2018: Confronting Gender Issues, 'Leapfrogging' in Africa
Live From Transforming Transportation 2018: Confronting Gender Issues, ‘Leapfrogging’ in Africa
Beyond the technological revolution underway in transport today, gender was an underlying theme of Transforming Transportation this year. Transport is not gender neutral, not matter where you are, said a chorus of experts during the opening panel on day two. “Gender is often a more robust determinant of modal choice than ...
BRTData Adopts New Standards to Classify Bus Corridors Worldwide
BRTData Adopts New Standards to Classify Bus Corridors Worldwide
Global BRT Data, an international platform managed and updated by WRI Brazil Sustainable Cities, began a new partnership last week with the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) and its tool, BRT Standard, which defines criteria for a true ...
Jon Kher Kaw on Transformative Solutions for South Asia’s Growing Cities
Jon Kher Kaw, a senior urban development specialist at the World Bank, believes the most pressing challenge for urbanization in South Asian cities is accommodating the overwhelming number of new residents. Reflecting on his wealth of experience working with cities ...
Are Trains Better Than Bus Rapid Transit Systems? A Look at the Evidence
The world’s great public transit systems: Tokyo’s Metro, London’s Tube, Hong Kong’s MTR…and Mexico City’s bus rapid transit corridors? Trains are often seen as the pinnacle of modern urban transport infrastructure. They’re green and efficient, supported by permanent, complex track ...
Amazon’s Challenge Shows Importance of Good Transit for Cities
Amazon’s recent announcement that it is seeking to build a second headquarters in a major North American city has sent cities from Los Angeles, to Chicago, to Toronto scrambling to outbid each other in an attempt to woo the corporate ...
Video: Edgar Pieterse on Housing and the Democracy Deficit in African Cities
Video: Edgar Pieterse on Housing and the Democracy Deficit in African Cities
Edgar Pieterse, an urban scholar and founding director of the African Centre for Cities at the University of Cape Town, says there are two major challenges facing African cities today. First, the majority of urban residents don’t have access to ...
BRTData Enhances Indicators to Improve Accuracy and Comparisons
Since 2012, has provided up-to-date information on bus rapid transit systems (BRTs) in more than 200 cities, from passenger data to coverage and costs. Developed in partnership with the Centre of Excellence for Bus Rapid Transit, International Energy Agency ...
Do Bus Rapid Transit Systems Improve Equity? A Look at the Evidence
Do Bus Rapid Transit Systems Improve Equity? A Look at the Evidence
Some time ago, professor Christo Venter of the University of Pretoria sent me an intriguing message: Did I have data on how bus rapid transit systems, or BRTs, affect equity in cities? Impact evaluations for changes in travel time, cost, ...
Shivraj Singh Chouhan
3 Ways Bhopal’s Bike Sharing System Breaks New Ground for India
On Sunday, June 25th, Bhopal, the capital of Madhya Pradesh, launched India’s first fully automated bicycle sharing system as part of the second anniversary of its much-talked-about smart cities program. This development comes just three weeks after Mysore launched the ...
Finding Your Place in the Global Urban Movement to Fight Climate Change
Finding Your Place in the Global Urban Movement to Fight Climate Change
For Pittsburgh, it’s a focus on improving air quality and creating renewable energy jobs. For Paris, it’s encouraging social mobility and reclaiming pedestrian areas. The common thread in these cities’ climate action plans is a commitment to pledges made by ...
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